Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14

Happy freaking Valentine's Day! Yeehaw. I'm tired tonight, but it's ok - it's Thursday night!! And I have a big-ass Monster, so that helps. I went home this morning and took a quick nap before we had to meet the builder at the house. When I do that I call it an urkanap :-) We had kinda planned on dropping TK off at school and going to Walmart to look at shoes for him, but I opted for the nap instead. We still have a pair that we need to take back, but he has decided that he wants to wear an old pair of mine for now. Yeah, the child now officially wears the same size shoe as I do. That's...kinda depressing, somehow.

So we went to the house, and the painters were there again. Remember how I said that the purple looked darker than we were thinking it was going to be? Well, we're pretty sure that they had accidentally painted it with the darker purple that is supposed to go on the doors! When we got there they had painted over the whole house with a lighter color purple, except for what looked like one corner of the eaves (or whatever) that they probably couldn't reach from the roof. We watched a guy go up a ladder and paint that part. So now it looks like the purple that we were expecting!! The trim looks much better, too. I guess the darker purple just made the trim look weird, maybe? The sheetrock guys were there, they were working on the ceilings first. We signed the stuff for the builder authorizing payments on everything that had been done up until now. TIL that it cost $2,100 to paint the outside of a house that size! Crazy.

We stopped at HEB on the way home to get cat litter and a few other things. They had our cheap beer, so we've already got that for MOVIE NIGHT tomorrow! They are going out of town, too :-) We also got a crockpot! They had the one we wanted on sale this week for $20!! It's white, but that's ok - it's going to live in the cabinet unless we're using it, lol. They have the stainless steel version and I really like it. The lid clips shut so you can take it somewhere and it won't spill. Yay, new crockpot!! Got home and hung out for a little bit, drank one Four Loko, and went to bed. I was going to sleep until 8:30 but I woke up around 7:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up and hung out with them again.

TH went back over to the house when he picked up TK, and the sheetrocking and painting was completely finished! I don't know when the 3rd party inspector dude is supposed to come check it out, but if he did it this afternoon or gets there early tomorrow, they will probably start the taping, floating, and texturing tomorrow. The only thing that looked weird was that they trimmed out the door for the water heater and painted it the dark purple that the rest of the doors are going to be. The foreman had said that they would just paint it the color of the house so it would blend in, but I honestly don't mind either way. I'm just glad that the house is purpled now :-)

Last week I had bought some little boxes of Valentine's chocolate for TH and TK, and I left them out on the counter when I went to bed, They were so happy :-) While we were at HEB TH bought me the absolute coolest thing for Valentine's Day ever. Of all time.

It is a burping freaking alligator!!! I have had more fun with this thing, lol.

TK bought both of the iPhone Black Ops zombies games. He really likes them. I tried one out for just a minute, and they look really cool. It looks just like you're playing Black Ops zombies. The Call of Duty one has all of the same zombies maps as the Rezurrection pack for Black Ops, except for Moon. The controls are a little weird but I think I could probably get used to them. I may have to think about getting them, too. Also, we were looking at Nuketown 2025 on Ebay and managed to win one for $15.50! I still think it's kinda silly to spend that much for a single map, but it's TK's money so it's up to him. It does look like an awesome map. They have to actually mail the card, they can't just send you the code, so we won't get it until next week sometime :-/ I guess I understand why, though.

TH usually works 2:30-7:00 on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. His boss called him earlier today and wants him to come in early tomorrow, at 10:00, and then trade shifts with somebody next Tuesday and work 7:30-2:30. So that means he'll end up with an extra 8 hours on his next paycheck! Only 6 of that will be overtime, because he only works 38 hours, but it's something! So since he has to go in early tomorrow I'm going to take TK to school. Then I'll probably sneak by the house and see if there's anything going on there, go back home and maybe play a little Black Ops 2, take a nap, then go pick up TK. Sounds like a plan.

One of the residents here at work dropped off a package of red velvet cookies, and another one gave us a little mini candy bar bouquet. So sweet! Just a little while ago I went outside because there was a car coming, and it was this one limo driver who comes in all the time, usually picking up or dropping off the same lady. He's really nice and I always chat with him. When he drops her off they usually go through the resident lane, because she has her little gate clicker with her and can open that gate. If you don't have a clicker you come in through my little guest lane and I check you in and open the gate and all that good stuff. So anyway, he pulls up and she's in the car, and he says, "We had to come through this side to give you this," and hands me this little jar of candy. Awwww!!! :-) I'm...not really sure what they are, lol. I'll probably wait til I get home in the morning to check them out.

House pictures!!!! So so many to choose from - if I posted every one that I wanted to I would be here all night! So maybe a little of the painting and a little of the sheetrock?

Painting, from this morning. See the little bit of darker purple, on the upper right hand corner? They done goofed, lol.

From this afternoon. Painted! The only thing left is the front door. It's going to be dark purple. They'll wait and do it last so it doesn't get messed up. The door on the side is the water heater closet.

Sheetrock!! Standing in the living room looking into the dining room, with a little bit of kitchen on the right. That little half wall will be a breakfast bar between the dining room and kitchen. The living room ceiling is weird, it'll take some getting used to!

More sheetrock. Standing in the dining room looking into the living room. I'm calling it now - those half walls with columns are totally going to become cat shelves :-)

Song: 50 cent - Wanksta. Explicit, of course :-)

Best thing: Too much to choose from. All of the things!!!! Ok, probably...that they purpled the fuck out of the house and now it looks freaking awesome!!

Worst thing: My first discussion board for Government is due Saturday so I'm going to get it out of the way tonight. Wish me luck :-/


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