Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5

Tired. And I know I'm going to be tired tomorrow, too. Ugh. At least tomorrow is my last night? Went home this morning and got TK off to school (for the last time!), then stayed up too late watching Breaking Bad with TH. I had planned on sleeping until almost time to go to work but I woke up around 6:00 and just couldn't go back to sleep. TH and TK were watching a movie so I played a game of zombies by myself and then made some Salsa of Doom. It's good :-) TK decided to make nachos for dinner but I wasn't very hungry so I made it all into a taco salad type thing and brought it to work. Nom nom nom.

So tomorrow morning I have to take Snipe back to the vet, and we'll find out whether or not his bladder infection is completely gone. He acts like he feels just fine, so I'm hoping that means he's over it. Then after I get home I'm going over to hang out with the lady next door. I'm...kinda excited :-) I'm going to take some salsa, and I stopped on the way to work and bought a bottle of vodka. Figure that way if I get hammered I can just crawl home and go to bed, lol. I'm thinking it would probably be a good idea to have a couple of Monsters or something for tomorrow night. Then of course I've got the oil change Friday morning, and I need to go by the store, so dunno when I'll get in bed Friday. I'm so ready for the weekend!

I need to find a chance to take TK to Walmart or something so we can get stuff to wear if we go swimming. I really really don't like public pools, but if we're going to swim at all this summer I'll just have to deal with it. I figure we'll probably end up taking his buddy and maybe his buddy's little sister at least some of the time. I definitely want to get out and do stuff this summer!

So, TH and I know this guy who used to work full time at our security company. He found another job doing security for a high-end retail store, but he stayed on at our company very part time, like 1-2 days per month. TH ran into him the other day, and it turns out that his new company is going to be posting a job opening for security in the next few days. It pays about $6 per hour more than what TH is making now, the hours are better, and it has good affordable insurance (which we don't have right now). He has already put in a good word for TH with his boss! TH filled out an application online and did the little assessment test today, so now we just wait and see if they call. If he could get this...well, it would just be fucking awesome. Fingers, toes, and everything crossed!!

Hmmm. Dunno what else. Still bored, as usual. Big surprise, huh?

Song: M.I.A. - Paper Planes. Heard this on on the radio earlier for the first time in a while.

Best thing: TH applied for a better job!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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