Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4

I am actually, surprisingly, pretty awake tonight. It's kind of a weird feeling. I went home this morning, had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some (plain) chocolate milk, and was in bed by 7:30. That means I slept for almost 8 hours!! I was going to try out the new sleep/headache medicine but I forgot. It still seems like I slept better than I expected to though. I think where I've been screwing up on the days I have to go pick up TK is getting home and waiting for TH to wake up, then waiting for TK to wake up and leave for school. That means I've been home for like 2 hours before I ever even try to go to bed, and if I come home sleepy I've waited too long and the sleepy has worn off. I may just try to go to bed early like that from now on. Except maybe for the days TH is off and he can pick up TK. Then I can stay up and hang out with him or play video games by myself. Yay!!

So TH went by the house on his way to work and they had a lot of the siding up already. He said they brought 2 crews today, I guess because they got a little behind this weekend. I think they were supposed to have had the roof decking done already. I don't know, though, because the schedule called for finishing the cornice work and installing the tar paper stuff on the roof today. The electrician was there checking everything out and making a materials list to start the electrical rough tomorrow. The schedule calls for that and the mechanical rough (heating/AC), and plumbing top-out (basically all of the interior stuff that will be behind walls) tomorrow and Wednesday. He had a box of those blue electrical outlet boxes with him so he went ahead and installed some of those. Now we can see where the plugs and switches are going to be! TH asked him to work up an estimate for what it would cost to run power out to the shed, so we can plug the pool in out there.

I went to pick up TK and we went by there too. Just to see, lol. I thought about just driving by but the guys were packing up their van to leave, so we stopped. We went back and messed with the kitties for a while, and after we heard them leave we figured it was safe to go wander around a little bit. We walked around the back and took a few pictures and had just gone in the back door when we looked out front and saw that there was one guy still sitting outside. I guess he was waiting for a ride or something. So we decided it would probably be best not to walk though it today. Technically we're not really even supposed to be on the property without an escort, because of the builder's insurance policy, but the foreman knows about the kitties and he said as long as we don't do anything stupid or dangerous he's fine with it.

So now the house has all of the siding on, the porch rails are installed, the little decorative beams on the roof peaks are up, and the roof is decked. For all practical purposes it looks like it will when it's finished, except for shingles and paint. Shingles are supposed to be done Thursday, and paint will be one of the last things that they do, I think. There's like a 40% chance of rain for Wednesday though, so I hope that doesn't screw anything up. I know we need the rain but it would be awesome if it would hold off until they really start work on the inside. That way rain won't really hurt anything.

We got home and played a little Black Ops 2 until TH came home and I hung out with him for a little bit, then took a shower and came to work. Yayyyyy :-P

House pictures!! One from early this afternoon and one from about 3 hours later. I'm still amazed at how fast these guys are working!

Early this afternoon, courtesy of TH. Most of the siding on, and working on the roof decking.

After I picked up TK. Sided, roof decked, and porch railed! Not the best angle, but the sun was in a weird place.

Looking from the kitchen into the dining room. We have pluggy boxes!!

Song: Captain Sparklez - (Minecraft) TNT. It's a parody of Taio Cruz's Dynamite. The video is pretty funny. Is it sad that I think a lot of these parodies are better than the originals?

Best thing: Good sleep today!!

Worst thing: Took a shower and used the new soap. It's the gold Dial, I think. I don't like it - smells like hospital soap :-/

I guess that's it.

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