Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22

Sunday night, back at work. Yay...yeah, no. Not horribly busy so far though so at least that's something. The new little fuckface guy was here yesterday morning "observing" and while he was here they managed to let a truck through that was too tall for our overhang and it took off a big chunk of one of the horizontal support beams. So that was awesome, lol. It looks like it's just cosmetic damage so at least it won't have to be shut down or anything. That would be a serious pain in the ass :-/ And then he was supposed to be back this morning to work with one of the other guys, and that guy no-called no showed. So he ended up working by himself all morning. The guy who no-showed is supposed to work Monday and Tuesday afternoons so if he doesn't come back, that means that fuckface will be working his shifts. Which means that I will have to see him when I come in to work both nights. Fucking lovely >:-(

So let's see...Friday morning I got home and took a nap kinda early. Got up around 12:00 and hung out with TH until he went to work, woke TK up and we went running around for a little bit. Went to Walmart for some more sunscreen, collars for the kitties, and some sunglasses!! We had seriously been needing sunglasses :-) Went by Randall's and picked up a couple of things then went home and played Lego Star Wars until time for TH to get home. I made frozen pizza (for them) and wings for dinner and we watched a few episodes of Prison Break for movie night. I was kinda tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Saturday we slept kinda late then went to take four of the kitties to a free rabies shot clinic that they were having at one of the local parks. We really should have taken all of them but we only have 2 carriers left, a big one and a small one. We put Jim Bob in the little one by himself so nobody could pick on him and put Hiccup, Moose, and Snipe in the big one. It was...interesting, lol. Holy shit we waited forever because there were sooooo many people there! And it was hot :-( But they got their shots, so yay! We still need to get Naga done, and if we can get our hands on Misadventure (the little calico who is technically ours but moved in with the little girl down the road) when she comes down to eat we'll take them next Saturday when there's another clinic thingie. Finally finished up with that and got home, played a little more Lego Star Wars until TH got home, and had leftovers for dinner. Watched a couple more episodes of Prison Break then TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while. I think we ended up going to bed around 2:00 or so.

Sunday we slept kinda late again, did some cleaning and laundry, and basically just hung out all day. TH got home and we made burgers and roasted veggies for dinner. And now I'm at work. I'm hoping I can get to bed pretty early in the morning so TK and I can go swimming tomorrow afternoon. Dunno though. TH is going in to work early, at 10:00 instead of 2:30, so I need to wake him up when I get home. Sometimes it's hard to go to bed early when they're up because I wanna hang out with them, lol.

So 3 or 4 years ago (or so) I had a really bad infection in my lower right leg. Cellulitis, I guess. So I finally got over it but it left some scarring and ever since, that leg will swell up if I'm on my feet for a while. Well, I'm kinda afraid it's happening again :-/ It's been kinda red and sore for the last couple of days. Not horrible, but just enough to be annoying. I found about 5 days worth of antibiotics left over from when I had some dental work done (I know, I know) and I've started taking those to see if it will knock it out. If it's not better in the next day or so I guess I'll go to the doctor :-/

Noms for the weekend: All keto!!!! We even made some keto-fied ice cream in a bag like this. It was a little messy, and we ended up sticking it in the freezer for a little bit to get it a little firmer, but it was really good :-)

Song: Blue October - Bleed Out. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Rabies shots for the kitties!!

Worst thing: Leg thingie, maybe :-(


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