Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30

It is finally Thursday! Talked to my mom again today, and she is definitely coming to spend the weekend. Yay, and not yay, cause she can be kinda annoying. Eh, as long as she's not too whiny it should be fun. So I'm going to head up there when I get off in the morning and take her to the store, take her stuff back to her house, then we're going to head home. I need to get a few things from the store too so that works out well. I need to stop by the storage place and dig out the old dishes because she said she could use them. We're going to give her the old dishes, and the new silverware. We went and bought new silverware because we couldn't find our old stuff, and then like 2 weeks later we found the old stuff. It cleaned up nicely and we liked it better so we're keeping the old stuff :-)

TH won't be home until 9:30 or so Friday night because he has that swimming pool duty. We're going to do movie night Saturday night instead, so I'll probably go pick up the pizza Saturday so I can have it cooked and ready when he gets home. Not sure what we're really going to do this weekend. I guess it depends on what my mom feels like doing. Probably just hang out, though. She's going to bring her iPad. She said she figured she could play games on it, in case I want to play some video games with TK. She says because she knows how I like to play "his games with him." Lol she just can't wrap her head around the idea of an adult sitting down to play video games alone.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29

Not much going on today. Basically just went home, got TK off to school, played a game of zombies, watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad with TH, and went to bed too late. Again :-/ Got up and played a little Black Ops 2 with TK, then he made burritos for dinner. Build your own burritos, but burritos. I wasn't very hungry so I made a sandwich and a bowl with spinach leaves, some of the chicken stuff, and refried beans to bring to work. Yay.

Talked to my mom for a little bit, and she's still excited about coming this weekend. I need to make sure to get some cleaning done tomorrow so it will be all purty for her :-) I wish we had been able to get all of the extra stuff sitting around in the dining room put away, but oh well. I did tell her that we weren't completely unpacked.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28

Stayed up too late again today. Sigh. It's just hard to get home and go to bed before everyone is up messing around. I hate to get home and wake TH up if he's still asleep, but by the time I wait until after I get TK up and off to school, if I was tired when I got home I've usually woken up. Though for some reason it seems like TH is getting good at getting up right after TK leaves. Butthead.

So I got home and played a little Black Ops 2 online multiplayer before I woke TK up. He left for school and TH got up, and we watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad. I heated up the leftover breakfast burrito from yesterday and had a bag of Sunchips for breakfast. Went to bed, and got up for a little while when TK got home. Took another quick nap while he played online with his buddies. Got up before TH got home and made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. I finally found the Whataburger Spicy Ketchup at HEB last week, so we had that with the fries. It's awesome - tastes just like what you get in the little tubs.

Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27

Tired tonight :-/ I stayed up way too late today. Went home this morning and everyone was still asleep, so I played some Black Ops 2 online multiplayer and some zombies for a while. Did a little bit of cleaning, then TH woke up around 8:30. hung out with him for a little bit and made breakfast. We cooked biscuits, sausage patties, and eggs. TH did fried eggs and I scrambled a few with some stirfry veggies and fresh spinach. I skipped the biscuits (at 5 points apiece!) and used a couple of tortillas. It was really good! I ended up eating one wrap and I have one left over for tomorrow. Nom nom nom.

I had thawed out a package of chicken breast the other day, forgetting that TH wasn't going to be home for dinner last night or tonight. So this morning I stuck it in the crockpot with some seasonings and 2 cans of Rotel. Cooked it on low most of the day, until it just totally fell apart. Then I shredded it and added a can of black beans, some frozen stirfry veggies, and some frozen fajita veggies. I made a bowl of rice for TH and TK and put some of the chicken stuff over lettuce to bring to work. Also nom :-)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26

Sunday night, Memorial Day weekend, and busier than fucking ass dog shit. Sigh. I dunno, I just feel a lot more freaking tired than it seems like I should. I kinda slept off and on all day today, which probably didn't help. Not really good sleep, but sleep. For a while I had a bed full of kitties, so that was nice. Fucked up dreams though. At one point I dreamed that we were going to this festival type thing, and I was waiting in this long ass line. Then at some point I started carrying a big case - I think it was like a tuba or some shit like that. So the line keeps moving and eventually we start going up stairs. The stairs start getting taller and further apart and the case keeps getting heavier until it's to the point that it's like stepping from one bleacher seat to another. Oh, and there's nothing in between to keep you from falling through. And we're several stories up. So I'm still trying to heft this case up these "stairs" and then suddenly TK is up there with me, and so is Snipe. We're finally almost at the top when the whole thing starts leaning and part of it collapses. I think TK made it up to the top but Snipe and I are still on the stairs. I'm trying to grab Snipe and hand him up to the people at the top but I can't quite get my hands on him. And he falls. He falls, and lands on the floor down below, and he's just lying there, not moving. I finally get up to the top and I'm going to go check on him but then I woke up. Fucked up :-/

So Friday I took TK to school. We stopped at 7-11 for hot chocolate/coffee and sat in the school parking lot until it was time for him to go in. Went by the store, then went home and watched a few Breaking Bads with TH until he left for work. Took a quick nap and got up just before it was time for TK to get home and went to pick him up at the bus stop because it was storming and pouring rain. I waited for about 30 minutes and the bus never showed up. There have been a couple of times that they had a substitute bus driver and he would drop them off on the wrong side of the neighborhood. I figured that was what happened so I went looking for either the bus or TK. I found him walking down our street, almost to the house. Luckily the rain had slacked off quite a bit but he was still soaked. Turns out that the bus driver got to the first stop in the neighborhood and decided that the wipers were fucked up, so he called for a new bus. He said they could either sit there and wait or go ahead and walk. He decided to walk. He looked like a drowned rat :-)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23

Thursday night, finally. Seems like it has been another long week for some reason. And holy crap it is freaking busy again. Why won't the people just go away??? I am so not looking forward to Sunday night - since everyone is off Monday for Memorial Day it will probably be twice as busy. Grrrr. At least the drive home Monday morning will be nice? Hooray for no traffic!

So TH went and met the boss dude at the swimming pool he's supposed to start picking up the extra hours at. They just kinda showed him around and explained shit. And, he got paid for it! Including travel time! They want somebody there from 7-9 pm Friday and Saturday nights through the summer, mostly just to run people out when it closes at 9:00 and to keep the riff raff out. He's going to do the Friday nights, since he works at his site from 2:30-7, and another guy is going to do the Saturday nights. So that won't be too bad, I guess. And it gives him 2 more hours per week, so yay. I think right now he's only working 37 1/2 hours. We'll just do movie night on Saturdays as long as he's doing that.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22

Well, I stayed up too late again today so I'm still tired, but not nearly as bad as last night. I was so sleepy when I got off work but by the time I drove home and everything I was awake. Maybe if I had tried to go straight to bed I could have but I went home and cleaned. Sigh. I swept, cleaned the mud off the sink, microwave, counters, and window sills, and cleaned up a couple of little pee spots. Got TK up and out the door and was just about to go play some zombies when TH got up. Sigh. So we watched a few more episodes of Breaking Bad and I drank a few beers. I think I went to bed around 1:00 :-/ Tomorrow...tomorrow I'm going home and doing nothing. I'm going to wake TH up when I get home so he can get TK up and off to school and I'm going to bed.

So poor little Baby Stupid seems to be feeling much better. He's still in and out of the litterbox every few minutes, and he's not peeing much at a time but he is peeing. So no blockage! And his pee is still darker than it should be, but not orangish like it was yesterday :-/ I've noticed that it seems like he's drinking a little bit more, too. Still gonna keep an eye on him but I'm thinking he should be ok! We're supposed to take him back in 2 weeks to do another urinalysis and see if it's all cleared up. If not, he'll need another round of antibiotics. Hopefully this one dose will do the trick, though. I got to thinking about it, and this is really the first time one of our kitties has been sick in I don't know how long. So we've been really lucky!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21

I am tired. I'm tired, and it's busier than fuck here at work, and every time I go outside I get swarmed by hundreds of little fucking gnats or something, and my stomach hurts for some reason, and I just don't fucking want to be here. I want to be at home making sure my kitty is ok! We took Snipe to the vet this morning and had to wait for fucking ever because we just did a walk-in instead of an appointment. Sure enough, he has a bladder infection :-/ They did a urinalysis and it's a pretty bad one. They've put him on antibiotics and said to come back in 2 weeks to make sure it's gone. We had the option of a pill twice a day for 2 weeks or a one time shot that's supposed to last the entire 2 weeks. The shot was about $20 more but we went with that. Figured that would be much easier than trying to catch him and shove a pill down his throat 14 times, lol. The vet said that the only thing now is to watch and make sure he is still able to pee, because sometimes a bladder infection can lead to a blockage and that can be very bad. So of course now I'm super fucking paranoid following him around trying to make sure he's still peeing. He keeps going in the litterbox but I can't tell if he's actually doing anything or not. He does act like he feels better, so that's something. I'm just worried about him. I don't want to lose another kitty :-(

We didn't get back from the vet until after 11:00. I ate a veggie burger and drank a few beers and it was probably about 12:45 before I got to bed. I woke up before TK got home to see if I needed to go pick him up from the bus stop if the weather was doing anything nasty. Went back to sleep for a little while, and now I'm at work. Yeefuckinghaw. Yeah, they were talking about thunderstorms and severe weather and all that shit and it ended up raining for like half an hour and that was it. No storms is good but we could have used a little more rain.

That's all I've got. I'm just too fucking tired to think right now. I'm kinda thinking I'll be going home and going straight to bed unless I seriously wake the fuck up here in a little bit. I am drinking a Monster but it ain't doing much. Well, straight to bed after I check on Stupid, that is :-/

Song: Three Days Grace - Wake Up. Lol, get it? Because I'm all like tired and shit? Haha...okay. I do love this song, though.

Best thing: Got Stupid taken care of, and it's something relatively minor.

Worst thing: Poor little sick Stupid :-(


Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20

So, I think Snipe has a urinary tract infection. Or something like that. He has been kinda whiny the last couple of days, and this morning he randomly started peeing on things. He's done that once or twice before, but today he did it about 6 times. And the last time, just before I came to work, I went to clean it up and his pee is kinda dark :-/ I'm going to see if I can get him in to see the vet in the morning. I just hope that's all it is and a round of antibiotics will clear it up. I don't want anything to happen to any more kitties :-(

Not much else going on. Got TK off to school and hung out with TH. Watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad then went to bed. Played some Black Ops 2 with TK when he got home then made tacos for dinner. Now I'm at work, but worried about my kitty.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19

Yay, Sunday night. Eh. It's still busier than normal here at work because all of the college kids are home but at least there's no stupid tournament this week. Only a couple more weeks til school's out, then I'll have all of the little high school fuckers running in and out all night. Sigh. I fucking hate summertime around here.

Friday I took TK to school then went by the store. Hung out with TH for a while and watched a few more episodes of Breaking Bad, then went to bed when he left for work. Got up and picked TK up at the bus stop and we went to get a half price drink at Sonic, then stopped at the Crappy Mart and bought a couple of Gatorades for TH. It has gotten freaking hot, and I figured he could use them at work this weekend. Went home and played a little Black Ops 2, then TH got home and we cooked pizza. We couldn't figure out a movie that sounded good so we just watched a few more Breaking Bad episodes and TK played Team Fortress 2. TH went to bed and I stayed up just a little later, then TK and I both went to bed. I was tired, lol.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16

Finally Thursday! This has been a long-ass week for some reason. Dunno. I'm just glad it's almost over. It ended up raining a little bit last night but no storms or anything. Some areas further north got some bad storms, and a few tornadoes, though :-/ Scary shit. It got hot today and it's still pretty warm out there. Warm and sticky and disgusting. They're calling for highs in the 90's pretty much from here on out. I guess we're just lucky it hasn't hit 100 yet. It will before we know it, though. And I fucking hate the heat. At least now we have a nice cool house :-)

I talked to my mom last night and she's decided that her phone is finally dying and she's going to get another one. She wants an iPhone for some reason, which wouldn't be a big deal except that you have to have a monthly data plan. The phone itself is cheap because she's eligible for an upgrade but a plan is like $30 a month for 2 G of data. And if you go over they charge you out the ass for it. Sigh. She can't really afford the plan, but we're going to pay it for a while. We still owe her like $1200 because she gave us some money after the house burned down. I've tried to start paying her back a few times but she always said to wait until we got back home. And now we're home :-) We're going to give her $100 a month, but pay the data plan and give her the rest as cash. I'm not 100% sure if we can really afford it, but I guess we'll figure it out somehow.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15

Not as tired tonight. I actually stayed up a little later but I slept later, so that helped. It rained last night, and seriously stormed. It seemed like the closer it got to 6 am the harder it rained. So at about 5:45 I had this 18 wheeler come driving up wanting to go down to the clubhouse and make a delivery. Well, we don't let trucks, construction workers, or contractors in until after 7:00, so I had to go stand out in the pouring rain and try to explain to him that he would have to back his truck up and wait. And I got absolutely soaked :-/ I drove home looking like a drowned rat, and took a shower as soon as I got there. I'm just glad it happened that late and not right at the beginning of my shift!

Got TK off to school this morning and hung out with TH all morning. We watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad, and the power went off in the middle of the last one. Somebody ran into a pole up on the main road going out of the neighborhood and it knocked out power to the whole area. It was out for about an hour and a half so we sat out on the porch watching the rain and the kitties. I blew some more bubbles and they kinda halfass chased them, lol. Power came back on and we finished the show, then I played 2 games of Black Ops 2 zombies and went to bed. TK was going to fix dinner but they decided to go to Taco Bell instead, so I stopped at McDonald's on my way to work and used the last free wrap coupon. Yay.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14

Tired tonight :-/ Once again I stayed up way too late this morning, and got up just a little bit after TK got home. He was all disappointed that I slept late yesterday and didn't get a chance to play with him so I made sure to get up early today. And then he ended up playing with a couple of his buddies instead. Turdbutt.

So I went home this morning and got TK off to school and played a game of Black Ops 2 zombies. Made some leftover wings and mozzarella sticks for lunch and watched 2 episodes of Breaking Bad with TH. He had brought home a big cardboard box from work last week and we used it to cover up the windows in our bedroom. It's not totally dark but it is a lot better than it was. It was so easy to go to sleep today! Got up and messed around a little bit then made orange chicken and veggie stirfry with rice for dinner. It was good!

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13

Well, I'm in a better mood today. It's just not worth being pissed off over. Pretty sure that TH knows I was mad about yesterday though, because when I left for work tonight I found a couple of little plastic Hello Kitty containers and some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the front seat of my car. He asked me this morning if I was mad - I started to try to explain it but just didn't feel like it. I dunno, maybe I'm being unreasonable. I'm just tired of feeling like I'm being taken for granted, you know? It would be nice to feel appreciated sometimes. But whatever, I guess.

So, let's see. This weekend...oh yeah. Friday morning it was still storming its ass off. I stopped at HEB on my way home and TH got up and put TK on the bus. We had planned on going back to the storage place to work a little more but decided not to because of the weather. I cleaned up some of my ponies and stayed up way too late hanging out with TH. We started watching Breaking Bad. It's pretty interesting so far. TH went to work and I slept until TK got home. We decided to do the frozen wings, cheddar peppers, and mozzarella sticks instead of pizza for movie night. We watched Jack Reacher - it wasn't bad. Hung out with TH until he went to bed and then TK and I stayed up playing video games.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12

I fucking give up. That's just all there is to it. I don't know why I even expect anything to be different - it never is and it fucking never will be. I just end up disappointed :-/ So, today was Mother's Day, right? The only acknowledgement at all was TH texting me from work asking what I wanted that he could stop on the way home and get. I'm like, fucking really? And that's the thing - I don't want anything. I would just like for someone to show that I'm worth more thought than a fucking last minute "Hey, I'll stop at Target on my way home from work." I don't get it. It's always like this though. Everybody else's fucking birthday, Father's Day, Christmas, fucking everything, I try to make it a big deal. Thoughtful presents, awesome cakes or brownies, everything. I can't even remember the last time they so much as made me a plain fucking birthday cake from a mix. I shouldn't even care any more. I don't want to care any more but it fucking hurts. And it fucking pisses me off that I do. So just fuck it.

And you know what? As long as I'm already pissed off, why not. WHY THE FUCKING FUCK AM I THE ONE IN CHARGE OF JUST ABOUT FUCKING EVERYTHING AT HOME?!?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, shit, people! I get home and fucking clean shit, get TK off to school, and TH can sleep til he wakes up. So then he's got like 5 hours at home, quiet, while TK is at school. He goes to work (for 4 1/2 hours), and comes home to a cooked fucking dinner. He can stay up as late as he wants because he doesn't have to worry about getting up early. Yeah he works 12 hours on Saturdays and Sundays but according to him, unless there's some event or something going on it's pretty fucking slow. Hell he has time to watch 4 movies on Sundays. And of course I'm home with TK all weekend. And any time TK's buddy spends the night I get to deal with that. He mows the yard once a week, cooks once a week, and will sometimes clean up if I have cooked. That's pretty much it, though. I get stuck with fucking everything else. I couldn't even tell you the last time somebody else swept, vacuumed, cleaned litterboxes, or hell even did fucking laundry. Last week I said something about cleaning the litterboxes for 3 fucking days before I gave up and did it. WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?????

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9

Thursday night, yay! It is thundering and lightning its ass off and I do not like it! Ok, the lightning is cool to watch but it's getting closer and scarier and that I do not like. Grrrrr. There was some hail and severe stuff close by but so far nothing bad has made it here. It rained a little earlier, while I was asleep, and it's trying to rain a little more now. Luckily TH thought to put a towel down in front of the kitty door to minimize the little muddy kitty prints. We still have little dried mud chunks everywhere but the towel catches most of the wet squishy stuff, so that's something, at least.

So I took my final this morning. I passed the class with a C, yay!! I...almost passed the final. I made a 68 :-/ But it gave me enough points to pass the class so that's the important part. TH, the fucker, ended up with an A in the class! I think he only needed like 20 points on the final to pass the class and he got over 1,000. So that was pretty awesome. He should definitely be eligible for financial aid in the fall. We took microeconomics this semester so he's thinking about taking macroeconomics and...something else. Dunno yet. But we're done for the semester, yay!!!! Now I need to find something to keep me busy at work, lol.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8

We're going to take the Economics final tomorrow morning so I absolutely have to do my cheat sheet tonight. I went home this morning and did a little cleaning and boiled some eggs for tuna salad before I got TK up and out the door. Made the tuna and then took 2 of the extra credit tests. I made an 80 on one, so I should get 40 points for that. I only made a 65 on the other one though, so I don't get anything for that one. I stayed up pretty late doing those and just didn't feel like messing with the other 2. If I've figured it right I'm sitting at an 85 right now. The final is worth 1400 points, and you get an extra 70 just for taking it on time. So I think as long as I make at least 300 points, which should translate to getting at least 10 of the 50 questions right, I should pass with a 71. And as long as I pass, I'm happy. Surely to FSM I won't screw it up that bad, but who knows.

TH, on the other hand, could just about skip the final and still make a C. I think he needs like 20 points. So he is fucking set. He finished the last 2 extra credit tests this morning. He's already done his cheat sheet, too. I guess it kinda helps that he actually read all of the shit we're supposed to read, huh? :-/ So assuming he passes this class (which he should) and gets his financial aid paperwork turned in, he should be eligible for financial aid again. I think we've decided that he's going to take 2 classes next fall, pretty much just for the financial aid money. That should catch us up. We would have been fine if we hadn't had to pay the bankruptcy shit and the lawyer and buy everything for the house. We shouldn't have any more big expenses now, though. Just the normal bills and stuff. And right now it's looking like the electric bill is going to be a lot lower than it was in the old house!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7

Tired again. Went home and cleaned up a little, got TK off to school, and stayed up too late hanging out with TH. Sounds awfully familiar, huh? We've decided to wait until Thursday to go take the final, so when I get home tomorrow I need to do any of the extra credit tests that I'm going to do. Then tomorrow night I'll try to read a little and halfass a cheat sheet for Thursday. And then I'm done, yay. I am so ready to be done.

Got up a little bit after TK got home and we made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. For lunch here at work I brought the rest of the veggies from yesterday and 2 of those chicken breast tenders that I had cooked and frozen. This morning before I went to bed I had a small bag of chips and an egg sandwich - 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey pastrami, a slice of cheese, and some guacamole. Yay.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6

Kinda tired tonight. I drank a whole bottle of wine this morning, and stayed up a lot later than I should have. Not..the best idea :-/ Went home this morning and got TK off to school, did a little bit of cleaning, and played a little PS2 before TH got up. Hung out with him and finished the movie that we had started Saturday night then went to bed. I woke up for a little bit when TK got home but went back to sleep until about 7:00. So I really didn't get much done today. We basically did a scrounge for yourself kinda thing for dinner. Sunday nights are usually scrounge nights but last night I cooked what I had planned for tonight, so that worked.

So we apparently have some kind of virus on one of our computers, probably either the big one or the laptop that TK uses. When I tried to get online on my phone earlier today it kept redirecting to an ISP warning page saying that our modem had been flagged for having a computer connected to it that might be transmitting malware. Or something like that - I forget the specifics. We ran antivirus scans and a malware removal program and found something on the big one, but it seems like it was just generic spyware. The little one hadn't finished running by the time I left for work. I figure it's probably something TK picked up from one of the TF2 servers :-/

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5

Sunday night. Yay. Today is Cinco de Mayo but it's not very busy out here. I guess this isn't much of a Cinco de Mayo type area. It got a little warm today but it's nice and cool tonight. I'm not looking forward to the nights when it's still like 90 outside when I get here. It won't be too much longer, probably. I fucking hate the summers here :-/

So Friday I took TK to school, and we stopped at McDonald's for a caramel mocha. He got a sausage biscuit, too. Turns out that if you get it with skim milk and leave off the whipped cream, they're not bad for you at all! Dropped him off and went to HEB for a few things, then went home and picked up TH and we went to Target. He wanted to look for a wireless keyboard that he had seen online, for the computer that is hooked up to the TV. We kinda planned on going to Home Depot to look at plants, but I found some Halo 4 action figures marked down to half price, so we spent a little more at Target than we were planning to. Got home and hung out for a little bit, took a short nap, and got up when TK got home. Played with him for a while, then TH came home with pizza and I cooked it. We didn't see anything that looked good at Redbox this week but we had gotten Minority Report from Netflix so we watched that. We had seen it before, but it had been long enough that I didn't remember the ending, lol. Hung out with TH til he went to bed, then stayed up and messed around on the PS2 while TK played Team Fortress 2 on his computer.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2

It's cold, and windy, and awesome outside! Still feel like shit, though :-/ I figure by now I've taken enough drugs to either make me feel better or kill me - I really don't care which at this point. I am so freaking glad it's Thursday. Not sure how many more days I would have made it feeling like this. I don't get sick much but when I do I'm always pretty fucking sure that I'm going to die. We're all like that, actually. Weird.

So it did end up raining out here last night. Seems like there wasn't really that much actual rain, but one hell of a thunderstorm. TH said it came through there at home and woke him up too. It was weird, because the wind picked up and shifted to out of the north first (and of course I went out to stand in it for a while), then the storm hit and the wind died down. It picked back up later when the actual front came through, after I got home. TK walked to the bus this morning because it still wasn't very cool but TH didn't want him to freeze so he picked him up this afternoon. So sweet, lol.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1

And I totally didn't realize that April was over until I got to work tonight. Wow. Still feel like crap, too. I forgot to stop for Tylenol Sinus stuff on the way home but we still had a few doses left. I bought some on my way to work, though. It's all hot and humid and disgusting out right now but it's supposed to storm later tonight when a cold front comes through. They're talking about daytime highs in the 50s tomorrow, and 25-30 mph winds. Wind chills in the 30s tomorrow night and Friday morning. My kind of weather! I forgot to put the towel back down in front of the kitty door so they'll probably have mud tracked all over the place by the time I get home in the morning. Turdbutts.

So I went home this morning and straightened up a little bit, then got TK off to school and put the lasagna together so all we had to do this afternoon was cook it. Hung out with TH for a little bit, then went to bed. They delivered the freezer this morning! I meant to open it and look in it but I forgot, lol. So it's sitting in the corner of the dining room, between the living room and the kitchen. TH mowed the yard and cleaned up the house a little bit while I was asleep, and made some of his banana pudding. When I got up I made the focaccia bread and some cake mix cookies, cooked the lasagna, and steamed some garlic cauliflower and asparagus stirfry veggies. I even had time for a quick shower before they got there. So we had dinner, and it was nice! See, I'm becoming much more social! :-P