Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11

Hooooly crap. I'm at work, and it is busier than fucking shit, and I can see lightning off in the distance that is headed this way so I'm probably going to get stormed on here in a little bit, and my everything is sore because we moved that freaking bedroom set today, and I am like OMG fucking tired because once again I only got like 4 hours of sleep, and and and....yeah, lol. I forgot how to sentence. But somehow I'm still in a really good mood so that's awesome :-)

So I got home this morning and woke TH up, drank a cup of coffee, and we went to pick up the U-Haul truck. Dropped my car back off at the house and headed out to pick up the bedroom set! We ended up getting there a little early so we just parked nearby and waited for a while. Met up with the people, loaded it all up, and headed back home. And it is fucking heavy stuff! I'm glad we decided to get the 10' truck too - we originally thought about just renting one of the vans but after loading it all up I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have fit in anything smaller! So we got home and unloaded everything, put it all together, took the truck back, and after I took a shower and all I ended up getting to bed around 4:00 or so. But at least I was sleeping in a pretty bedroom :-) I ended up sleeping until almost time to go to work so TH made the chicken enchilada stuff for dinner. Nom!

Tomorrow...I dunno. We kinda thought about going swimming since TH is off and he could go with us but I'm not sure any of us are going to feel like it. If I can go home and actually go to sleep I'm hoping I can finally get some good sleep. Just like, sleep until I wake up. Maybe? Either way though I'm pretty sure TK and I are going to go swimming Friday. Might see if his buddy wants to go too. Dunno, lol.

Oh, so earlier tonight one of these little teenager shits who spends all night running in and out managed to take the turn coming in to the neighborhood too fast, spin out, and hop the curb. Everyone was fine...except for the car. She fucked up one of the rear fenders and broke an axle. In a brand new Mustang, lol. Does it make me a bad person that I think it's hilarious? Eh, oh well :-P

And and and....PICTURES!!!!!!!! Dun dun dunnnnnnnn.

Sooooo purty :-)

The headboard!! (And my critters, lol)

Noms for the day: Coffee and a couple of Slim Jims for breakfast. Iced coffee and a couple of flax buns on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought the chicken enchilada stuff.

Song: Weezer - Hash Pipe. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Bedroom set!!!!

Worst thing: Sleep, again :-(


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