Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 15

Not much going on today. Went home and took TK to school, then stopped at one of the little crappy convenience stores and bought a couple of burritos for me and TH. Hung out with him for a little bit, then he left for work (early) and I played some Black Ops 2 for a couple of hours. I ranked up a few levels in online, yay! Slept for about 3 hours and then went to pick up TK from school. I thought about going by the house but figured there probably wouldn't be too much to see. We'll go by Saturday sometime.

We had a couple of free pizza codes from Papa Johns, so we tried their pizza. It's actually not bad! Being free helped, lol. I still think I like Papa Murphy's best, even if you do have to cook it yourself. The pizza place is in the little shopping center across from TK's school. There is also a little crappy HEB that we stop at sometimes if we just need a few things, so we walked down there to see if they had any Valentine's candy marked down. We has chocolate now :-)

Went home and played a little more Black Ops 2 until it was time for TH to get home. I reheated the pizz that we had picked up earlier a little bit, and he stopped on his way home to pick up a few more. Then we did movie night! Well, TH and I did movie night. TK wandered off to watch something in his room. We rented The Bourne Legacy from Redbox. It was...not bad, I guess? It was not as good as the other Bourne movies, and it started out jumping all over the place so it was a little confusing. Yeah, I'll give it a good solid "not bad". Especially for $.74 (we had a code).

So, I guess that's really it? No house pictures (tomorrow, hopefully!) and I don't know if I really have anything else interesting. Actually, I forget if I've posted this or not! I forget where I found it, but I totally want to have it enlarged to hang in the game room.

Fucking awesome.

Song: Boys Like Girls - The Great Escape. Another random shuffle kinda day.

Best thing: Broke 1,000 comment karma on Reddit :-)

Worst thing: Traffic picking TK up from school. They had the world shut down to one lane and it was a giant clusterfuck.


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