Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 7

Another quiet day. And it's Thursday night, yay!! Went home this morning and actually fell asleep on the couch for a few minutes before TH left to take TK to school. He got back and we kinda just hung out all morning, talking about the house and appliances and what we're going to need when we move back home. We're all getting so excited, it's awesome! I think we found a microwave that is the same as the one we had. It was a Panasonic, and it was freaking awesome. Looked online a little bit at pots and pans and dishes. We're going to go to Walmart in the morning after we drop off TK and look around at stuff. I need to start working on a list! The builder is going to install a dishwasher and a stove, and we already have a fridge, washer, and dryer. We already bought a toaster, a coffee pot, and a food processor/blender thingie because we found them cheap. We have a couple of couches, but I'm not sure about one of them. Maybe we can clean it, because it kinda smells :-/ We have beds, and a dresser/chest for TK's room. Seems like there's something else, but I forget.

We saved our silverware and knives, so if they clean up ok we've got those. I have a pretty set of coffee mugs that I saved, and the Kitchenaid mixer survived, too. We need to get pots and pans, dishes, bakeware, and a microwave for sure, at least to start out. I would like to get another George Foreman type grill and a crockpot, too. I use the shit out of a crockpot :-) We had a big upright freezer before but there's not really a good place to put one in the new house, so maybe a small chest freezer. It's nice to stock up on meats and stuff when they're on sale. A vacuum cleaner, because purty carpet :-) A trash can. Shit, and then there's all of the little stuff that you don't think about, because it's usually already in your house: trash bags, paper towels, laundry soap, all of the little kitchen utensils, a, my brain hurts.

So, messed with him, had 2 (reasonable) drinks, then went to bed. I went to bed kinda late so I set an alarm for 8:30 but I ended up waking up around 7 again feeling pretty much awake. Weird. I did stop and get a couple of Rockstar 2xs, just to help make sure I'll be awake enough all night to go do stuff in the morning. Figure I'll drink one and save one for TH - he's usually pretty tired on his way to work Saturday mornings. We probably stay up too late Friday nights :-/ I was going to play a little bit of Black Ops or something with TK but he was playing with one of his buddies. So, whatever. I tried, lol.

When TH picked TK up from school they drove by the house. They were supposed to do the shingles today, and he said holy crap were they! They had probably 8 guys up on the roof. They were also doing the soffet vents and the ridge vents, the ones that go up near the peak of the roof, to keep the attic ventilated. The foreman was there, and some of the regular construction guys, and he said it looked like maybe they were already working on cleaning out the inside a little bit so they can get in there next week and really start working! I think Monday they are supposed to do the wall insulation, and after that are a few more inspections and then sheetrock! The electrical inspection had already been done, and it passed!! Plumbing and HVAC are scheduled for tomorrow. Crossing all our fingers and toes, lol.

The foreman called TH this morning, and said that there might be a problem with the laundry room area. Apparently there is something drawn on the plans that is not quite right, and as a result the opening is not wide enough for the bifold closet doors that are supposed to go there. He said that to fix it they would have to rip out like half of the hallway. The laundry room would need to be wider, which means that the AC closet would have to shift over and the hall closet would have to be cut down to make room for it to move. All of the ductwork for the AC would need to be reworked, and the gas line extended. The other option is to just get 2 narrower solid closet doors for the laundry room and have them close together in the middle and open outward. TH told him  that the closet door thing would be just fine. Don't slow down the process!!

What else...oh, one of them went out of town - he left after work today. The other one had something to do so she didn't go tonight. Don't know yet if she's going tomorrow or not. Hope so :-) Only a few more weeks and it won't matter anymore!!! TH and I decided that we're each going to take 2 days off when it's time to go home. I'll take a Wednesday Thursday and he'll take a Friday Saturday, and that will give us 4 days that we are both off. If we knew for sure that the house would be done the first week of March we thought about taking the 13th-16th, because that way we would be off on our anniversary (16th). 14 years!!!! And we haven't killed each other yet, lol. I think we're gonna wait til the next week though, just to be sure. If they do finish before then we can move in a little at a time, probably on his days off. Then we'll be in and settled and have 4 days to do absolutely nothing except enjoy being in our house. And of course, sit on the floor and let kitties crawl all over us :-)

It's nice and cool out tonight, and totally clear. I can see Orion, the Big Dipper, and the Pleiades. I know the Little Dipper is there too but I always have trouble picking it out. Plus a bunch of other stuff that I have no idea what it is. I should learn the constellations. I took an astronomy class in high school but I've forgotten most of it.

And now, after looking it up to verify the spelling of Pleiades so I don't look like a dumbass, I will be lost on Wikipedia the rest of the night. Sigh, lol.

No house pictures again, even though TH went by there and they were doing stuff  >:-( He said there were too many people everywhere to get a good picture. I don't care - I got mad Paint skillz! That's what the little white circles are for, lol. So how about another one of Doggie?

Yeah, Doggie probably spends way too much time on Reddit, too :-)

Song: Jason Aldean - Crazy Town. Country this time. I kinda have a little bit of everything.

Best thing: So, my credit card had expired, and they sent me a new one but we hadn't used it yet. This morning TH tried (several times) to set it up as the payment for Hulu, and it kept getting rejecting. I guess because it hadn't been officially activated yet? I got a call a little bit later from the credit card company saying that my account had been flagged and frozen for possible fraudulent activity. I called and cleared it up no problem, but I guess it was nice to see that even just a few failed $1 charges was enough to trigger an alert. Hopefully if it ever gets stolen it will work that well!
TL;DR - my credit card company is on the ball.

Worst thing: Headache :-/ Think I'm gonna try to start the other medicine tomorrow night.

Yep yep yep.

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