Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14

Sunday night again, and back at work. Eh. At least everything is back to normal. I've discovered that I don't do well with change, lol. Man, and I have got cramps like you would not freaking believe. I really hate being a girl sometimes. Sigh. They've been talking about rain all day but it never has done more than sprinkle a time or two so far. I think it's supposed to really get started later tonight and pretty much rain all day tomorrow. We definitely need it! There's a chance all week and the high temps are only going to be in the mid 90's or so. Yay!

So I went home Friday and hung out with TH for a while, then took a nap. Got up and played a few games of zombies with TK then we went swimming! His buddy was grounded so they couldn't go but we met the neighbor and her grandkids over there and swam with them for a while. The little kids are kinda annoying, but I can deal with it in small doses. So it wasn't too bad. We left the pool and went by Target to pick up a few things then when we got home the neighbor came over and hung out for a while. I did make some hummus, and we still had a little bit of salsa. She brought some pita chips. And of course, we had the gummy bears. Nom nom nom. She didn't get to stay very late because she had to go pick up her teenager when his car wouldn't start, but it was still fun! TH got home and we hung out with him til he went to bed, then TK and I stayed up for a while playing some more zombies.

Saturday we slept kinda late then got up and went swimming again for a while. I had a package of chicken thigh fajitas so I put that in the crockpot early and let it cook all day. We got home and played a little Minecraft. We've decided to build a city. So far we have a fast food restaurant, a park, a playground, and a duck pond with a hiking trail like the one we go to. I think TK has started on a library, too. It should be interesting! TH got home and we made nachos (with the shredded chicken on them) and watched Side Effects. It was pretty good. While we were watching the movie Hiccup brought a lizard in the house so I took it away from him and turned it loose outside. So now he's mad at me, lol. Finished the movie and hung out with TH til he went to bed then TK and I played a little more Minecraft.

Sunday I slept pretty late because for some reason I didn't sleep very well. Dunno why. When I got up I headed to the kitchen to get a drink and there were feathers all over the floor in the living room. We got to looking around for the bird (or pieces of bird - ew) and TK found him hiding behind one of the boxes in the dining room. We got our hands on him and tried to turn him loose outside but he doesn't seem to be able to fly. I guess maybe he has a broken wing? He doesn't appear to have any external injuries. So we looked online and there's a wildlife rehab place that takes birds and all kinds of stuff but they were already closed for the day. They open again tomorrow at 9 am so we're going to take him over there in the morning. Right now he's just chilling out in a box in TK's room. No cats allowed, of course! And now they're all mad at us because we took their bird away. Buttheads.

Dunno what else. How about a picture of the bird, though?

We're pretty sure he's a white-winged dove. Cute little guy :-)

Song: Boscoe Delray - Authority Song. Another one from the new music show on the radio.

Best thing: Saved a bird!

Worst thing: Cramps :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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