Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4

I am so freaking bored tonight. Dunno why. It's busy, but not horribly busy. I found out that Friday is the last day of school out here so starting next week it will probably be worse. I'm tired for some reason too, which doesn't make sense because I went to bed fairly early, and actually slept a little more after TK got home. Got up and played some zombies with him, then hung out with TH til it was time to come to work. He had leftover sausage and veggie stuff, and I made some stirfry veggies and a fish filet. I brought a salad with sausage and veggie stuff to work with me.

Tomorrow is TK's last day of school! It felt so weird to set up the coffee before I left for work tonight but not make him a lunch. They're feeding everybody hot dogs and chips at school tomorrow, so he doesn't have to take anything with him. And then he's done until next year! He'll be in 8th grade next year, and unless they change something with the dress code he'll have to wear a black polo shirt. This year was white - that was not fun!

Eh, dunno what else. Don't really feel like writing tonight. Tomorrow I'll probably go home and hang out with TH for a while. We haven't had a chance to watch Breaking Bad since last Thursday. Hopefully I won't stay up too late, though.

Song: Men At Work - Down Under. Random shuffle - a really old one!

Best thing: Ran into the lady next door as I was leaving for work. I think we're going to try to hang out sometime Thursday :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired :-/

Yep yep yep.

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