Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30

Wow, it's the last day of September! TH is off this Wednesday and Thursday so I think we're going to try to set up the Halloween decorations. I can't wait :-) Tomorrow morning when I get off I'm taking a friend to the airport and then I may try to go to bed a little earlier than I did today so I can get up and play with TK a little before I go to work. We haven't had a chance to play very much lately :-/

So I went home this morning and got TK off to school, cleaned up the kitchen, made breakfast, then TH and I watched the series finale of Breaking Bad. It was good! It probably ended about the best way that it could have. Went to bed a little late and woke up after TK got home. His buddy came over again(!) so they played and I just kinda hung out. I don't really mind - he seems like a good kid. I would kinda rather have them hanging out here than off somewhere else, anyway. Made cream cheese stuffed bacon-wrapped jalapenos, sausage links, and broccoli/cauliflower in cheese sauce for dinner. Nom nom nom.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29

Kinda tired tonight. I got up around 10:00 and didn't really have time for a nap so I'm dragging a little bit. I drank my iced coffee and took a caffeine pill so hopefully that will wake me up a little. I had a couple of SF Monsters in the fridge at home but I forgot to grab one. Boo.

So Friday morning I got off work and went up to my mom's house. I stopped on the way there and bought some Monsters and a bag of pork rinds because I was hungry. She was awake when I got there so we hung out for a little while and then I took her to Walmart. I got some non-refrigerated type stuff that we needed, and I found a couple of really cute pairs of earrings. One of them is supposed to be Halloween themed - it's a pair of black kitty cats! I'll wear them any time though, lol. Got finished up there and she wanted to go to Subway for lunch because they have the $5 footlong deal. And, I was right - you can get any sub as a salad but it's like $7. Uh, no. I had heard about Carl's Jr. having a low-carb burger so I looked them up and there was one close by her house. So I got a lettuce-wrapped bacon cheeseburger for about what a sandwich would have cost. Nom nom nom!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 26

Thursday night again :-) I'm going up to see my mom when I get off in the morning, but after that it's the weekend!! I should be more tired than I am but for some reason I'm not. Dunno. Went home this morning and got TK off to school then played some more Black Ops 2 until TH woke up. Made breakfast, hung out for a while, and went to bed around 11 or so. I woke up just before TK got home and couldn't go back to sleep so I played a few games of zombies with him until his buddy came over. Hung out with TH for a while and started watching a movie but I stopped at 7:30 to take a quick nap. So I only slept for like 5 hours total but I feel pretty good. Yay!

Dunno what else. My mom wants to go to Subway for lunch tomorrow because they have any footlong for $5 right now. I know I can get a salad but something tells me that a salad is going to be more expensive than a freaking sandwich. We'll see, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 4 slices of Spam type stuff, shredded cheese, and avocado. 14 net carbs (the Spam type stuff was a lot higher than I realized. Oops.) 2 cheese sticks when I woke up - 2 net carbs. Iced coffee and almond milk on the way to work - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry later - pepperoni, cheese, and almonds. 6 net carbs. So, a little over but still not bad.

Song: Dope - Die Mother Fucker Die. Obviously NSFW, lol. Somebody was just telling me about these guys last night. I downloaded all of their stuff. I like :-)

Best thing: I've seen my cop buddy 2 days in a row now. He's cool :-)

Worst thing: Didn't sleep much today so I'll probably be tired tomorrow :-/

Okey dokeys then.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 25

Wednesday night. The week's almost over, yay! Went home this morning and got TK off to school then played some Black Ops 2 until TH woke up. I don't know what is going on but lately I've been doing unusually well in online multiplayer. Maybe I'm actually getting better? Dunno, but I like it :-) Made some breakfast and hung out with him for a while. I ended up going to bed around noon. Jim Bob slept with me for a while again! Got up around 8:00 and just kinda hung out until it was time to come to work. I should probably try to go to bed a little earlier tomorrow so maybe I can play with TK a little before work. He has had a buddy come over after school every day this week though so I guess he's not missing me too much, lol. I talked to my mom last night and I'm going to go see her when I get off work Friday morning. Sigh. I'm only going to spend the day though, because I need to be back when TK gets home from school around 4:00. So maybe it won't be too bad.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 4 sausage patties, shredded cheese, sour cream, and scrambled eggs mixed with shredded brussels sprouts. Probably around 9 net carbs. Iced coffee with almond milk - 1 net carb. Lunch when I got to work - 2 ounces almonds, 2 ounces pepperoni, and 4 ounces cheddar cheese. 4 net carbs. Dinner at work if I get hungry - salad with spinach, dressing, and shredded cheese. about 5 net carbs. So still under 20 for the day :-)

Song: Smosh - Ultimate Assassin's Creed 3 Song . Pretty funny!

Best thing: I feel much better than I did yesterday!

Worst thing: Kinda tired. Not bad though.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24

Well, I don't feel crappy anymore but I am kinda tired tonight. I went to bed later than I should have and got up when TK got home. Sigh. So I went home this morning and got TK off to school then hung out with TH for a while after he got up. Last night I updated my phone to ios7 so I messed around with that for a little bit. Went to bed around 10:30. TK came home by himself but his buddy showed up a little later. I played a little Black Ops 2 with them then just kinda hung out by myself for a while. I made dinner before TH got home - sliced pork chop and veggie stir fry with roasted brussels sprouts. I wasn't hungry so I brought some to work with me.

I definitely do feel better, and my leg cramps are gone! I think the potassium stuff is working. I have started adding a little to food, and I made another bottle of water with it today using a Crystal Light lemonade packet. That was much more tolerable!

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23

So I'm tired tonight, and kinda achy. I stopped on my way home this morning and bought some salt substitute stuff to use as a potassium supplement. It...tastes like ass :-/ I'm not sure how I'm going to use this stuff. I've seen where some people just mix it in with water and drink it but that was disgusting. Right now I've got a 32 ounce bottle of water with some of that, some regular salt, and a couple of packs of Crystal Light type stuff and it's still pretty gross. I'm going to have to choke it down though because I haven't been getting enough potassium since I started keto. Hopefully I can find a better way to do it, though :-/

So I went home this morning and got TK off to school, then TH woke up and we made breakfast and watched the new Breaking Bad. Only one episode left! Then we need to find something else to watch together. It's fun :-) Went to bed and woke up when TK got home but he had a buddy with him so I just went back to sleep for a while. TH woke me up when he got home and we heated up some pork chops for dinner then just kinda hung out until it was time to come to work. Eh.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22

It was a good weekend :-) Friday morning I stopped at Randall's on my way home and bought some brownies for TH's birthday. It started raining before I got home so I got a little wet. Got home and got TK off to school then played a little Black Ops 2 until TH got up. We hung out and drank coffee for a while then went to a couple of different thrift stores to look for a headboard. We didn't find one, but I found a cute picture to hang in our bathroom. It has frogs and turtles and stuff on it :-) It was still fun to just go somewhere together and mess around. We got rained on quite a bit, too. I remembered that I still had a gift card so we went to a new little Mexican food place. I got a fajita plate, no tortillas, and a salad on the side instead of the rice and beans. It was really good! Stopped at HEB on the way home to pick up a few things and got home just in time to pick TK up after he got off the bus, since it had started raining again. We got some serious rain!

We played poker for a while then gave TH his birthday presents. We bought him 2 Transformers Animated Vehicon Jets (Jeticons). He has a couple of the car versions but the jet ones were only released in Japan, and they're pretty expensive. So he was completely and totally surprised to even get one! We did good :-) He played with them for a while and then we watched The End of The World. It was a little silly, but pretty good. I hadn't had a nap at all so I went to bed when he did, around 9:30 or so.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19

Feeling better today :-) I think I might finally be almost over this! Went home this morning and TK was asleep on the new couch. He said he wanted to see how comfortable it was, lol. Emptied the dishwasher, made his lunch, and straightened up the kitchen a little. Got him up and ready to go and TH actually woke up while he was eating breakfast. Got him off to school and we made breakfast, watched a movie, and just kinda hung out for a while. I wasn't very sleepy again this morning! Went to bed around 12:00 and got up about 8:00. I wasn't really hungry so I brought dinner to work with me.

Tomorrow is TH's birthday! I'm going to stop at Randall's on the way home and get him some brownies. He likes their brownies. I had planned on making him some but I really haven't had a chance to. After TK goes to school I think we're going to go check out Salvation Army and Goodwill to see if we can find a headboard and/or a couple of nightstands. Then...I dunno. He doesn't have to go to work tomorrow, so yay! We can do 2 movie nights :-) We still have a couple of frozen pizzas, so they can have that but I need to figure out something low-carb friendly for me. It's been almost a week :-)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18

Still feeling crappy, but maybe not quite as bad? Dunno, it's hard to tell. Went home this morning and TH actually woke up before TK did! Got TK off to school and we made breakfast then just kinda hung out for a while. I was tired, but not really sleepy so we decided to go over to Salvation Army and look at the furniture. We found a nice matching sofa and loveseat set! I meant to take a picture but I forgot :-/ It's beige microfiber type stuff and dark brown leather/vinyl/whatever on the bottom and sides. It's pretty! It was a really good price, too, because there were a few scratches on the back of the couch. We're putting it against the wall though so we didn't care! Other than that it's in really good shape - kinda looks like it wasn't even used very much.

So we paid for it and decided to see if we could borrow the neighbor's truck to go pick it up. Stopped by the liquor store for some vodka :-) and Walgreen's for some more sinus meds. Got home and hauled the old couch and chair out to the curb, borrowed the neighbor's truck, and went to pick the new stuff up. We stopped and filled her truck up with gas, too :-) Moved the new furniture inside, vacuumed, took a shower, had a (small) drink, and went to bed at about 1:30. Got up around 8:00 and now I'm at work. Eh. I saw that somebody had picked up the chair but the couch is still there. We have bulky item pickup next week but I hope somebody grabs it before it gets rained on. It's still in decent shape.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17

Well, I feel slightly less like dogshit than I did yesterday, so that's something. Went home this morning and drank a cup of tea and then went to bed early. Like, TH got up to get TK off to school kinda early. I didn't sleep great, but at least I slept. I have noticed too that since I've started drinking more water I get up to pee a lot more. Kinda annoying. I woke up a little after TK got home. He brought another one of his buddies home with him after school and they hung out in the game room for a while. I wrapped TH's birthday presents and made some dinner. Laid back down at about 8:00 for a (very) short nap. Now I'm at work. Eh. I meant to leave early enough to stop at Walgreen's for some more sinus meds but I didn't. I'll probably stop on the way home in the morning because I think I have one dose left and I'm probably going to need it tonight :-/

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 ounces of pepperoni, a slice of cheese, and a cup of tea with a little almond milk. 1 net carb. Iced coffee with almond milk on the way to work - 1 net carb. Lunch (after I got to work) - pork rinds dipped in tuna with mayo, relish, boiled eggs, and celery. 2 net carbs. Dinner (later at work) - either stir-fried pork chops with zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and shredded cheese (9 net carbs), or a salad with spinach, dressing, pepperoni, shredded cheese, green olives, cucumbers, and celery (8 net carbs). So without any other snacks I'll end up with either 12 or 13 for the day. Yay!

Song: Ice Cream Paint Job - Dorrough Music. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: I feel a little better?

Worst thing: Urk, blah....


Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16

I feel like absolute dogshit :-/ I guess I managed to catch the sinus crap that TK has been fighting off. Sucks. So I went home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, drank a cup of tea, watched Breaking Bad with TH, and went to bed. I didn't sleep very well because of the stupid sinus shit so I got up a little after TK got home. We played a little Minecraft until TH got home, and he actually cooked dinner because I was feeling so crappy. And now I'm at work feeling crappy, and it has rained off and on for a while, so everything is all humid and gross and squishy. I am not having a good day :-/

Seriously thinking about going straight to bed when I get home in the morning. TK's lunch is already made and the coffee is set up so all I would have to do would be make sure TH wakes up in time to get TK off to school. Guess I'll see how I feel in the morning.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 15

Sunday night. Back at work, and as of tonight I have officially started my little keto thingie. Yay! I didn't eat dinner before I left home so I brought a salad with spinach, ranch, shredded cheese, green olives, cucumber, pepperoni, and a boiled egg. I also brought a container of frozen broccoli/cauliflower/carrots, some butter, and 2 boneless pork ribs. I packed a few cans of vienna sausages, a container of almonds, a box of Slim Jims, and a bag of salt and vinegar pork rinds to stock my little cabinet here at work. Oh, and some boiled eggs. I made an iced coffee with 2 packs of sweetener and some unsweetened vanilla almond milk to drink on the way to work and I ate the salad when I got here :-) And now I'm drinking water. I figure I might have a diet soda every now and then, but I'm going to try to drink mostly water. I did buy some sleepytime tea to drink in the mornings before I go to bed, since I'm going to go without the alcohol for a while. So I would say I'm off to a good start so far! I guess I'm kinda getting ahead of myself, though...

Ok so Friday I went home and woke TK up early and we went by Chick-fil-a for a free chicken biscuit. Turns out that they do have a good spicy chicken! We were pretty early so we decided to go by the Walmart next door to look for some of those little Halo Mega Bloks mystery packs. They didn't have any though. TK really wants me to find a couple of the new little Grunts. They have like three different colors this time! Dropped him off at school and went to HEB. I got a few things that TH and TK needed, plus some eggs, almond milk, hot dogs, Slim Jims, salt and vinegar pork rinds, a few veggies, and some boneless seasoned pork ribs and chicken sausages that were marked down. Got home and TH was awake so we decided to go to Sam's. We bought some precooked bacon, precooked frozen sausage patties, shredded cheese, frozen uncooked hamburger patties, pepperoni, almonds, two big containers of pork rinds, spinach, some brussel sprouts, and some vitamins. So we have plenty of stuff to cook! Went home and hung out for a while, then TH left for work and I took a quick nap. Got up a little bit after TK got home and UPS had brought TH's birthday present! So we were able to hide it while he wasn't there :-) Played some Minecraft and zombies with him until TH got home then just kinda hung out until he went to bed. We stayed up a little bit later playing Minecraft.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12

Finally Thursday night again :-) So I went home this morning and got TK off to school then played a little Black Ops 2 until TH got up. Did a little cleaning and vacuumed everything. Hung out with him for a while and went to bed not too terribly late. Got up around 5:30 and played a little Minecraft with TK then just kinda hung out for a while until it was time to come to work.

Tomorrow I'm going to wake TK up early and we're going to go to Chick-fil-a for breakfast. We have a couple of free breakfast sandwich coupons :-) I'll drop him off at school and probably stop by HEB for a few things, then TH and I might go to Sam's. Need to stock up and get ready because I'm gonna start the keto thing Sunday night. That means this will be my last pizza/beer night for a while. I can totally do this, though. It will be fun!

Song: Halo Reach OST - Tip of the Spear Suite. Plays during the level Tip of the Spear on Halo Reach (duh).

Best thing: Actually slept pretty well!

Worst thing: One of our residents here has been sick, and they've had nurses and hospice coming in for the last few weeks. Somebody from the funeral home came by earlier :-/ Don't know if that means it's over, or they're getting ready for it to be over :-(


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11

Not too much going on again today. All the flags are half-mast, and everyone's kinda...serious, I guess. It's been 12 years but I guess it takes a while to really get over something like that. Still kinda depressing to think about :-(

Went home and got TK off to school then played a little Black Ops 2 until TH got up. We made some breakfast tacos and watched a movie, then I went to bed kinda late. I slept til almost 8:00, made a sandwich to bring to work, and now I'm here. Yay. I told TH this morning that I was thinking about doing the keto thing. We get paid tomorrow, so Friday I may see about going to get some stuff to get started. If I do I think I'll try to cook up some stuff this weekend and maybe start Sunday night. That means no drinking for a while, either. Eek! It will be worth it, though.

Song: Avenged Sevenfold - Girl I Know. A7X!!

Best thing: When I went to bed Naga was in there asleep. I have never caught her on our bed! She slept with me for a while :-)

Worst thing: Feeling kinda yucky :-/


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 10

Not much going on today. Went home and got TK off to school then just kinda hung out for a while. TH was still asleep so I went to bed kinda early. Got up when TK got home and we played a little bit of zombies then made spaghetti for dinner. It rained a little, right after TK got home. And now I'm at work.

The last few nights I've been reading a lot about the keto diet. Basically it's low carb, with no sugars or grains or anything like that. We've tried the low carb thing before and I always did really well on it but it was kinda hard to stick to it. I'm thinking about trying it again, though. I remember that I did have a lot more energy while I was doing it. We'll see.

Song: Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: We managed to get 2 of the harder achievements on the new Black Ops 2 zombies map :-)

Worst thing: Cramps. Still :-/


Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9

So I woke TK up when I got home and he was still feeling kinda crappy so I just let him go back to bed. TH got up and we watched the new episode of Breaking Bad and just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed later than I probably should have and slept til around 5:00. TK actually got up before I went to bed and acted like he was feeling better so he should be fine to go to school tomorrow. Glad he's not really sick! Played a little Minecraft with him until TH got home, hung out with him for a little bit, and now I'm at work.

It rained and thundered at the house for a little while. Didn't seem like we got a whole lot of rain but every little bit counts! It was cooler today too - when I came to work it was only like 78 instead of 80-something. Hopefully it's going to really start cooling off soon!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8

Sunday night, again. Yay. I actually slept kinda late today so I'm really not very tired. So that's good. TK texted me a little while ago and said he's not feeling well. His stomach hurts and he feels like he might puke :-/ I really hope he's not trying to get sick. I hate it when he's sick! Plus school like, just freaking started and it would suck for him to already miss a day. Hopefully he wakes up in the morning feeling better!

So Friday I went home and got TK off to school then stopped by HEB for a few things. TH was up when I got home so we decided to go to Salvation Army to look for a headboard and stuff. We didn't really find anything there so we were going to go check out another one but when we got there it had moved. So that kinda sucked. We did go by one other little thrift store and found a couple of cute little stuffed toys. And, I found a little stuffed Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) in a birthday cake. I went ahead and got it for TH's birthday :-) Went home and ate some lunch then just kinda hung out til TH left for work. I played a little Black Ops 2 then took a quick nap until TK got home. We played some zombies and some Minecraft, then played some cards and just kinda hung out for a while. The neighbor came over and stayed for a little bit. That was fun :-) TH got home and I hung out with him until he went to bed, then TK and I stayed up a little later and went to bed around 2:30.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 5

Welp, I didn't go to bed as early as I had hoped but I managed to get up kinda early and I'm not too tired. So that's something. Went home this morning and the very first thing I got to do was clean up a dead lizard and a shit-ton of ants from the hallway. Thanks a lot, asshole cats >:-( Actually that's not quite right. First I had to go inside and get the broom to drag my phone out from under my car because I dropped it getting out and it bounced under there. Then I cleaned up the hall. Made coffee, TK's lunch, and emptied the dishwasher. TH actually got up before TK left which was kinda odd. Got him off to school then we watched a movie and hung out for a while. I went to bed and TH went by Sam's for cat food and a few other things (veggie burgers, nom nom nom!). I woke up around 6:00 or so and made a sandwich then played a game of zombies with TK.

TH swapped out the long towel rod in the hall bathroom for one of the ring-looking ones. Each bathroom had one ring holder and one long bar, but we wanted to add a second long one in our bathroom because we always have 2 towels hanging up at once. In our bathroom the ring is by the sink for a hand towel and the long one is by the shower for a bath towel. Makes sense, right? The hall bathroom was opposite though. Kinda weird. So we just bought a new ring one for the hall bathroom and moved the bar one to our bathroom. So much better!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4

It rained at my house earlier! We had a really good thunderstorm and it rained for about an hour. I got rained on a little bit on my way to work but when I got here it hadn't rained at all. Weird. It's a little cooler right now than it has been. When the rain started it dropped from about 100 to 81. Now it's like 75 or so. It actually feels kinda nice! I am so ready for it to start cooling off. These 100+ degree days are getting old!

So I went home this morning and got TK off to school, then stayed up for a while with TH. We watched the new Breaking Bad and just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed a little late but slept pretty good and got up around 6:00. I had talked to the neighbor early this morning and she said her son was going to be home most of the day today so I didn't need to worry about the doggies until later. We went over and checked on them, then I played a little bit of Minecraft with TK. That's when it started storming. It was awesome :-) We made fajita bowl type thingies for dinner. We cooked some peppers, onions, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, and a couple of Hatch chiles and mixed it all with some of that carne asada that I had cooked and frozen last week. Thawed out some homemade refried beans, made some rice, and smashed a couple of avacados. It was awesome! And, we ended up with so many cooked veggies that we only used half of them so I need to figure out what to do with the leftovers. Hmmm...maybe something with quinoa?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3

Kinda tired tonight - I went to bed late and didn't really get to sleep as late as I wanted to. It's not too bad, though. I heard that Sonic was doing half-price breakfast burritos today so I stopped on the way home and bought some for breakfast. TH and I got Supersonic and TK got an Ultimate Meat and Cheese. Nom nom nom. Got home and made TK's lunch, sent him off to school, then the neighbor came by for a little bit. She gave me a key and we went back to her house so she could show me the dog food and all that. Hung out with her for a while and TH was awake when I got home. Ate breakfast and chatted with him then went to bed. I woke up at about time for TK to get home but he wasn't home yet. Not that unusual because sometimes he hangs out and chats with his buddies at the bus stop. Then he called from school. The bus had broken down before it had even left the front of the school and it was going to take a while to send another one :-/ So I went and picked him up. And it was freaking hot!

Got home and played a little Minecraft, ate a sandwich, and just kinda hung out til TH got home. Went over and checked on the doggies and they were so happy to see us. They weren't even out of food yet, lol. Messed around, took a shower, and now I'm at work. Yay. But - I cleaned the fish tank tonight! It was kind of a pain in the ass because all we have is this tiny little sink and really nowhere to set stuff but I did it. Yay! I've got it filled back up and the pump running to clear the water before I put the fish back in. Right now they're in a little 3 gallon or so bucket. I hope they'll be ok in there until tomorrow :-/

Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2

Today was Labor Day. Yeehaw. I am so fucking tired of hearing the words "Holiday Weekend". At least it meant I got holiday pay? It was pretty busy at work last night so I just never got around to writing anything. Everybody goes back to work and school tomorrow so it's back to normal. Much better :-)

Friday I went home and got TK off to school then went by HEB for a few things. Got home and hung out with TH for a while, then took a nap. I woke up a little bit after TK got home and we hung out for a while, played some zombies and Minecraft. TH got home and we hung out with him til he went to bed, then stayed up a little bit later working on our Minecraft city a little bit more. We have the town hall/courthouse almost completely finished. It's awesome :-)

Saturday we slept kinda late then basically just kinda hung out all day. Did some laundry, cleaned a little, and played some zombies until TH got home. I made some (frozen) boneless wings, jalapeno poppers, and mozzarella sticks for movie night and we watched Twixt. It was...weird :-/ We got the bark control thingie that we had ordered but it didn't come with a battery so we made a quick trip down to the crappy mart for a battery (and a couple of beers) and then set it up outside. Hung out with TH til he went to bed, then played some Black Ops 2 with TK for a while.

Sunday I got up earlier than I had really planned and never took another nap so I was kinda tired Sunday night. TK and I made some chocolate chip cookies, and I cut up a bunch of salad veggies. We just kinda hung out til TH got home and I made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. Then of course work was busy because of the holiday. Sigh. The drive home Monday was nice, though. No traffic! Went home and hung out by myself for a little while and went to bed kinda early. TK was out of school so I slept til about 5, then we played some zombies and stuff. TH had to go do pool duty (because of the holiday) so he didn't get home until just after I left. It rained a little, just enough to kinda mess up the roads. That's always fun :-/

The neighbor texted me earlier today, she's going out of town for a few days and wanted to know if I would mind feeding her dogs. I'm really (like, really) not a dog person, but hers are sweet :-) So I'll be doing that for a few days. Yeah, we set the bark control thingie out Saturday night, right? It...actually seems like it might be helping! I went out the back door to take the trash out before I left for work tonight and that little fucker just barked a couple of times and stopped. He never does that! Usually once he's decided to bark he cranks up and goes for at least 10 minutes. So I'm really hoping this is going to work! This is really our only option - we've seen that they're not going to keep him quiet on their own and apparently the cops coming out doesn't bother them. I just love living behind oblivious douchebags >:-(

Um, what else? Not really anything I can think of. TH is being kind of a dick right now. I texted him a couple of hours ago and he never answered, so I texted TK and told him to tell TH that I needed to talk to him. TH said he would call me "in a little bit". I told him it was important, too. So he can pretty much go fuck himself tonight. Sigh.

Song: Lhugueny - Nuketown The Musical. The newest Black Ops 2 Zombies parody. It's awesome :-)

Best thing: Maybe solved the dog barking problem?

Worst thing: TH being a douchenugget >:-(
