Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30

Today is the last day of June! Kinda crazy. I'm a little tired tonight but not too bad. A little busier here at work but again, not too bad. I'm curious to see how busy it's going to be later this week because of the holiday on Friday (4th of July). Could get interesting, lol.

So I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning because I needed a cabbage. Seriously. XD I was thawing out some carne al pastor stuff and I was thinking that it would be good sauteed up with some cabbage. Got home and everyone was asleep so I hung out for a while then went to bed around 8:00 or so. Woke up at like 2:00 and TK and I went swimming. We decided to check out a different pool today, the one that we tried to go to on the first day of summer that was closed because of a pump problem. I like it! It's a little bigger than the one we normally go to, so it didn't seem as crowded. Plus it has a separate little kiddie pool where all of the little bitty kids could play. The changing rooms are nicer, too. So that may become our new go-to pool :-) We swam for a while then decided to go by Walmart to look around and see if we could find another cat collar because we hadn't bought one for Misadventure yet. We found a nice pink reflective one :-) Now all of the kitties except Naga (the long-haired one) have either a reflective or sparkly collar so hopefully they'll be easier to see when they're running around outside at night. Naga's is just plain since you can't see it under all of her fur anyway. So we wandered around Walmart for a while, got home and messed around until TH got home, hung out with him for a while, and now I'm at work.

Fuckface was here when I got here tonight, and he'll be here when I get here tomorrow night. And then he begins his reign of terror as the new site supervisor Wednesday morning. Sigh. I was just as fucking nice as I possibly can be when I got here tonight. I think he already thinks that I'm awesome and helpful and all of that shit because I've been doing all of the paperwork and shit for the other site supervisors and I offered to keep doing it for him. Little does he know though...nyahahahahahahaha. Ahem.

So, this week is going to suck a little bit but it will kinda be worth it the next time we get paid. TH is supposed to be off Wednesdays and Thursdays but this week (at least) he's going to have to work. Sigh. At least though he'll be working the earlier shift those days, where he goes in at 10:00 and gets off at 4:00. So we might still be able to go swimming at least one of those days? Thursday night is when the clubhouse out where I work is having their big fireworks show. Last year we came out here early and watched it then I just stayed and worked. I'm thinking that we might do that again. Friday night I guess is when most of the official shows are going to be. Usually our city has theirs kinda close to downtown but this year because of construction and shit they're moving it way out in the middle of nowhere. I really have no interest in actually going to the show because OMG the traffic and the people!!! I'm trying to think though if there might be somewhere we could sit to see them from a distance. Cause that would be cool :-)

And, I still haven't managed to get back on the keto wagon :-( We just grabbed something quick to fix at Walmart and I didn't end up cooking because it was so late. Tomorrow though...tomorrow I'm definitely on it. I think too that I'm even going to try and go the whole month of July with (gulp) no alcohol :-O  I'm curious to see what happens because I'm pretty sure that the alcohol is what's fucking with my weight loss. So...yeah. Wish me luck? :-/

Noms for, fuck it.

Song: Dope - You're Full Of Shit. Random shuffle. Love these guys!!

Best thing: The other guy at work here has a bunch of kitty stuff he's going to bring me!! His roommates gave away their kitty so they have like...extra food, some toys, a cat tree!! and all kinds of stuff :-)

Worst thing: Bad keto girl :-(


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