Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20

Finally Thursday night, yay!! Seems like it has been another long week. I guess maybe because it has been so freaking busy every night? Dunno. So when I got home this morning all the kitties were sitting in the driveway waiting for me and TH was sitting on the front porch. Kinda odd, but cool :-) We hung out outside for a while and watered the little shrubberies (heh) in the flowerbeds. The 3 that are in front of the dining room window are doing great, they're big and healthy looking. The ones in front of the porch aren't growing as fast. I think maybe they just get too much sun. So hopefully if we start watering them really well they'll catch up. They still look healthy and all, they're just...smaller. I'll have to get a picture. Our neighbor lady on the other side (not the one I hang out with sometimes) came over to chat. TH went inside and I stood outside talking to her for a while.

I finished up with her and made a veggie burger for lunch, then TH and I watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad. Went to bed and he and TK went to HEB and Sams. So now the only shopping I need to do is pick up a few things from Target, and try to find TK some swim shorts at one of the thrift stores. Awesome :-) Got up and hung out with them for a little bit, and now I'm at work. Yay. I actually stayed up pretty late but I'm not really that tired. It's a nice change, lol.

I didn't have a chance to make hummus yet so I need to go home and do that in the morning. TH picked up a bag of veggie chips and a bottle of vodka for me (yay!), so that's probably what I'll take over to the neighbor's house tomorrow. She said she would try to make something too, but we'll see. And this time I don't have to worry about going to work later! TH works late on Fridays though so I'll probably go home and hang out with him until time to go to her house, take a quick nap when I'm done, then maybe take TK to look for the swim shorts. Dunno. We'll definitely go feed the ducks again sometime this weekend. Because - ducks and turtles!!

So I forget if I've said this already or not, but I weighed again a few days ago and I have lost 19.8 pounds so far. Almost freaking 20 pounds, in 2 months. I can't really see any difference, but I can feel it. My clothes fit a little looser, and I just feel better. Yeah part of it's probably psychological, but IDGAF. As long as it keeps me motivated, right? Yay me, lol.

I might dye my hair again this weekend, too. I have a box of hair dye that I bought like 2 months ago but I haven't had a chance to use it. It's nothing drastic, just gives my brown hair a little more red highlighting than it has naturally. Makes it shiny, too :-)

Song: Eminem - Amityville. Random shuffle. No video but the lyrics are definitely NSFW.

Best thing: TH and TK got out and did some stuff together. And they didn't kill each other, lol.

Worst thing: So one of the sheriffs who stops and chats with me all the time stopped by this morning. He was telling me about a wreck they had just worked where a guy ran into a tree. They had to cut the dude out of his car. He didn't make it :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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