Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26

It's Thursday night!! Finally, lol. So this morning I had to see fuckface because he came in to relieve me at 6:00. I was nice and polite and all that shit. I think I've decided that I'm just going to be all sunshine and rainbow farts so he thinks that I don't hate his fucking guts. Then hopefully he'll be gone soon and I won't have to worry about it anymore :-) When I got here tonight one of the flex officers that I haven't seen in like forever was here because the other guy here at work took off for his birthday. So it was nice to see her again :-) It's really windy tonight, too. It never did end up raining but it kinda looked like it was going to all day. TH got called in to work for a couple of hours this afternoon though so we wouldn't have been able to go swimming anyway. Sigh. Tomorrow however...tomorrow I don't care what happens. We're going fucking swimming, lol. The new Transformers movie comes out tomorrow too but I think we're going to wait a week or so to go see it. Hopefully that will give the crowds a chance to die down.

So I got home this morning and TH was awake so I hung out with him for a little bit. Went to bed around 8:00 or so and TH woke me up at like 11:00 digging around in the closet for his work clothes (because they called him in to work). He and TK were just getting ready to go running around when work called, too :-( So he went on to work for a couple of hours and I got up and played with TK until he got back. So that worked. He got home and they went running around, I took another quick nap, and now I'm at work. Kinda tired, but not too bad. I think we still had a little bit of leftover soup but TH cooked the awesome sausage that I found marked down the other day for dinner. Nom nom nom!!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Cheese, almonds, and a sausage when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought 2 more sausage links, and I still have a couple of boiled eggs here at work.

Song: Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Talked to my mom again last night and earlier tonight. She's doing better!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired.


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