Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1

Wow. Today is the first day of June. Already. Kinda crazy, lol. So, let's see. It's Sunday night so I'm back at work. So far it's been a little busier than normal for a Sunday. I think it's just trying to prepare me for next week when school is out. TK only goes to school through Thursday but out here I think they have to go Friday too. So I won't get the super busy stuff starting until I come back to work next Sunday. Sigh.

So Friday morning I got home and hung out for a little bit until TH woke up and then we sat around drinking coffee for a while. Because coffee :-) Decided we wanted to go mess around a little bit so we woke TK up but he didn't really want to go. I had been looking online at weight machines and decided that I really wanted to get one. TH thought it was a good idea, too, so we went to Walmart to see what they had. Turns out they don't carry shit in-store, but we did find a new scale (our old one died), a nice duffel bag to use when we go swimming, and a nice little soft-sided cooler that's big enough to hold like, Gatorade bottles and stuff. So that was cool :-) Went by Academy and they actually had one in stock!! We bought it :-) Got home and started putting it together but TH had to leave for work before we were able to finish. So, TK and I finished it. And it took for-freaking-ever!! It really wasn't difficult, just kinda complicated and time consuming. But we did it! Finished up with that and went to grab something for lunch. TK wanted Whataburger and I got some Wingstop wings. Seriously nom! Got home and hung out for a while, then my neighbor buddy came over with a new bottle of vodka for us to try. It was really good! I only had one drink though because I wasn't sure how much sugar it has. So she hung out for a while, then when TH got home we watched a couple of episodes of Lost for movie night. He went to bed and since I hadn't been asleep at all that day, I went to bed at about the same time.

Saturday we got up kinda early and did some cleaning and laundry and stuff. Played a little Minecraft with TK, played a few games of cards, used the weight machine :-), then took a quick nap. TH got home and we made burgers and watched a few episodes of Lost. He went to bed and TK and I stayed up late playing Black Ops 2 and stuff. Oh, and I talked to my work buddy for a while. Our boss is in trouble, lol. He and his wife (who is TH's boss) got called to the office Friday afternoon. They got yelled at and written up for all kinds of shit. Kinda funny :-) We ended up going to bed around 3:30 or so.

Sunday I slept pretty late, got up for a while, then took a nap. I've felt kinda blah and pukey all day :-( TH brought home a bottle of vodka and I'm pretty sure I drank too much last night. Sigh. When TH got home he and TK went next door to the neighbor buddy's house and he kinda supervised while TK mowed her front yard. Her mower's broken so she offered TK $20 to do it :-) They finished up and we hung out until it was time for me to come to work. So yay, lol.

Let's see...what else? Oh, our freaking microwave is broken >:-( One of the little plastic latches that holds the door shut broke off. Apparently it's also the one that triggers the activation switch because without that latch, it won't even turn on. TH tried supergluing it but that didn't work. I think we can order the part and figure out how to fix it. I hope so, because I really don't want to have to buy a new microwave. That one's barely a year old!

Noms for the weekend: Keto, keto, keto!!

Song: JoJo - Leave (Get Out). Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Weight machine!!

Worst thing: Feeling yucky today :-(


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