Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13

Thursday night, yay! And it's after 1:00 already! I got distracted tonight, lol. So I got a little more sleep today than I did yesterday. Still kinda tired but not too bad. Got home this morning and TH woke up about 5 minutes later. Scared the shit out of me, too, because I was looking for something in the pantry and when I turned around he was just standing there, Asshole :-P

I forget if I mentioned it last night, but we found some ants coming in by the front door making a trail over to the cat food in the corner of the dining room. We sprayed the whole little trail down with some of that pet odor eliminator, and vacuumed the living room because there were a few on the carpet. We were hoping that would take care of the problem but when I got home this morning there were a bunch more. Grrrr. So we used the vacuum cleaner to suck up all of the ones we could see, and then sprayed the whole area down with vinegar because that's supposed to get rid of them. We noticed that they were also making a trail along the edge of the carpet to underneath the chest freezer so we pulled it out to suck them up from there. That's when we found the half-eaten lizard that somebody (Moose, probably) had knocked under there. So that's one thing they were after. That's probably the 6th or 7th lizard that has been brought in the house. Usually we find them before the ants do, though. Gross.

So I watched 2 episodes of Breaking Bad with TH and then went to bed. He and TK went to Home Depot to get some new weatherstripping for the front and back doors because the cats tore it up trying to get in the house before we installed the kitty door. Bastards. They also bought some ant baits and put them all along the ant trail and a few of them outside on the front porch where they are coming in. I really hope the baits work. I know the spray works but I'm afraid to use it with the kitties :-/ They went by the storage place and brought back a load of stuff. TH says there's only a little bit of stuff that we want to keep left, then we'll see if Salvation Army or whoever wants the rest.

I had planned on sleeping until 7:30 or so but I woke up at like 6:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. I got up and just kinda hung out with TH and TK, then played some zombies by myself. TH was going to sit there and watch me play but he ended up falling asleep on the gameroom couch :-)

We really need to try to go through some of the stuff sitting around the dining room this weekend. I probably should try to organize the closets a little better, too. Everything is still just kinda stuck wherever from when we moved in. We'll see, though. Kinda want to go do something either tomorrow or Saturday but it's supposed to be so freaking hot. Sucks :-/

So I was looking at the ants this morning and there was one little guy walking along carrying what looks like a potato chip crumb, or something. I had to take a little video - it was so freaking cute!!

Song: Capital Cities - Safe and Sound. Another new one.

Best thing: Beat my previous record of 22 rounds on Black Ops 2 zombies. I went to 24 today!

Worst thing: Fucking ant invasion >:-(


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