Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28

Sunday night again. Sigh. I got here tonight and the automatic gate that the residents are supposed to use is all fucked up and isn't recognizing the remote openers. We can still open it with the switch that we have on the podium outside but they can't open it by themselves. So there are cones and shit set up to try to make people slow down enough for us to open it instead of them just flying through here like they usually do. Kind of a pain in the ass :-/

So Friday I stopped at Randall's on the way home and got most of what we needed. Stayed up and played with TK, then hung out with TH until almost time for him to go to work. We decided to try going swimming early instead of waiting until 4:00 or 5:00 like we usually do. Man, was that a mistake! We got there a little before 1:00 and apparently that is when all of the little rec center summer camp kids go swimming. There were minimally supervised snot nosed little shits everywhere :-/ We didn't stay very long. We left there and went over to this big empty parking lot where the high school football stadium is and I let TK practice driving a little bit. It was cool :-) Stopped by HEB and picked up a few things, then went home and played a couple of games of zombies. We took a nap and TH woke us up when he got home. Shortly after he got home we had a hell of a thunderstorm, with lots of lightning. Kinda freaky. Hung out with him then stayed up for a while playing Minecraft and stuff with TK. We started on a hospital in our little city!

Saturday we slept kinda late and I cleaned some and did laundry. We couldn't get connected to the internet so I spent a while fucking around with the modem and finally called Time Warner. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the modem, and the router is still showing our little wireless network, but it just doesn't have an internet connection. They're supposed to send somebody out Wednesday to take a look at everything. So no real internet, only through our phones, and no X-Box Live until then. Sigh. Played some zombies and hung out until TH got home. I cooked a lasagna that I had put together Friday so we could have it for dinner Sunday. We made frozen pizza and wings for movie night. Nothing at Redbox looked good so we rewatched one of the X-Men movies that we have. He went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a little bit playing zombies.

Sunday I woke up pretty early and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up. TK was still up - he had stayed up after I went to bed to watch one of the Jurassic Park movies and ended up watching all 3! So we hung out for a while, watched a movie and played some zombies, then went back to bed. I got up when TH got home and hung out with him til it was time to come to work. Yay. Tomorrow morning we all have appointments at the eye doctor's. I'm going to get contacts again!! I can't wait :-)

Song: Slipknot - Before I Forget. Random shuffle :-)

Best thing: Not feeling tired tonight!

Worst thing: Stupid internet fucking up >:-(


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