Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21

Tired again tonight, but today was fun! I've also got freaking cramps, so that sucks. At least this month I was prepared, lol. I went home this morning and took a short nap, then TH woke me up and we went and looked at some thrift stores. I'm not sure what we were really looking for, but we found a few things. I found a Hello Kitty comforter! It's not the same as the one I had before, but it's still a good one. Most of the newer ones are pretty ugly :-/ I had the Hello Kitty and TH and TK had Transformers. I would still kinda like to replace theirs but I think it's going to be hard to do. We found a couple of neat little things to hang on the wall, and a grilling basket for sausages. TH found a pretty bowl that kinda looks like it will go with the dishes that we want to get from Walmart. He also found a neat little wooden sailing ship to put on his desk. Once we build him a desk, of course. I forget what else...

Oh yeah. My boss is from Alabama, and he's a huge University of Alabama fan. He just moved into a new apartment so I found a picture of the stadium and got it enlarged to an 8x10 for him to hang on his wall. I found a frame for it today for like $2. He's going to be all happy :-) I also found a little Noah's Ark figurine thingie for my mom for her birthday. I talked to her earlier and told her we could come see her next weekend. She was all like, YAY!!!!!! Oh and a bag of those little splash balls, the ones you're supposed to soak in water and throw at people. Not the big ones, but about ping pong ball sized. They're Hiccup toys, lol. He had one a few years ago that he pulled all of the stuffing out of and he would carry it around everywhere. Then he started hiding it and we would think he lost it, only for him to dig it out again two months later and play with it some more.

So we basically just kinda farted around for a while, but it was nice. There are some days that I really only see him for a few minutes, so it was cool to just mess around a little bit. We totally need to do that once a week or so. We went by the house on the way home, and they still haven't started painting!!! I don't know WTF the deal is, but we still haven't heard anything from the foreman so I have to think it's nothing major. Hopefully they start tomorrow and then they can work this weekend of they need to. Monday the schedule calls for installing the cabinets and the interior lock out (doorknobs, cabinet pulls, etc.) and it seems like they really can't do that if they haven't painted yet. Grrrrrrrrrr. I think they're also talking about starting the driveway on Monday! Oh and they brought the trash trailer back, so I guess they just took it to dump it. Seems like they really shouldn't have too much left that's going to generate much trash, but I dunno.

Went home and hung out for a little bit then slept, got up, and came to work. Yay. It's cool tonight - supposed to be like 38 or something in the morning. We kinda need to go to HEB, and TH was talking about going after he takes TK to school in the morning. I may offer to do it, since he's a big cold wuss, lol. I think he wants to do Papa Murphy's for movie night tomorrow, so I'll need to go by there after I pick TK up from school. I want to go by the house for sure, to see if they're doing anything. Although I guess maybe if he goes by on his way to work I might not. I'm thinking about getting the silverware and knives out of the storage place and trying to clean them up this weekend. We should probably take the pots and pans and crockpot and stuff that's in the garage and go put it in storage, too. Anything we move now is less to move later, right? Dunno though. I'm kinda eh right now.

I had a sheriff follow one of the residents through the gate and pull them over earlier, probably for not stopping at the intersection to turn in here. The lights flash red from 22:00-06:00 and the cops love to sit down there and just wait for people to fuck up. some of these people drive like fucking assholes, anyway. It's funny when it happens - I think sometimes people think that if they can just make it through the gate the cops can't get them or something, lol.

I have the second Government discussion board due Saturday at midnight. I should probably try to do it tonight. I ended up making a 90 on the last one, but the teacher just graded it and didn't give any feedback. So obviously I'm doing it mostly right. Maybe it just needed to be longer, or something. It does seem to be easier than the US Government discussion boards were. For those you had to do an initial posting on the topic and a response to a classmate. Much bigger pain in the ass.

Soooo, no house pictures (boo!!), but, pictures of the stuff to hang on the walls. Yay! And one that just kinda made me go, huh?

Purty :-) Probably frame it and hang it in the kitchen. Or dining room. Hmmmm.

Double purty :-) $3.99 each, but blue tags were half price. So $3.99 for both! TH thinks maybe hang them by the kitchen sink - I think there's supposed to be empty space there.

And now for the lol wut? I would love to hear the story behind this. Now I'm kinda wishing I had bought it - hang it in the living room and when people ask what it means just be like "Yeah, really makes you think, huh?" :-)

Song: The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid. I likes!

Best thing: Doing stuff with TH this morning!

Worst thing: Still no painting >:-(

Yeah, that's all I've got.

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