Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24

The maintenance guys came and fiddled with the gates today so they're working again - for now. They have no idea what made them all act up at once, though. The manufacturer is supposed to send somebody out tomorrow to take a look at them so hopefully everything holds together until then. Because not having working gates is a pain in the ass.

So I went home this morning and went straight to bed. I slept for about 3 hours and TH woke me up to go to the park and feed the ducks! We went pretty early and it was already hot. The park is nice and shady and there was a decent breeze so it wasn't too bad. There were a few other people there, with some little kids, but we just went around to the other side and hung out. We could only get a few ducks to come over to us so we fed them and the turtles and some birds. It was still fun :-) We walked the trail all the way around on the way out.

Got home and made some lunch, hung out for a little while, and played a little Black Ops 2. TH left for work and I went back to bed. Got up around 8:00 and made a salad and stuff to bring to work. It actually worked out pretty well because I'm not really that tired. I think that's going to be the best way for us to go do stuff during the week. I think Wednesday or Thursday we're going to try to go swimming. Yay, swimming!! I told TH that if I go home and go to bed early tomorrow to wake me up if they decide they want to go do something before he goes to work. Unless they want to go by themselves - they need to do that more.

So I'm really sticking with the eating better and all of that. I had switched to drinking a couple of beers every morning instead of mixing vodka or something and diet soda because that way it's easier to control how much I drink. That's working well. Though I have discovered that if I have a bottle of vodka sitting around I will drink it :-/ Mostly on the weekends, too. I had bought a big bottle to take to the neighbor's house last Friday and have some left over to make vodka gummy bears with (for next week). I made the gummy bears but I've been drinking what was left of the bottle. Sigh. That's way too many points to be wasting. I also need to start drinking more water. Pretty much all I drink is beer and diet soda, with the occasional lemonade or peach tea thrown in. I think it would make me feel better, too! I already feel pretty good - I can only imagine what it will feel like when I've lost even more!!

Song: diRTy WoRMz - Top of the Food Chain. I like this one!

Best thing: Ducks and turtles :-)

Worst thing: Sore spot on the bottom of my foot where I peeled off some dead skin. It hurts when I walk :-(


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