Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 17

Today was my mom's birthday. I talked to her for a little while. My brother took her to church, then out to lunch, then to Best Buy and bought her a new iPad. She has been wanting an iPad for freaking ever, but I really don't know why? So now she has played with it for a while and she's all confused. He's going to have fun trying to explain everything to her. She's not the most technically savvy person in the world, to say the least. He may end up regretting this, lol.

So we didn't do much today. Slept kinda late and then got up and did my Economics Chapter 5 homework and quiz. I totally forgot that they were due tonight at midnight :-/ I ended up with 100 on each one though, so yay! Open book work FTW! Finished all of that then played a little Black Ops 2 and Lego Batman with TK, then took a quick nap. Got up and came to work, so yeehaw. And another week starts. TK is out of school tomorrow for Presidents' Day (I think it is?), and TH is working the early shift Tuesday so I'll take TK to school and TH will pick him up. So, I only have to pick him up from school one day this week :-) I'll probably take him Wednesday or Thursday so TH doesn't have to though.

Saturday afternoon we went to see the kitties and the house. Kitties are so ready to get out of there :-( Only a few more weeks, though. Once they are actually finished with the house we're going to let them out so they can roam the yard and get used to the house being there. We'll still have to wait for final inspections and the utilities to be hooked up, and have the closing meeting, so we won't let them in the house until we actually move in. TH said he hopes that will give them time to get their revenge peeing out of the way :-)

So when we got to the house the drywall guy was there cleaning up - he was completely finished taping, floating, and texturing! This means that they are totally back on schedule, because it called for trying to be finished by the end of the day Sunday! So Monday morning the interior trim out materials (doors, baseboards, etc.) get delivered, and they install all of that Monday and Tuesday. We went in and looked around and took pictures (of course). I love the smell of drywall compound!! Everything looks so awesome. I like the vaulted ceilings a lot more now that the joints in the sheetrock are covered. It's like everything they do makes it look more and more like a house. I cannot freaking wait!!

When we got back home we played some Halo 4. We had read about a glitch where if you play from the last checkpoint of the last mission on LASO (Legendary, all skulls on. Turning skulls on does different things to make the game harder, in different ways.) you could get credit for the whole game completed. So we tried it, and it took forfuckingever, and it didn't work. So now we're thinking they either patched it, or you have to do every mission from the last checkpoint. I'm not sure if we're going to try the rest of them. It was a pain in the fucking ass. One skull, Iron, makes it so that if you're playing solo and you die you restart at the beginning of the level. Normally you restart at the last checkpoint. If you're playing co-op, normally if one of you dies you just respawn in the same place next to your buddy. With Iron if one of you dies you both revert to the last checkpoint. You also have less health, the enemies have more health, you have less ammo, they throw more grenades and they're more effective, and you have no motion tracker. Oh and with Black Eye, the only way to recharge your shields is to punch somebody. And, with Blind, you have no HUD (the thing that shows you your health, ammo, which gun you're using) and you can't see your gun or your reticle. Yeah, not fun.

We decided to do a quasi-movie night Saturday night since we had leftover pizza. TH also stopped on the way home and got Pizza Hut wings. Nom nom nom. I always get the hottest ones - they are good but oh so painful :-) We watched The Expendables on Netflix. We had been meaning to watch it for a while so we could get the second one from Redbox. It was actually pretty good! Lots of action, lol. Kinda one of those movies that doesn't make you think too hard. That's good sometimes. So next week we'll probably do the second one.

I guess that's it? House pictures - again too many to choose from. It's all textured and stuff now :-)

The kitchen. Taped, floated, and textured.

Living room ceiling. It kinda stairsteps down. I thought it was weird at first but it's growing on me. It does make the room look bigger!

Bedroom ceiling. Same idea, except this one slopes down and then goes in. I'm not sure why they didn't do them both the same.

Song: The Wallflowers - One Headlight. Another older one. I had never seen the video before - there's not much to it but it's pretty emo, lol.

Best thing: Back on schedule!!

Worst thing: They came home loud today. Not sure if it's really any worse than normal, or it just seems that way because it's getting SO CLOSE!!

Yep yep yep.

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