Friday, February 1, 2013

January 31

Wow. It is the last day of January. Already. But hey, I only missed 3 days of posting something, yay! Let's try to do better next month. I just need to make sure to set aside some time on Friday and Saturday to do it. We'll see how it goes. They are going out of town again this weekend. Well actually, they're already gone. They decided to go straight from work today instead of getting up in the morning and going early. TK's buddy is coming over tomorrow to spend the night. They're going to ride the bus to his house after school and I'll pick them up from there. We started to do it last week but he didn't check to see if it was ok early enough. We're all set this time, though. And of course, we'll go by and look at the house again. His buddy's a good kid. Kinda annoying, but I think that's just a teenage boy thing. I always end up playing video games with them most of the time he's here :-) It's gonna be so awesome when we get home and he can walk to his friends' houses and they can walk to ours whenever and it's not something that has to be planned out or anything. Usually too everybody is at our house swimming all summer. I kinda like that I know where they are and what they're up to that way.

I went by the house this morning, and walked through all of the rooms. It seems a lot more real now, seeing exactly how big the rooms are and where everything is going to be. It was awesome!! Went home and drank some coffee then took TK to school, since I had to be at the doctor's office at 8:30. TH was glad for that - it was like 36 this morning. There was ice on my windshield when I left work. He's not a cold freak like I am. So,the doctor. It was...interesting. I'm not quite 100% sure, but I think I like him. I did end up writing something out, and listening to him read it made me think it sounded crazy, but he was actually really receptive to it. He said it made a lot of sense, and explained everything well. He said I'm a very expressive writer :-) He put me back on the meds my last doctor had me on, one for the depression/anxiety and one for sleep issues/headaches and such. I had quit taking the headache one first because it made me really sleepy, but he cut the dose in half. Said to take it I need to be able to get at least 6 hours of sleep at a time or I would probably still wake up sleepy. So we'll see how it works.

After the doctor I went back by the house to see what it looked like during the day. I was just going to drive by and look but the foreman was there so I stopped and chatted with him for a little bit and checked on the kitties. They had some more of the trusses up and they had started framing out the bay window on the front of the living room, the one that they "forgot" yesterday. Turns out they didn't forget, they were just waiting for the foreman to be there today so they could make sure they did it right. Eh, better safe than sorry, right? He did say that he broke one of his rules for us - normally he doesn't include the owners on the email list for the official schedule and everything, but he likes us and knows we won't be a pain in the ass :-) Usually he just send out very vague updates and plans to the owners, just enough to keep people happy. Yay, we're special lol. I took a few pictures before I went in to see the kitties and a few after. Looking at the pictures TH pointed out that while I was back with the kitties they had set the porch beams. These guys are like, magic or something :-)

The foreman was saying they should be completely done with the framing this afternoon. TH went by when he picked up TK from school and then again later, hoping the guys would be gone so he could walk through it. He got there at almost dark and had to wait a little bit for them to leave! Apparently they don't leave at 5:00. Tomorrow they are supposed to start the cornice work (which, the foreman kept saying "cornish" so I dunno). If I understood correctly, that means everything on the outside of the house except the shingles! He said the soffet, doors, windows, sheeting (sheathing? Stuff on the outside of the walls), and the siding!! The roof decking too, I think. They're scheduled to work on that through Monday. It really will look like a real house then, at least from the outside!

Dropped off my prescriptions (TH picked them up for me later) then went home and hung out with TH for a while. Stayed up longer than I should have, then went to bed. Got up at 8:30 and came to work. Didn't we just do all of this? Sigh. It's ok though, because it's Thursday night!! I need to find time before Sunday to do the last Economics quiz for this unit. Then the test has to be done by...the 12th, I think? I'll have to check. Some of this stuff is more confusing than I though it would be. The test might be interesting :-/

Oh yeah. I had a couple of really weird dreams (of course), but I actually remember part of one of them. I wonder if it's weird that a lot of times my dreams just have random people in them? I mean, usually there are a few real people but there will be a lot of people that I have no idea who they are. Hmmm. Anyway, I'm driving along on the highway or whatever, and I guess I was in a car but I couldn't tell for sure. Then I started going over these speedbumps, and gradually the speedbumps changed into giant words or phrases on the road. Like, sometimes it will say "stop ahead" or something like that on the road, but these were bumpy and made out of concrete or asphalt or something. Like somebody squeezed it out of an icing tube. So that made me slow down even more, and gradually my car turned into...something else. Kinda looked like a cross between a sit n spin and one of those giant bowl-shaped sleds and...something else. Not sure. Then the road narrowed down and we were going through these tunnels that were just barely wide enough for our...whatevers to fit through. We went through one last little tunnel and we were in this big room looking place, kinda looked like it was part of a factory or something. Around the edges were these big manhole looking things, and each one was marked with a letter and an animal? and had a wheel you had to turn to open it. There was this lady there, and she was the one in charge of showing people which manhole thingie to take. She started talking to this guy, one of the other "drivers", and decided he needed to take the Lizard tunnel thingie. So she goes over to it and turns the wheel, and the cover opens like a camera shutter and we're staring straight down into this hole that you can't even see the bottom of. There are rotating platforms at different intervals on the way down, and you were supposed to hook up a rope and basically grapple down from one platform to another. She called it "superlinking". There was frigid air coming up from the hole, and the platforms were made of metal and were iced over in places. Oh yeah, and did I mention that they were rotating? Kinda like fan blades, just on different levels. So presumably if you missed or your timing was off you could be chopped in half. I watched the guy hook up and go over the edge, and looked down to see all of that shit, and that's the last thing I remember. I think I woke up then.
TL;DR - Fucked up dreams :-/

House pictures!!! There are so many to choose from! We did go by there a total of 4 times today. Pretty sure the construction guys think we're crazy, lol.

On my way home this morning, standing on the front porch looking up. I thought it looked cool :-)

From the front, later this morning. It looks even more like a house!

From TH's walkthough tonight. The bay window in the living room. Why do I have a feeling that it will always be full of cats?

Song: Jay-Z & Linkin Park - Points of Authority/99 Problems. Random shuffle tonight. An old one!

Best thing: Got the doctor thing out of the way so hopefully everything will get better.

Worst thing: Headache :-/


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