Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23

Well, fuck. If this is any indication of how this week is gonna go...then fuck. I hadn't been on duty for 30 minutes and the stupid gates started acting up. The arms started opening and closing by themselves. Every one except for the main exit gate. The only thing we can really do until maintenance comes out is fuck around with the breakers so I tried that and nothing happened. So I had to shut them all down and keep them open so people can get in and out. And now everyone who comes in is giving me this death glare because OMFG the gates are open! Somebody might sneak in and murder us in our sleep!!eleventy!! I swear these are about the most paranoid fucking people. ఠ_ఠ

So I was supposed to go hang out with the neighbor Friday morning but she texted me while I was at work and asked if we could postpone it because she had bad cramps. Sigh. We did text back and forth a little so at least I got to chat with her for a while. So I went home and hung out with TH until time for him to go to work, then woke TK up and we went and messed around a little bit. We checked out one thrift store and found a pair of shorts for him to wear swimming, then went to Target to get a few things and kill some time. Got home and played some Black Ops 2 and Portal 2 for a while. TH got home and we hung out with him for a little bit, and I went to bed not too long after he did.

Saturday we slept kinda late then just basically hung out at home all day. We thought about going to feed the ducks but we're going to wait and go Monday morning so TH can go with us :-) We played cards and some board games for a while. I cooked some frozen boneless wings and french fries before TH got home, and we watched Woman in Black for movie night. Fucking creepy movie, dude :-/ Stayed up and played some Black Ops 2 with TK then went to bed.

Sunday I really didn't do much at all. Slept pretty late then played some zombies with TK. I made a crockpot full of beans, smashed them up, and froze them in containers for refried beans. Much better and much cheaper than the canned stuff. Took a little bit of a nap and came to work. Yay.

Sigh. Tired tonight, and bored. Just feeling kinda eh but I don't really know why...

Song: The Offspring - Hit That. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Bought some of those little firework noisemaker popper thingies at Target. They're fun :-)

Worst thing: Stupid gates >:-(


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