Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5

I don't know why, but I have zero motivation to write tonight. I'm tired too, which doesn't really make sense because I went home and went to bed early. I wonder if I'm like, detoxing or something. Dunno. I know I was definitely drinking more than I should have been before, and that is probably a lot of why I felt like shit all of the time. I know it has only been 3 days but I can tell the difference in how I feel. I did buy a small bottle of vodka today, but I think I'm only going to drink some on my Wednesday and Thursday stay up late because I don't have to pick up TK days. I think as long as I am smart about it and don't fall back into the cycle of alcohol to go to sleep every day and caffeine to stay awake every night I'll be ok. Think I'm going to try to keep going home and going to bed early on the days I have to get up early, at least as long as I don't have anything I have to do. That seems to work well, and it should eliminate the need for a nap before work on those days.

TH went by the house on his way to work, but they were there working on the inside so he didn't really get to look around. The foreman's assistant was there though and he found out that they do already have a replacement for that broken window, but they'll probably wait until they're almost done to swap it out. He talked to the electrician again and pointed out that plug in the game room closet that the foreman had added onto the plans. TH wants to put a desk in that closet so he can build his models and stuff, and then just close the door when he's not working on it so the cats can't mess with everything. It's that or keep the game room door closed, but I want to be able to have kitties sitting all over me while I play Xbox! :-)

So since there was nothing new to see (at least that we would be able to get in and see) we didn't go by there when I picked up TK. We went home and played a little Black Ops 2 and Black Ops, and just kinda hung out. Then when TH got off work I met him over at the house, and we walked through! I was glad to see that they had finally put the temporary deadbolts on the doors. They were supposed to have done it Friday, but now that they've started installing stuff on the inside it's kinda really important :-) Tomorrow it's supposed to rain like all freaking day but they have nothing scheduled but finishing the interior plumbing/electrical/mechanical work. They did get the tar paper stuff on the roof, to try to keep most of the rain out. Shingles are scheduled to go up Thursday.

It looked like the plumbers got all of their stuff finished today. They had extended the drain lines for the appliances, run the water line through to everywhere that needs water and added separate copper lines for the hot water, and run the gas line. Oh, and we have a hose bib on the dining room side of the house, and one on the back of the master bedroom. And a stub sticking out the dining room side of the house for the gas meter. I think maybe the electrician is finished, but I'm not sure. He had wired all of the plugs and switches, installed brackets for the light fixtures, and installed the breaker box. Of all places, it's behind the door in TK's room. That just seems weird to me - it seems like it would be in a closet or the laundry room or something. Dunno. He also ran the cable and phone lines, which if it wasn't for wanting to have internet access, we would never use either one. We haven't had cable or a home phone in years. Oh yeah - he also wired up the doorbell. I don't want a fucking doorbell! Man, the first time that thing wakes me up in the middle of the day someone is going to be in for a very rude surprise >:-(

The mechanical (HVAC) dude is the only one that I know will have to come back tomorrow. He had set the AC unit in its little closet, but it's not hooked up yet. The vents for the bathroom exhaust fans, dryer, and stove are done. He installed all of the AC ceiling vents, but none of the ductwork is up yet. It's all piled in the master bedroom closet, lol. The only thing that was weird was how many ceiling vents there are. He put one in each room - living room, dining room, kitchen, both bathrooms, and all bedrooms. One in the hall too, I think. That all makes sense. But then he put one in the closet of each bedroom. Is that normal? I told TH - see, the dude read my mind! I had been joking about throwing a mattress in the master bedroom closet so I would have a dark, quiet place to sleep. Figured it would get hot in there, though. But now...hmmmm :-)

I took the Economics chapter 4 quiz at work last night. Yeah, I need to read the chapter again. 77.something :-/ I did reread chapters 1 and 2, and I don't think there's anything in there that I don't really understand. It's the next 2 where it gets complicated. I'm going to try to read at least chapter 3 tonight. Then if I can get chapter 4 read this week and think I kinda understand it all, I can take the test Friday morning. I think my other 2 classes start Monday 2-11, but I need to find out for sure. Yeefuckinghaw.

Oh yeah - I saw a fox last night! And then later while I was standing outside I looked up and there was a coyote crossing the road about 50 feet in front of me. He got over to the opposite side of the driveway and walked down toward me and disappeared into the woods, staring at me the whole time. Kinda freaky.

Also, I saw the first black fuzzy caterpillar that I have seen in a while at the house today. When my sister and I were kids we would find them all the time out in the courtyard at the apartments were we lived. We would always catch them and play with them, and keep them inside until our mom found them and made us turn them loose because they freaked her out. We named the first one Stanley, so ever since every single one that I see is a Stanley, lol.

And, the rain has started. The radar is nothing but one big green and yellow blob. :-P At least it picked a good day to do it, right?

House pictures!!

Kitchen ceiling. That is (I believe) the duct for the dryer vent. Yellow wiring is electrical.

Kitchen sink. Drains for the sink and garbage disposal, and water lines for the sink and dishwasher. We didn't have a dishwasher and garbage disposal before!

AC unit, not quite hooked up yet. I think it's electric AC but gas heat, since we do have gas. We didn't have central AC/heat before, either. We always used those little window AC units and had a gas wall furnace :-/

Breaker box! It looks weird - I've never seen a naked one before :-)

Song: Savage Garden - To the Moon and Back. Wow, another old one. I think this was one of the first CDs I bought - back in high school. Now I feel old, lol.

Best thing: Another nighttime walkthrough with TH.

Worst thing: Feel tired and kinda cruddy and don't know why :-/


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