Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29

Sunday night, back at work. Woohoo, lol. So far tonight it hasn't been as busy as it usually is, which is nice. I've already seen one of my cop buddies. He came by early and chatted for a few minutes before he got called off. He hasn't come back yet so I guess the cops aren't having a very slow night...

So let's see. Friday morning I got home and everyone was asleep for like...20 minutes. TH woke up and I hung out with him for a little bit then took a nap. Woke up around 2:00 or so and TK and I went swimming for a while, stopped by HEB for a couple of things, and stopped by Papa Murphy's to pick up a couple of pizzas (shut up). Got home and cooked the pizzas and when TH got home we watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing Lego Star Wars.

Saturday we got up at 9:00 and rounded up Naga and Misdaventure to take them to the rabies shot clinic. We got there right after they started at 10:00 and signed in...and we were #33 on the list! So we were there until almost 2:00 messing around with that. It wasn't super hot though which was nice. We found a nice little spot in the shade and just kinda hung out. But now all of the kitties have had their rabies shots so we won't have to do that again until next year :-) Got finished up with that and got home, took a shower, and hung out with TK until TH got home. We had leftover pizza for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night. TH went to bed and we stayed up for a little bit, then TK went to bed and I was all alone for a while. It was nice :-)

Sunday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, and hung out for a while. Played a little Lego Star Wars and I took a nap before TH got home. Now I'm at work. We still had leftover type stuff for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking.

Noms for the weekend: Nope nope nope nope nope!!!

Song: Far East Movement - Like A G6. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Rabies shots, collars, and tags for ALLLLLLLL THE KITTIES!!!!!!

Worst thing: Bad keto weekend :-/ I really need to get my shit together...


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