Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16

Sunday night. And Father's Day. TH worked all day but we did movie night last night and he picked the movie so that was cool. He bought a new Transformer dude a few days ago, but we still bought him a box of Whoppers and gave it to him last night. They're his favorite.

Friday I went home and took a nap early, then TH woke me up when he left for work. Messed around with TK for a little bit, then we went to feed the ducks again. I love that little park - it's so quiet! We fed the ducks and turtles, and this time we saw some fish and a snake! It was awesome :-) We stopped by HEB on the way home to pick up a handful of things, then played some Black Ops 2 until it was time for TH to get home. I made veggie burgers and fries for dinner, and hung out with him until he went to bed. I stayed up just a little bit longer but I ended up going to bed kinda early.

Saturday we slept pretty late. I got up and did a little cleaning and started the laundry, and then TK helped me clean out and organize the closet in the master bedroom. It really needed it :-/ Finished that up and I helped him organize some of his action figure display in his room, then we played zombies until TH got home. He had stopped to pick up the movie, and since we're a little short on cash til payday we decided to do nachos for dinner. We watched the new Hansel and Gretel. I was surprised, it was actually better than I thought it was going to be. It helps, I'm sure, that we rented it from Redbox for $1 :-) TH went to bed and TK and I hung out a little bit longer, then I went to bed. We had kitties sleeping with us all night. It was so cute!

Sunday I got up kinda early and just basically messed around a little bit. Finished the laundry and did a little more cleaning, and then took a pretty decent nap. Seems like I slept better during that nap than I did all of Saturday night. Dunno why. Got up and played a game of zombies with TK, then hung out with TH after he got home until it was time to come to work. Yay.

We scheduled TH's car for an oil change at 7:00 am tomorrow. I'm going to go home and change, and take it over there to get it done. Cause I'm fucking nice, yo. Eh, it's just easier to have it done early in the morning, and I'm already up so there's no reason for him to have to get up early. Sigh.

So TK texted me a little while ago and said that he puked twice. Not good :-/ I can't think of anything odd that he's eaten lately so I hope he's not getting sick. He had a can of ravioli for dinner but he's had that plenty of times before. Told him if he starts feeling bad again to wake up TH. I hate him not feeling good while I'm at work. Sucks :-(

Dunno what else. Kinda tired, and bored. No more cramps though, so at least there's that!

Song: Daft Punk, Pharrell Williams - Get Lucky. Another new one.

Best thing: Somebody gave me Reddit Gold on a comment I made :-)

Worst thing: Maybe a sick TK :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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