Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2

Sunday night. Here we go again, yay. I kinda can't believe that it's already June! And, TK only has 3 days of school left. Wow. So this weekend was...not bad. Long, but not really too bad. I got off work and went up to my mom's house, and we hung out for a little bit then I took her to the store. Went back and dropped her stuff off at her house then headed home. She wanted to buy me lunch, so we stopped at Panda Express on the way home. We got home before TH left for work so I actually got to see him for a little bit. He left, and she laid down for a nap. The tree guy was there fixing the driveway where it got broken last week, so I didn't get a chance to take a nap or anything. I played a little Black Ops 2 until TK got home, then we all hung out a little bit. TH wasn't supposed to be home until around 9:30 so I took a quick nap before he got home. Got up and hung out with him for just a little bit then went to bed kinda early.

Saturday I think we slept til around 11, then got up and drank some coffee and messed around. We got out and went to Sprouts for some of the grapes that were on sale, and stopped to get a Slurpee on the way home. Did some laundry and a little bit of cleaning and pretty much just talked to mom. We decided to do frozen wings and fries for dinner, so I had that ready when TH got home. We watched Guilt Trip, which was kinda funny because it's about a mom constantly nagging her adult son, lol. It was pretty good. TH and mom went to bed and I stayed up for a little while playing with TK. I forget when I went to bed but it started storming pretty much right after I did. I don't think it ever really rained very much, but we got a nice little lightning show.

Sunday I didn't get up until almost 1:00, and everyone else was already up. Oops, lol. We hung out for just a little bit then went to take mom home. We stayed there for a little while and headed home. Played a little Black Ops zombies with TK then took a nap. Now I'm at work. Woohoo. At least it's not as busy as it was last Sunday. I kinda hope I'm able to get to bed earlier tomorrow, cause I'm tired. Not sleepy really, just tired. Feels like now I need a weekend to recover from the weekend with mom, lol.

So, I'm kinda proud of myself. We went to Panda Express for lunch Friday, right? I usually get a 2-entree plate, with Kung Pao Chicken, Beijing Beef, and Chow Mein. I looked it up ahead of time, and that would have been 39 points! The Kung Pao Chicken isn't too bad, but the Beijing Beef is fried so...yeah. So I went with Kung Pao Chicken, Shanghai Angus Steak, and mixed veggies. That's only 12 points! And that usually makes 2 meals so that's even better. Eh, maybe it's not that big a deal but it made me happy. Also, mom bought some Fritos and some of that guacamole-flavored dip stuff, and some brownies that she made, and I passed on all of that. Again, little stuff but I figure it's progress, right? I didn't have a chance to weigh this weekend, so I'll probably do it tomorrow. I hope I've lost a little more!!

Eh, dunno what else. Bored and kinda tired, so I can't really think.

Song: Avenged Sevenfold - And All Things Will End. Love these guys :-)

Best thing: We had been thinking about buying a new George Foreman type grill, but mom had an extra one and she gave it to us!

Worst thing: Kinda tired.


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