Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 20

Holy crap I am tired tonight. Not as tired as I should be I guess, but still tired. I went home and hung out with TH for a little while, then he left to take TK to school and go check out the house. I think I went to bed around 9:00. But then I woke up a little after 2:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up when he brought TK home. Hung out with him a little bit more, then TK and I played a little Black Ops 2 - Nuketown 2025!! It is freaking awesome! I still think it was a little silly to have spent $15 on it, but oh well. We played a few games of Nuketown zombies and then I came to work. I stopped at Golden Chick on the way and got dinner. It was supposed to be spicy chicken but it wasn't >:-( That's what I get for not checking first, huh? It was still good, though.

We found out that they are going out of town this weekend, and they're leaving after work tomorrow. Movie night Friday! We'll probably get The Expendables 2. Next weekend, however, they are not. I was kinda thinking if there was going to be a weekend before we moved that they were going to stay home, TK and I might go see my mom. Sigh. I know I should - she would be so happy. Plus once we get home I'm not gonna want to go anywhere for a while, lol. So be prepared for the bitching. I've got a week to really get good and whiny about it :-)

So TH went by the house, and this time he took pictures!! He said nobody was there, but it kinda looked like somebody had at least been there because there were a few new things done since yesterday. I guess it's possible that it all got done after he and TK were there yesterday, though. Dunno. They had put a door on the AC closet, and installed a few shelves in the linen closets. Still no doors on those yet. The plans call for having a hamper built into the bottom of the linen closets, but we can't really figure out how that's going to work with the way they look right now. We had one like that in the old house and it was kinda nice. Probably TK's stuff will go in the one in the hall and our stuff will go in our bathroom. He needs to start doing his own laundry anyway, lol.

They didn't start the painting today, and we don't know why. I'm thinking that there's no major delay or anything because the foreman probably would have called and told us. Hopefully they start tomorrow! They are scheduled to go through Friday "if needed". I wonder how long it will take to paint the interior? It is all white so that probably speeds things up a little. Friday they're also supposed to do the attic insulation and install the gutter - the little concrete "dip" between the street and where the driveway will be. At first we thought they meant house gutters, but no, lol. Someone had also gone through and marked all of the little areas that need touching up, like with texture or whatever. Oh, and they put the house numbers up on one of the columns! I'm not sure we really like where they put them though, so we might move them later. TH wants to get a big set of wooden numbers to put on the mailbox post so we may get another set, paint them turquoise, and put them vertically down the center column. We've got time to think about it.

It has rained off and on all day. On my way to work, holy shitballs at the fog! It's still all wet and squishy and a little bit foggy. I think it's supposed to clear up kinda early in the morning, at least. I'm pretty sure tomorrow we're going to go look at thrift stores. We checked and most of them open at 9:00, so I'm going to go home and take an urkanap before we go. We found a set of dishes at that we really like but no stores anywhere around us carry them. I kinda hate to buy them without seeing them, but I guess we could just return them if we don't like them? Oooh, I could get them shipped free to the store - that way when we go pick them up if they're ugly we're right there and can return them! Hmmmm :-)

Sooooo - house pictures! He took like 25 today, so be glad there are only 3 ok 4. I had to add the last one, too.

Dining room. Window seat on the bay window - look at all of the cat shelves!

Doors and door frames! AC closet and hall closet.

Closet shelves and rods. This is either the master bedroom or TK's room - I'm honestly not sure which. I...don't really understand why they staggered everything like that. It looks kinda weird :-/

Ok and they hauled away the little trash trailer that was sitting out front. So a good picture of the entire front of the house!! This is how it's gonna look! The only thing that will change is that the door will be painted dark purple. Oh and we'll have grass. And shrubbery. Lol, shrubbery :-)

Sooooo puuuurty!!

Song: Black Ops/Black Ops 2 Zombies Perk Songs. These are the songs that the perk machines in Black Ops and Black Ops 2 Zombies play. You earn points for killing zombies and you can spend them on weapons or these perks, which do different things to help you live longer. Some of these lyrics are pretty fucking funny. El Burro!!

Best thing: I didn't sleep long, but I slept pretty well. I'm not as tired as I thought I would be tonight.

Worst thing: No painting :-/


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