Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3

Tired tonight :-/ I didn't sleep very well again for some reason. I'm kinda thinking about going home in the morning and trying to go to bed early. Dunno yet. So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, ate some breakfast, went to bed kinda early, woke up for a while and hung out with TH until he left for work, and went back to bed. Got up after TK got home and made a cabbage, broccoli, and ham alfredo thing for dinner. The new map pack for COD Ghosts came out today but I didn't get a chance to check it out. Maybe tomorrow? And, TK's boss's "observation" that was supposed to happen today got postponed. We were kinda hoping to find out today what was going on but now we have to wait. Sigh.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - spinach, pepperoni, egg, and cheese...thing. Iced coffee and 2 flax buns with peanut butter on the way to work. I brought some of the cabbage stuff for when I get hungry later.

Song: Beastie Boys - Paul Revere. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: New map pack! (If I ever get a chance to play it, lol)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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