Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12

Soooooo tired :-/ I didn't get to bed until after 2:00, and then I kinda slept like crap. Sucks. So my boss was like 15 minutes late this morning, but at least he called to let me know. He gave me $5 too, so bonus! I ended up leaving work at about 6:30, got home and drank some coffee with TH, and then we went to that meeting. So now we have officially signed the last of the paperwork for the loan on the house. Yay! Stopped by HEB to pick up a few things, then kinda went through a little bit of the stuff at the storage place. TH says now that we know for sure what we're keeping and what we're getting rid of, he can go over there on his day off and finish getting it cleaned out. Got home and ate some lunch and watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad, then TK got up and I played a few games of zombies with him. So yeah - I stayed up way too freaking late.

I'm not doing anything tomorrow so I can go home and go to bed early again if I want to. I texted my neighbor this morning to see if she wanted to hang out again tomorrow, but she said that she can't because her teenage son's best friend just died! I didn't really get a chance to talk to her so I don't know what happened, but that's horrible!! I wish there was something I could do :-(

My boss gave me a coupon for a free haircut at Sport Clips so TH took TK to get his hair cut. It looks cute! It's not too short, but it's trimmed enough that it stays out of his eyes. He's been needing one for a while!

Dunno what else. Tired and kinda feel like crap. Oh and I still have cramps. Grrrrrr.

Song: The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines. Random shuffle today.

Best thing: The HEB we went to this morning had quinoa in its bulk bins! I have a few recipes that I've been wanting to try but I hadn't been able to find any. Yay!

Worst thing: My neighbor's friend :-(

Yep yep yep.

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