Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 10

Back at work again, yay :-/ Didn't do much this weekend, either. Saturday we slept kinda late and then I made a chicken crockpot thing. It actually turned out really well! I cut up some raw chicken breasts and put them in the crockpot with a big can of cream of mushroom soup, some chopped bell peppers and onions, and some frozen asparagus stirfry veggies. Added almost 2 cans of water and some spices and just let it cook. Oh and a few bacon bits, too. It came out a little thin when the chicken was done so I added some instant potato flakes to thicken it up. Served it all up over rice. Nom nom nom.

Played with Tk a little bit, then TH got home and ate dinner and I hung out with him until he went to bed. Played with TK a little more and then I went to bed. I drank a little bit Saturday night, but not much. I had bought that small (750 ml) bottle of vodka on Tuesday night, and I still have about a quarter of it left. I'll probably try to go home and go straight to sleep tomorrow and Tuesday, so I won't drink anything until Wednesday, maybe. I am definitely doing better! I also started the headache/sleepy medicine Friday night, and took it again Saturday night. It does seem to help me sleep, so yay!! I'll probably be able to take it in the mornings and then sleep on the days that I work, and not be too tired afterward. I still had weird dreams last night. Not bad, bad - but weird. The kind that make you mentally tired. Eh, it's something.

Got woke up earlier than I wanted to this morning by those 2 fucking dogs behind us. I swear those little fuckers bark for no reason whatsoever sometimes. Actually, most of the time. I am so tired of barking dogs. Even once we get home there are those 2 back in the corner behind us that bark like crazy, and one of them has figured out it can jump its fence into the yard beside us whenever it wants to. I keep calling Animal Control but I guess they never catch it out because it still does it. Let's just say that the little fucker better never end up in my yard. And now, the new lady that rented the house on the other side of us has a big mutt looking thing that barks at fucking everything. I hope right now it's just because of all the construction, and that since they moved in after we had the fire it doesn't know us yet. Hopefully when things settle down and we get moved in it will get used to us. Hopefully...

Hid in TK's room and played some Black Ops 2, then took a short nap. TH went by the house to check on the kitties and see if he could tell what the builders did so that it will pass the framing inspection. The foreman said that it had something to do with the ceilings in the living room and the master bedroom. Both of those rooms have vaulted ceilings, and it turns out that he wanted a kind of plywood "lip" around the highest part, so that the insulation wouldn't settle out over time. Which I guess makes sense, but shit did he really have to fail it for that? It took like an hour to fix - seems like he could have just passed it and said "Hey guys, you still have to do this." Grrrrrrrr. So I guess he reinspects tomorrow, and then the insulation dudes come in Tuesday and do the walls. I'll go by when I pick up TK tomorrow and see if there's anything going on, and check the kitties. I'm pretty sure TH didn't scoop the litter boxes the last few times he was over there. Sigh.

It's trying to rain, just a little bit. It rained some last night and early this morning. Some places got some pretty good storms, but I think we just got a little rain. I slept through most of it. At least it doesn't smell like butt anymore. It smelled like butt when I got here :-/

I don't remember if I've really written about my sister yet. She's 4 years younger than I am. She hooked up with this total loser a few years ago, and now she has 2 little kids - one just turned 2 and the other is almost 1. Yeah, that's what I said. He couldn't keep a job, tried taking out grants and student loans to go to school but couldn't pass his classes (mostly because he didn't go to class), spent any money they had on cigarettes, video games, and guns, and basically just sat around watching movies and playing video games all day. And of course she never worked because she has all of these "health problems" that keep her from looking for a job. So they were always broke and could never pay their rent or bills. They bought I don't know how many cheap crappy cars that would run for a few months and then quit and get repossessed because they couldn't pay to fix it. They got kicked out of so many apartments for not being able to pay their rent that the last time it happened, sometime before Thanksgiving, they couldn't find another place to live because their rental history was so bad. Oh yeah, and they had no money. So to keep her from ending up under a bridge with 2 little kids, our older brother let them move in with him and his family.

So apparently now they are all getting on each others' nerves and it's becoming a little bit of a clusterfuck over there. Which kinda makes me glad that I live like 30 miles away and don't get up there very often. But what I'm really afraid is going to happen is that when we get back home, somebody will ask if she and the kids can come stay with us. And I'm probably going to look like a huge bitch for this, but I really don't want them to :-/ First off, I can't even imagine trying to sleep with 2 little kids running around and screaming. And I definitely don't want to move into a brand new, pretty house and have it destroyed by her and 2 little kids. I've lived with her before - she's a slob. And we've been living with other people for 16 months, and I'm ready for us to be by ourselves for a while. We've already done the whole family living with us thing, anyway. When I first moved in with TH, before we even got married, my sister stayed with us for a few months. Later on both of my parents lived with us until they moved to a different state, and then my parents split up and my mom moved in by herself. Then she moved out and my dad moved in. Then he moved out and she moved back in. Yeah, we had probably 4 or 5 years altogether of people living with us. I really don't wanna do that again. Is that bad? pictures!! Most of them were dark and kinda fuzzy, but at least it's something. Right?

Master bedroom ceiling. See how it kinda angles up to the center? They added a plywood box to keep the insulation on the very top part in place.

Living room. This ceiling kinda stairsteps up, instead of angling. They added the same plywood box on the very top.

One more. This is Doggie, with TH's stuffed Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) I bought it for him for Christmas a few years ago, and he just loves it. I found it at a thrift store for like $2, lol. After the fire I thought he had been lost, too, so I found another one on Ebay and gave it to him for Christmas last year. Turns out that his Stitch was in the same place in the house that Doggie was, so he made it. He was just sitting in storage waiting to be cleaned. So I kept the new one and now I have a Stitch, too! We call him NottheStitch :-)

Awwwww :-)

Song: Halo Combat Evolved OST - Halo. From the Halo Combat Evolved Soundtrack (duh). It's the main title music, and basically the main theme for Halo. It's awesome!

Best thing: Decided for sure which days we're taking off and I'm putting in my request tonight!

Worst thing: Fucking dogs >:-(


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