Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13

I feel like absolute dogshit tonight. My head hurts, I'm shaky and cold and ever so slightly feel like I'm going to puke, and it feels like there is something stuck in my right eye and I can't get it out. I stayed up too late, drank too much, and didn't eat enough today. I had stopped on the way to work last night and bought 2 Four Lokos and I ended up drinking both of them this morning. Not a good idea at all, especially since the only thing I ate was a couple of small bags of Flaming Hot Cheetos. So I was stupid this morning, and now I'm paying for it. And we have to meet with the builder at the house in the morning to sign some paperwork, so I won't get to bed until late tomorrow. Fucking sucks. Why the fuck do I keep doing this to myself? I know that it's all self-destructive bullshit but I keep doing it. I don't get it. I did stop on the way to work and get a Sprite and some chicken nuggets. I feel a lot better after eating something, but I still feel like shit. I'm such a fucking dumbass sometimes :-/

I did at least get to play some Black Ops 2, so that was nice! I played a bunch of online matches and once again I didn't get my ass kicked too badly. I even ranked up a few levels, yay! TK wants to get Nuketown 2025 soooo bad, but since it was a preorder bonus the only place to find it is Ebay and it's going for like $20. He can't decide if he wants to get that or the Call of Duty Zombies games for iPhone. He's so funny sometimes. Yeah, he does have an iPhone. It's a 3GS. TH and I traded up to a 4S after the 5 came out and the 4S got cheap - I think we paid like $100 for both of them. TK got one of our old 3GS's. He pays the $15/month data plan out of his allowance, though. TH and I are lucky enough to still have the unlimited plans carried over from when we first signed up :-)

So we found out today that the framing reinspection and the city energy inspection both passed. Yay! That means they should be in there tomorrow sheetrocking it. Then there's a 3rd party sheetrock inspection (of course) and they can start taping, floating, and texturing! They call for trying to be done with texturing by the end of Sunday!! Although, there was also supposed to be a Green Builders inspection today, and we don't know if that passed or not. So I guess there's a chance they might have to wait another day to start sheetrocking, if for some reason that one failed. We'll find out when we go by there in the morning, I guess. Fingers crossed!!

And and and...Th went by there when he picked up TK, and they were PAINTING!!!!! They purpled it today!!!!! He took a few pictures, but we'll get more tomorrow. Ones without guys on ladders in the way, lol. The pictures make it look like the purple is darker than we thought it was going to be, and TH said it looks a little darker in person, but they were still painting so it was still wet. It should lighten up a little bit as it dries. The trim...oh man I hope I'm not disappointed with the trim. It's hard to see in the pictures but he said it looks a little more blue than we were thinking, and I think it looks lighter, too. We were going for a turquoisey look. I'm sure it will still look good, even if it's not exactly the way I was thinking it was going to look. I can't wait to see it!!

I just realized that spellcheck on here doesn't do me a whole lot of good. I use too many words that spellcheck doesn't like so I pretty much ignore all of the squiggly red lines anyway :-)

House picture!! Only one but more tomorrow! And a kinda pretty almost sunrise on my way home this morning.

They're purpling it!!! TH said he didn't know if it was because they were painting it, or because they were painting it purple, but everyone that drove by while he was there slowed down to look :-)

Purty. Oh and that's a streetlight in the upper left corner, lol.

Song: ZeaLous1 - Headshot. Nerdcore FTW!!

Best thing: Purple!!!

Worst thing: Feel like dogshit :-/


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