Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10

So, I went to get my oil changed this morning, and I'm pretty sure the little service adviser dude thinks I'm an idiot :-/ I had an appointment for Friday morning but since I was so tired I rescheduled it online for Monday morning. I couldn't get an appointment with the same guy so I just picked whoever had an early appointment available. No big deal, right? Well, I get there this morning and they can't find my appointment. So they call the first dude over to see if he still has my paperwork. Apparently the change didn't go through, so he does. He says, no big deal we can work you in. So I sit outside listening to music while they do their thing. I'm surprised too because it actually didn't take any longer than normal. They get finished and I go up to the counter to check out, and they want like $20 for rotating the tires. Ok - we have a 2 year free/prepaid/whatever maintenance plan on both of our cars. So we've never had to pay for any of the basic scheduled maintenance type stuff. So they start digging around and can't find any record of it, but then they finally do. Yay. That's when I realize that I was in there for 25,000 mile maintenance, which is supposed to be just tire rotation and basic checkup. Oil changes are only every 10,000 miles because they use synthetic oil. Oops, lol. Though to be completely fair, he probably should've noticed it too. So I guess I don't really feel that dumb. I guess I'll just have really clean oil when I go get it changed at 30,000 miles to get it back on schedule. So that was that.

Got home and TH was up, so I made a veggie burger and we decided to watch one episode of Breaking Bad. Yeah...we ended up watching 3 and I didn't get to bed until after noon. Oops again :-) So now I'm kinda tired but not too bad. I don't have to go do anything tomorrow morning so if I'm tired when I get home, I'm fucking going to bed. I feel bad because I pretty much went to bed when TK got up, and TH was leaving for work. So I didn't get a chance to mess with him at all. He probably played Xbox all day. I knew this would happen, too. He stays up late and ends up sleeping until TH goes to work, so they never do anything. It just always feels like it's up to me to make sure TK gets out and does stuff, and doesn't just sit home all the time playing Xbox. Sigh.

Dunno what else. E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) was today. I need to go read through some recaps and stuff, because there were supposed to be some big announcements. One thing I have heard that I really don't like, is that Halo 5 was announced (YAY!!) but it will be Xbox One exclusive. I really hope that's wrong - I don't want a fucking Xbox One. I want to use my 360 until it just freaking quits >:-(

Song: Vampire Weekend - Diane Young. Another one I've been hearing on the radio lately.

Best thing: Weighed myself this morning. 391.4. That's a total of 16.8 gone, in not quite 2 months. And I've only been using the WW tracker for a month of that!

Worst thing: Elbow still hurts :-/

I guess that's pretty much it.

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