Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10

Well, for some reason I had trouble sleeping again today. So I'm tired again tonight but surprisingly not as bad as you would think. And of course it's busy here at work so maybe that's helping me stay awake. That or the low carb monster and my iced coffee, lol.

So I got home this morning and went to bed kinda early. I think I fell asleep around 8:00 and woke up at like 11:00. Couldn't fall back asleep so I got up, made some breakfast, and hung out with TH and TK for a while. TH started getting ready to go to work and TK and I went swimming! We stayed there for about 2 hours, stopped by HEB on the way home to get a couple of pool noodles and a few groceries, and I ended up taking another short nap before work. TH made burgers for dinner when he got home because I was asleep :-) If I get up early enough tomorrow I need to make something with the chicken that I cooked on Sunday. Maybe an enchilada skillet type thing. Dunno.

So before TK and I left to go swimming we moved the weight machine from our bedroom to the corner of the dining room because tomorrow morning we're going to pick up the new bedroom furniture!! We have a U-Haul reserved for pickup at like 7:30 and we're supposed to meet the people between 9-10. I think, lol. Originally we had planned on doing it later in the afternoon but early is better. Hopefully this way after we finish up I can get some decent sleep. Sigh...

Oh, and we managed to fuck up the linoleum in the dining room when we moved the weight machine. It left a big-ass scrape right in the middle of the floor >:-( We even stuck cardboard under the legs so we wouldn't tear up the floor but we didn't notice the bolts sticking out underneath where the weights are attached. TH managed to get it smoothed out and glued so it's not super obvious, but still.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - eggs, sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Low carb Rockstar and a flax bun with peanut butter on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have iced coffee and a hamburger.

Song: Blondfire - Where The Kids Are. Random shuffle yet again.

Best thing: Found out that the weight machine we bought went on sale this week for $50 off. Academy has a policy where if an item you buy goes on sale within 14 days, they'll refund you the difference. So our little weight machine just got $50 cheaper :-)

Worst thing: Sleeeeeeeeeeeep :-(


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