Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8

Tired tonight :-/ Back at work and it is definitely summer busy out here now. Sigh. On the bright side though, everyone should still be asleep when I get home in the morning so if I want to go straight to bed I can. So yay?

So Friday morning I stopped by HEB on the way home to pick up a couple of things. TH was awake when I got home so I hung out with him for a while and watched a few episodes of Prison Break. I tried to take a nap but just couldn't fall asleep so TK and I decided to go ahead and go swimming. The pool that we usually go to was closed but I found out that another one close by was supposed to be open. So we got all ready and headed over there...and they were closed because the pump had malfunctioned and there was no chlorine in the water. Grrrrrrrr. They had maintenance out there working on it so they said it might be open in an hour and a half or so. We decided to go kill some time at Target and look at toys and stuff. Hung out there for a while and headed back to the pool, but it was still closed. Looked around online and found out that one of the municipal (aka, not free) pools nearby was supposed to be open so we called them to make sure. They were, so we headed over there. I had never been there before but it's a nice pool! It did cost $5 for the 2 of us to get in but we were desperate, lol. In theory the pool we usually go to is supposed to be open tomorrow so I think we're going to try to go again :-) So we swam for a while, went home, and TK's buddy came over to spend the night. TH got home and we ordered Pizza Hut for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. I was tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, and just kinda hung out all day. I made some wings and fries for dinner and when TH got home we watched Prison Break for movie night. He went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while and played the new maps on COD Ghosts. I like :-)

Sunday was pretty much the same. Slept late, hung out for a while, then I took a nap. I threw some chicken in the crockpot and I'll probably make something with it for dinner tomorrow night but for tonight we just did leftovers. And now I'm at work.

Noms for the weekend: Nope nope nope!

Song: Trey Songz, Nicki Minaj - Bottoms Up. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Swimming!!!!

Worst thing: Sooooo many people :-/


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