Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18

I slept much better today. Went home and had a couple of beers and actually fell asleep on the couch for a little bit before TH got up. Then of course when he got up he woke me up and told me to go to bed. Turdbutt. Got up early enough to mess with TK for a while, and made spaghetti for dinner. I cooked a whole bag of frozen stir fry veggies and blended them into the spaghetti sauce, then added a few extra veggies to my bowl. Sneaky veggies, lol.

Talked to my neighbor today, and we're going to hang out Friday morning. Yay! I need to see for sure but I think she's usually off on Fridays, so if that would work for her every week that would be much better for me than Thursdays. I barely made it through work the last time we hung out on a Thursday. I'm going to make some hummus, and I need to figure out what to take to drink. I kinda wanted to make some vodka gummy bears to take but I don't really have time this week. Hopefully next week!

So we figured out that we'll have enough cash tomorrow to rent a small U-Haul truck and finish cleaning out the storage place. We called Salvation Army but they weren't going to be able to pick stuff up until Friday at the earliest, and we have to have it cleaned out tomorrow. I kinda can't believe we waited until the last minute :-/ But we're going to get a truck in the morning and bring the stuff that we want to keep home, then drop off what's left at Salvation Army. I really hope they'll take everything!

Eh, I dunno what else. I'm bored and it's busier than crap here at work for some reason. Grrrrr.

Song: Stan Bush - The Touch. This was on the soundtrack for the original 1980-whatever Transformers movie and TK has been playing it nonstop for the last few days. It's kinda stuck in my head, lol.

Best thing: We got a new little fish here at work!

Worst thing: Fucking annoyingly busy >:-(

Yep yep yep.

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