Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24

Yay, it's the weekend!'s Sunday night :-/ Every damn week, sigh. Friday morning I went home and messed around a little, played a little Lego Batman, then went to bed. Got up early enough to go get Papa Murphy's pizza before I picked up TK from school, then we went by the house. The painters were there working on caulking the gaps in the baseboards and everything. I figured they probably wouldn't start painting Friday because it looked like they had pretty much just gotten there. Checked on the kitties. I thought the dog from back in the corner had jumped the fence into our other neighbor's yard, again, so I called the cops on it, again. Turns out the lady next door is dogsitting a dog that looks exactly like the one that jumps the fence. Oops, lol. Eh, we'll call it a reminder to keep the little fucker in their yard. I know there have been plenty of times that it has been out that we haven't seen it and called it in.

TH got home and we did movie night. We rented The Expendables 2 from Redbox. It was good! I'm kinda hoping now that they do a third one. They kinda left it open enough that I guess they could keep making them until they quit making money. Hung out with TH a little bit and then he went to bed. TK and I stayed up pretty late playing Black Ops 2. It was double, double XP weekend, which means that you rank up and rank up your guns twice as fast :-) I'm finally getting high enough that I'm unlocking some better equipment and stuff, so I do a little better now. I still think I prefer playing custom games with the bots, though. We all start out with the same shit so bots don't kick my ass as bad, lol.

Saturday we decided to wait til TH got off work to go over to the house, since the painters would be there again. I worked my ass off Saturday! I cleaned up the room that TH and I are staying in, and got all of my stuff packed up except for clothes, basically. I dusted all of the little glass doodads and shit that are sitting everywhere, and straightened up the bookshelves. I did pretty much the same thing in TK's room. We had actually gone through and packed up a lot of his shit a few months ago but now pretty much the only thing left out is what he's using right now. TH has a whole shelf of Transformers so we changed them into vehicle mode and stuck them in a box. We still have the 2 Xboxes, the computer monitor, the big computer, and TH's laptop that will need to be packed. TH has a little bit of stuff lying around, too. Can you tell I'm getting ready? :-) I figure we won't be there next weekend, since we're going to see my mom, so I might as well get a good head start. I also talked to my mom on the phone for almost 2 hours. Yeehaw :-/

TH picked me up after work and we went over to check out the house. They painted! I'm not sure if it was actually paint yet, or just the primer. They obviously weren't finished, because they skipped a few spots and left some buckets of paint sitting around. All of the windows are still taped up, too. They were probably coming back today (Sunday), but we didn't go by there so I'm not sure. Everything looks so much better though, being all the same color. It makes everything look so big! Went home and hung out with him for a little bit, then he went to bed and TK and I stayed up and played for a while. Hmmm, sounds familiar, huh? I slept kinda late today and then just kinda messed around and took a nap before work. I didn't sleep very well last night - fucking dreams again >:-(

The foreman sent out a new schedule this afternoon. He says "We are bringing this project to a close soon"!!! Tomorrow they are supposed to install the lockout items (doorknobs, etc.) and cabinets, and start laying out the driveway and sidewalks. He's talking about having them poured by Friday! They're also going to finish the attic insulation, so I guess they started it on Friday? Dunno. And, they're going to remove the trash trailer. Lol what? They took it last Thursday and then brought it back Friday, and now it's leaving again :-D He calls for having it finished and the house cleaned by Saturday March 8th!!! That's less than 2 weeks! They were saying the week of the 3rd, but now there's a solid date. Of course, that depends on everything going smoothly and all of the inspections passing the first time, so fingers crossed!! If they finish that Saturday, we'll let the kitties out Sunday so they can run around. We'll still have to meet the builder and the city at the house to do the walkthrough, meet the title company and sign some more stuff, and get the utilities turned on, but even if all of that is another week we should still be in by the 20th, which is when our requested days off start. And the kitties will be freeeeeeee to run around! 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

House pictures! We took them in the dark so it's pretty much just painted walls, but who cares! I'll probably go by when I pick up TK tomorrow afternoon so hopefully I'll have cabinet pictures. I don't know, though - if there are going to be a lot of people there I wonder if it would be best to wait til a little later. Hmmmmm. Anyway...

Master bedroom ceiling. Painted!

Dining room bay window. Also painted!

Song: Skullkruncher13 and Patfan8326 - Oh Hayabusa! I love these guys. Funny shit :-)

Best thing: I accomplished the fuck out of it yesterday :-)

Worst thing: Fucking dreams >:-(


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