Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19

We did it! We finally got the storage place cleaned out, and we're done with it! That saves $140 a month. Went home this morning and took a little bit of a nap, then we went to Target for a few things and went to get a truck. They didn't have any 10' trucks so we got a van. We managed to fit all of the stuff we wanted to take to Salvation Army in the van and the back of my car so it only took one trip. They took everything we had, which was awesome. I helped the guy unload the stuff from my car but they sent TH around to the dock with the van, because he had furniture and heavy shit. The dock guys were still off on lunch break so he had to wait about 15 minutes. While he was doing that TK and I went and loaded up almost everything else and took it home. TH finished up and headed back to the Uhaul place to drop off the van and I picked him up when he was done. We stopped and loaded up the last few things, swept out the storage place, and told them we were gone. Awesome :-)

I took a shower when we got home and ate some lunch. Hung out with TH and TK for a little while, played a game of zombies, and went to bed. I'm a little tired but not too bad. It was fucking hot though - I think I sunburned just a little bit :-/ We still kinda have shit sitting all over the dining room so we need to work on getting that put away and organized. Most of the stuff that belongs in the shed got stuck in there when we got home today. We do still need to clean out the shed and organize it but that can wait until it's a little cooler. Because the heat sucks :-/

We get paid tomorrow which is good because we're pretty fucking broke right now. I will be stopping for gas on my way home in the morning. We need to pay a couple of things that we put off last paycheck because of Snipe's vet bill so it's going to be a little tight again this time. Sigh. I feel like I'm being really ungrateful sometimes, because I know we're a lot better off than a lot of people, but I hate not having the extra money to do stuff. It seems like lately we're barely making it from one paycheck to the next. And it doesn't help that everything is so fucking expensive. It seems like every time you go to the grocery store you're going to spend at least $100. We don't really even buy expensive convenience type shit either. We pretty much cook or eat leftovers or sandwiches and shit. Sigh.

TH wants to watch some Breaking Bad when I get home in the morning. We'll see how tired I am and how early he gets up, I guess. I think we're just about caught up which kinda sucks. Now we have to wait for new episodes. I guess now we'll have to find something else to watch together, lol.

Song: Dynamite Hack - Boyz in the Hood. Heard this one for the first time in a while earlier today.

Best thing: The other guy here at work found one of those huge green beetles over the weekend and saved it to show me. Freaked him the fuck out when I picked it up and let it crawl on me. It was so cute!

Worst thing: Headache. I think it was too bright today :-/

I guess that's pretty much it.

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