Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9

Holy freaking crap I am tired tonight. I wasn't really tired when I got home this morning so I stayed up for a little while. TH got up and I hung out with him then tried to go to bed but couldn't fall asleep. TK got up and we just kinda messed around for a while. It started raining around 10:00 and stormed off and on most of the day so we didn't go swimming. It's not supposed to rain tomorrow though :-) I tried to go back to bed when TH left for work but didn't end up falling asleep until almost 4:00. Got up at like 8:00, so...yeah :-/ I'm hoping that at least this means I'll be able to go home and go straight to bed in the morning?

So, we've been looking off and on for a headboard and maybe a set of nightstands for our bedroom. We found one today on Craigslist that looks really nice and isn't too expensive! It's a big headboard with mirrors, side storage towers, and a separate armoire looking thing. It's way too big to fit in my car (lol) so we're going to have to rent a small U-Haul to move it. I think we're going to try to do that sometime Wednesday afternoon since TH will be off work. And then our bedroom will look like a real bedroom, not just a room with a bed in it :-)

Noms for the day: Back on keto :-) Nothing for breakfast. A low-carb Rockstar and 2 flax buns on the way to work. Iced coffee and a stuffed bell pepper for dinner at work.

Song: Queens Of The Stone Age - Sick, Sick, Sick. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Found a bedroom set!!

Worst thing: Tired :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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