Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16

Not much going on today. It's busy at work again, of course. Damned kids with nothing better to do than run in and out all night. Must be nice :-/

When I got home this morning everyone was asleep so I used the little weight machine for a while. I ended up doing 10 reps of everything (20 on the leg lifts) except for the standing leg lift thingies where you use the ankle strap. I don't know if I was standing weird or what but when I tried those it was really awkward and just didn't feel right. So I need to do a little research on that I guess. But yay for using the weight machine! TH got up and I hung out with him for a while, went to bed fairly early, and got up around 3:00. TK and I went swimming for a couple of hours then when we got home I made fajitas for dinner. And that's basically it, lol.

Noms for the day: Almonds and a couple of bites of bacon for breakfast. A low-carb Rockstar on the way to work. I brought a fajita salad to work for when I get hungry later.

Song: Foster The People - Best Friend. A new one!

Best thing: All kinds of exercise today!!!

Worst thing: Already kinda sore :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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