Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18

Didn't do much again today. TK was out of school so I went home and hung out with TH for a little while, then we made bacon and eggs for breakfast. The bacon woke TK up, lol. We don't get to actually do breakfast very often, so it was nice. It's usually only on the days that TK is out of school or something. Played a little Black Ops 2 with TK and then went to bed when TH left for work. I drank 2 Four Lokos again this morning, which was pretty stupid again. I felt like crap when I first woke up but I got a Sprite and some chicken nuggets and I feel better now. It wasn't quite as bad as last time because I did at least eat something this morning, but I really don't need to be doing that :-/

TH works the early shift tomorrow so I'll take TK to school and probably go home and play something for a while. I have this friend who lives in our neighborhood that I haven't talked to in forever, and I should really go see her. It's just that TK and her kid used to be good buddies, but her kid is kinda really annoying and they really don't have anything in common anymore. It just got to where TK didn't want to hang out with him and I really don't know how to tell her that :-/ I probably need to deal with it before we get home, though. Sigh.

So TH went by the house on his way to work today and they were doing interior doors, door frames, and baseboards! He just kinda stuck his head in the windows and took a few pictures since the guy was still there working. He said it kinda looked like they started at the back of the house and they were doing one room at a time. They had everything in our bedroom and TK's bedroom done, and all of the other doors and door frames except for the hall closet up. They were working their way down the hall with the baseboards. I like the doors! They're the six-panel ones like the front and back doors. They all have 3 hinges instead of 2, so they shouldn't sag as they get older. The baseboards look nice, too. They look like they have a little bit of style to them. It's all gonna be so purty!! As much as the guy already had done when TK went by there around 1:00 they should have no problem being finished by the end of the day tomorrow. Then Wednesday they start painting the interior!! It's supposed to rain, but that shouldn't really affect anything. It just might take longer to dry, I guess.

I did the next chapter homework and quiz for Economics last night even though it's not due until next week. I figure it doesn't hurt to get a little ahead. I really need to start reading the Government and Psychology stuff - I think I have like 2 weeks until the first tests for those.

What else? I dunno, I don't have a smart tonight. I keep thinking about how much shit we have to do before we move, but I don't really know how and where to start. We need to get some more stuff, we need to pack up everything at the house right now but we're still using it so we really can't do that until we're ready to move. We need to really clean the rooms and the bathroom that we've been using at their house. The house is still on schedule, which means that in just about 2 weeks!!! they will be done!! It will probably be another week after that until we can move in. Then we're taking off the 20th-23rd ( 2 days each) to be at home!! With the kitties :-)

House pictures! Doors and door frames and baseboards, hooray!!

Master bedroom and bathroom, looking down the hall. So many doors!

Gameroom, and its closet. The closet doors don't have handles - we think they're the ones with a magnetic catch that you push to open. The laundry room looks to be the same. Wonder how long it will take the cats to figure those out :-)

Song: Freddy Fender - Rancho Grande. Ok so 2 summers ago I took Spanish 3 and my teacher was this crazy old Hispanic dude. This was his favorite song and he would play it every day expecting us to sing along. His class was a lot of fun!

Best thing: Nice little family breakfast this morning :-)

Worst thing: I was stupid again and woke up feeling like crap :-/

Okey dokeys.

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