Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26

I had trouble going to sleep this morning, and then once I finally did I had weird-ass dreams. Not bad, really, just weird. I dunno. Went to pick up TK and stopped by HEB to pick up a few things. I bought a couple of Rockstars, which turned out to be a good idea. I'm pretty tired tonight :-/ Got home and played a little Black Ops 2, then TH picked me up when he got off work and we went to look at the house.

They had dug up and laid out the steel for the driveway and the sidewalk. TH is so happy because they used rebar instead of some driveway mesh type stuff like most people do. So hopefully this way the new driveway won't crack and fall apart like the old one did. The plans called for the sidewalk coming over from the driveway and making a sharp turn up to the house but the foreman decided to have it curve instead. It looks much nicer! It will be easier to mow around, too. They also came in and dig the trench in the back for the electrical conduit.

And and and...we have countertops, and they are so awesome!! It was dark so it was hard to get a really clear picture, but they look freaking amazing! With the cabinets and countertops in there we could really get an idea of what the kitchen is going to be like. It's still small, really small, but it's laid out so well that you don't really notice. I think we could all be in there doing something and not get in each others' way. I really like the way they did the breakfast bar, too. Now we're thinking about getting barstools so we can sit up there, at least until we have a chance to build the table we want to. They had installed the countertops in the bathroom, and they're just your basic white marble looking stuff. They look nice, though.

The linen closet doors are up, and they don't look quite as out of place as I thought they might. They're kinda  weird - they have a door on top, and two shelves to put towels or whatever. Then on the bottom there's a hamper built in so there's a little hinged flap to put the dirty clothes through, and a smaller door on the bottom so you can get your dirty clothes back out. But there's no shelf in the middle separating the top from the bottom. Odd. The one in the master bathroom is built the same, but a little wider so it has double doors on the top and bottom. TH is already talking about adding an extra shelf in there.

Only 11 days left, and if nothing goes wrong they will be finished!! Tomorrow they're supposed to do the electrical trim out (plugs, switches, light fixtures, etc.), HVAC trim out (air vents), and install the tile for the shower and tub surrounds and the backsplash in the kitchen. The schedule also calls for digging the electrical trench, but since they did that today they might go ahead and install the conduit. I don't think they usually like to leave ditches open longer than they have to. TH picks up TK tomorrow so I can stay up and hang out in the morning, but I'll probably try to get up early enough to go walk through again tomorrow night. If not tomorrow, definitely Thursday!

I got my financial aid money this morning! I don't know what happened to make it so late, but I am so glad it finally came through. We really need to get stuff for the house but we're going to have to be really careful about how much we spend. I usually take summer classes so I get a little more money but I'm not going to this year. TH is still on financial aid suspension but if he passes the class he's taking this semester he should be eligible again in the fall. He might take a few classes then. I'm pretty much maxed out so if I take anything else I'm going to have to pay for it. It might be a while before I can do that :-/

Talked to my mom earlier. She's still all excited about this weekend. I haven't told her yet that we're only staying Friday night. I figure maybe plan on getting home about the time that TH is getting off work Saturday night. They are going to be home this weekend, but we'll be gone for part of it so it shouldn't be too bad. We just can't really do movie night, but oh well. Soon, soon :-) We're also trying to keep my sister from finding out that we're going to be there, because if she finds out she'll want to come over too. And if she comes over, she has to bring the kids. They're almost 1 and almost 2 1/2. I really don't want to deal with that. I am not a kid person, lol.

Ok so, house pictures! House pictures in the dark, but whatever.

Driveway and sidewalk layout. Should be poured by Friday!

Kitchen countertops!! Sooo freaking purty!! Sink goes in the hole :-)

Bathroom countertops. Nice and simple - should be easy to keep clean, right?

Song: Avenged Sevenfold - Flash of the Blade. Random shuffle. I have a ton of stuff from these guys - get used to seeing them :-)

Best thing: Countertops!!

Worst thing: Tired - didn't sleep well :-/

I guess that's it.

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