Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11

Not much going on today, again. Went home this morning and just kinda hung out by myself for a little while, and had some chips and Salsa of Doom for breakfast. Everyone was still asleep so I actually went to bed kinda early. I guess I slept ok. That fucking dog behind us kept barking but once I turned on the sleep noise app it wasn't too bad. Got up and messed with TK for a while, and played a few games of zombies. I made a chicken enchilada casserole for dinner. It was a little mushy but really good.

Tomorrow morning we have that meeting, then we're going to go by and try to finish getting the rest of the stuff that we still want out of the storage place. Yay :-/ The downtown library is having a Minecraft thingie tomorrow afternoon that I think TK would enjoy - I'm going to try to get TH to take him to that. They totally need to go do some stuff together. I kinda want to go like, hike a trail somewhere or something too. Dunno. I'm just kinda eh tonight. I've got cramps, too, so I know that's not helping. Sigh.

Song: Halo Reach OST - ONI Sword Base Suite. This is the music that plays during the level ONI Sword Base in the Halo Reach campaign. I'm thinking it's getting about time for another Reach playthrough!

Best thing: A little nice quiet time by myself this morning :-)

Worst thing: I think Thing One and Thing Two (the 2 little sucker fish here at work) might be dead. They haven't moved in like 2 days. Guess I need to find something to reach in there and poke them with :-(


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