Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11

Not much going on today, again. Went home this morning and went straight to bed, so I actually got almost 8 hours of sleep! I forgot to take the headache/sleepy medicine when I laid down but I ended up taking it around 10:00. So I'm a little tired tonight, but I think if I take it when I go to bed I'll be ok with the lower dose. I did stop and get a few Rockstar 2x's though :-)

Got up and went to pick up TK and it was raining just a little bit. We didn't bother going by the house because nothing was supposed to happen today. We'll go by there tomorrow though, and they should be working on the insulation! Went home and read the last chapter of Economics that I needed for the test tomorrow. I decided to go ahead and take the test today, and it turns out that it is open book! I only missed 2 out of 40, so I made a 95. Plus I get 20 points extra credit for taking it by the due date, so I made a 115!! I think I'm going to need as many extra credit points as I can get - I am not looking forward to that cumulative final! I checked out what had been posted for the other 2 classes, and wrote down test dates and everything. Government has 10 discussion boards, due every Saturday, and 4 tests. Psychology only has 3 tests. So hopefully none of it will be too bad. I'm not terribly fond of discussion boards, though.

Finished all of that up and then played with TK a little bit. A new Halo 4 Spartan Ops came out today, and it turns out that we were already a week and a half behind! We totally skipped last week and had only done 3 from the week before. We finished up the last 2 chapters of that week but ran out of time because I had to shower and get ready for work, and I wanted to talk to TH for a few minutes. We'll probably do a little bit more tomorrow. And now I'm at work, yay. It's still trying to rain off and on, and looks like it's going to get foggy. It's freaky looking out here when it gets foggy!

Talked to my mom last night. She keeps wanting me and TK to come spend a weekend with her. I know I probably should, because I haven't seen her since before Christmas. She just gets on my nerves so bad. She's always so fucking whiny and negative, it's exhausting being around her sometimes. It's like, the last thing I really want to do on my days off is go up there and deal with all of that. I know it sounds bad, but it's true. Maybe if there's going to be a weekend before we move back home that they aren't going to go out of town, I'll think about it.

So, let's house pictures, because nobody went by there. Probably tomorrow, though :-) I really can't think of anything else to post, except this. I posted it on Reddit and it did pretty well. Hey, I was excited, lol.

Rearranged the canisters in their kitchen. Nobody has noticed yet :-) (Don't get it? It says "salty nuts". Hehehe)

Ooh, ok actually one more. I forget where I found this, but I totally want to get it enlarged and hang it in the game room!

How fucking awesome is this? Master Chief, with the UNSC Infinity in the background!

Song: Smile Empty Soul - Silhouettes. A kinda old one. This one always makes me kinda sad :-/

Best thing: Did great on the Economics test!

Worst thing: Talking to my mom. Woman could be a fucking travel agent for Guilt-Trips-R-Us.

I got nothing else.

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