Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23

Well, not really much going on today. I got home this morning and woke TH up so he could go to work early, went to bed at about 8:30, and woke up around 6:00. Oops. So we didn't go swimming. TK said he kinda poked me around 2:00 but I just kinda growled at him so he left me alone, lol. Apparently I also slept through a pretty decent thunderstorm, too. So I guess I needed the sleep? Dunno. Got up and hung out with TK for a while, made Buffalo Chicken Soup for dinner, and now I'm at work. There's a pretty good chance for rain again tomorrow but if it's not raining when I wake up (earlier than today, hopefully) we'll try again to go swimming :-)

So when I got to work tonight fuckface was here by himself. I talked to my boss earlier and he said that they finally got ahold of the guy who didn't show up yesterday and he was supposed to go to the office today to meet with the big boss. Supposedly he was at the hospital with a friend, or something like that. Dunno. So I don't know if he will be back, or if he'll just go ahead and quit. I know he was looking for another job anyway. Either way though I'll probably have to see fuckface again tomorrow night, and for sure Wednesday night, because he's working with the other guy here at work. Lovely :-/ I was...not very nice to him when I got here, lol. I was polite, but that was all. I said hi, asked if there were any passdowns (the usual shift-change type stuff) and said ok see ya later. I think I hurt his wittle feelings, lol.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Buffalo Chicken Soup for dinner. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some boiled eggs, and I still have a leftover sausage link.

Song: Bastille - Bad Blood. A new one!

Best thing: I think my leg is doing better! Maybe. It's hard to tell...

Worst thing: Stupid new fuckface guy here at work >:-(


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