Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24

Kinda tired tonight :-/ Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we played Lego Star Wars for a couple of hours. He went to bed and I hung out with TH for a while then went to bed around 10:30 or so. I woke up around 3:00 and thought about trying to go swimming but I heard thunder. Plus, TK was still asleep. So I went back to bed, lol. Got up at 6:00 and hung out with TK until TH got home, we had leftover Buffalo Chicken Soup for dinner, and now I'm at work. I'm still not sure if it ever rained but it definitely thundered for a while.

So fuckface was here when I got here tonight because apparently the guy who should be here, the one who no-call no-showed the other day, quit yesterday when he had to go talk to the big boss. So fuckface worked tonight and then he'll be back Thursday morning because somebody asked for the day off. Our boss's last day is July 1st (next Tuesday) and then fuckface starts the next morning as our new Site Supervisor. Sigh. Hopefully we can run him off pretty quick because I do not like the man. Although it does do my bitchy little heart good to know that he had a bad day today, lol. So right after he got here the maintenance guys shut down the guest lane by the building so that they could check out the damage from when a truck hit it last weekend. It was closed for like an hour and all of the traffic had to go through the far (resident) lane. Which meant that fuckface had to stand out there in the sun that whole time checking people in :-D Later on a couple of sheriff's deputies came in (more on that later), and on their way out one of them stopped to talk to him and parked in the little exit lane right up by the building. The one where we usually park, to keep people from trying to leave through there instead of the main exit lane where the gates open automatically. Fuckface doesn't park there though - he parks in the actual spaces kinda behind the building. So anyway, when the deputy got ready to leave, fuckface had to push a button to raise the gate arm so he could go through. He didn't hold the button down like you're supposed to though and he ended up dropping the bar on top of the deputy's Tahoe. Fucking dumbass, lol. The cop's car was fine but it knocked the gate arm off so he had to call maintenance and write an incident report about it.

Oh and also, we had a death threat against another one of our residents today! So that's why the cops showed up this afternoon. Which meant that fuckface had to notify our boss, our big boss, the head guy at the HOA (Homeowners' Association), and write another incident report. So now we're supposed to watch out for some pissed off guy out for revenge (or whatever) and call the cops if he shows up, but all we have to go on is a name and a DOB. No picture, no description, nothing. Awesome, right? :-/ I fucking swear man, it's always something.

Oh and and and, this little fuckface is going to be our new boss, and he can't even spell properly! I was reading over his incident reports and he had misspelled sheriff, maintenance, and...something else. I forget, lol. Also he wrote the same deputy's name on both incident reports and spelled it differently both times...

Speaking of always something...I talked to my mom earlier. My brother and his wife are going out of town until the end of the weekend so she wanted to let me know that she was going to be alone for a few days. She said that she had some kind of episode last week where she had trouble breathing and couldn't talk. So she's worried that if it happened again she wouldn't be able to call 911 or anything. So I promised her that if she called me (or TH, if I was asleep), and didn't say anything that we would call an ambulance to go check her out. She's supposed to go back to see one of the respiratory doctors next week but in the meantime we really don't know what caused it. So that's kinda scary :-/

Noms for the day: Steamed edamame for breakfast (Nom!). Pork rinds and some sriracha dip when I woke up. Iced coffee, a couple of Slim Jims and some cheese on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought leftover soup :-)

Song: Puddle Of Mudd - Heel Over Head. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Just knowing that fuckface had a bad day :-)

Worst thing: Mom :-/


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