Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28

It's the last day of February! And my older brother's birthday, yay. I texted him Happy Birthday earlier and asked if this was the birthday that officially makes him old, or had it already happened. He says :-P, lol. He is 11 years older than I am, and has 5 kids ranging from 21-13. Oh and now, a 3 month old grandbaby!  I cannot even imagine that. I've been trying to think - 11 years from now I will be the age that he is now, and TK will be 24. Wow. And my sister's kids will be 12 and 13. Double wow. Wait, I actually think I'm confusing myself here. Never mind, then...

Well, I didn't really get anything done today, either. TH slept in this morning so I took TK to school. Last night I got an email from Sonic that they were doing half price popcorn chicken today, so I stopped on the way back and got us each a small spicy popcorn chicken and a Super Sonic breakfast burrito. (TH stopped and got some for TK after school) Nom :-) The chicken was pretty good, but it really wasn't what I would consider spicy. I dipped mine in some leftover McDonald's spicy buffalo sauce and it was much better. I ended up staying up until freaking almost 1:00 hanging out with TH, and then woke up at like 7:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I'm tired tonight. Kinda feel shitty again, so I don't know what the deal is. I stopped and bought some crackers (and paid $4 for them at 7-11!!) and a Sprite and I'm sitting here at work kinda trying to eat them. It seems like it doesn't matter how long I wait though, as soon as I pick up a cracker and take a bite, a car comes. Fucking people. They do the same thing when I go to the bathroom, too. I'm the only one here so I just kinda have to wait for a slow spot and run pee really quick. 9 times out of 10 when I come out there will be somebody sitting at the door waiting. It's so tempting when they get pissy about it to be like, "What? I had to take a shit, ok?" :-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27

Well, I accomplished just about diddly squat today, but I guess that's ok. I stayed up for a while playing Lego Batman and then slept til 8:30 and came to work. I stopped at Taco Bell and got a few of those new Stuffed Griller things. They're actually pretty good. I was super hungry but I ate one and now I'm full. I guess I'll have plenty of leftovers?

I was looking around on Craigslist last night and found this one lady with a bunch of different home decor type items. It kinda looks like she buys stuff on clearance or at thrift stores and resells it on CL. Hmmm, new business idea? Anyway, I found  a couple of things that we like, and TH went to meet her this morning and bought them. One is a wooden sign to hang on the wall that I want to give them, and the other is this pretty little six bottle wine rack with green resin leaves around it. I'm thinking it would be perfect to set back in that huge corner behind the kitchen sink.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26

I had trouble going to sleep this morning, and then once I finally did I had weird-ass dreams. Not bad, really, just weird. I dunno. Went to pick up TK and stopped by HEB to pick up a few things. I bought a couple of Rockstars, which turned out to be a good idea. I'm pretty tired tonight :-/ Got home and played a little Black Ops 2, then TH picked me up when he got off work and we went to look at the house.

They had dug up and laid out the steel for the driveway and the sidewalk. TH is so happy because they used rebar instead of some driveway mesh type stuff like most people do. So hopefully this way the new driveway won't crack and fall apart like the old one did. The plans called for the sidewalk coming over from the driveway and making a sharp turn up to the house but the foreman decided to have it curve instead. It looks much nicer! It will be easier to mow around, too. They also came in and dig the trench in the back for the electrical conduit.

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25

Holy shit it is windy tonight. It has been like this all day though. If this freaking guardhouse doesn't blow down around me I will be fucking amazed. One of the metal gate bars blew off earlier today, and the rest of them are shaking like crazy. There were power lines and trees down all over town. The worst I actually saw were trash cans all over the road, so that was good.

TH, the butthead, went by the house on his way to work but he didn't tell me he did until after he got home. He didn't take any pictures, either >:-( Although really, when he got there everybody was there and busy and it was a huge clusterfuck, so whatever. He chatted with the foreman for a little bit, and got to hear him bitch about everything that was going wrong. He's kind of a perfectionist, lol.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24

Yay, it's the weekend!'s Sunday night :-/ Every damn week, sigh. Friday morning I went home and messed around a little, played a little Lego Batman, then went to bed. Got up early enough to go get Papa Murphy's pizza before I picked up TK from school, then we went by the house. The painters were there working on caulking the gaps in the baseboards and everything. I figured they probably wouldn't start painting Friday because it looked like they had pretty much just gotten there. Checked on the kitties. I thought the dog from back in the corner had jumped the fence into our other neighbor's yard, again, so I called the cops on it, again. Turns out the lady next door is dogsitting a dog that looks exactly like the one that jumps the fence. Oops, lol. Eh, we'll call it a reminder to keep the little fucker in their yard. I know there have been plenty of times that it has been out that we haven't seen it and called it in.

TH got home and we did movie night. We rented The Expendables 2 from Redbox. It was good! I'm kinda hoping now that they do a third one. They kinda left it open enough that I guess they could keep making them until they quit making money. Hung out with TH a little bit and then he went to bed. TK and I stayed up pretty late playing Black Ops 2. It was double, double XP weekend, which means that you rank up and rank up your guns twice as fast :-) I'm finally getting high enough that I'm unlocking some better equipment and stuff, so I do a little better now. I still think I prefer playing custom games with the bots, though. We all start out with the same shit so bots don't kick my ass as bad, lol.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21

Tired again tonight, but today was fun! I've also got freaking cramps, so that sucks. At least this month I was prepared, lol. I went home this morning and took a short nap, then TH woke me up and we went and looked at some thrift stores. I'm not sure what we were really looking for, but we found a few things. I found a Hello Kitty comforter! It's not the same as the one I had before, but it's still a good one. Most of the newer ones are pretty ugly :-/ I had the Hello Kitty and TH and TK had Transformers. I would still kinda like to replace theirs but I think it's going to be hard to do. We found a couple of neat little things to hang on the wall, and a grilling basket for sausages. TH found a pretty bowl that kinda looks like it will go with the dishes that we want to get from Walmart. He also found a neat little wooden sailing ship to put on his desk. Once we build him a desk, of course. I forget what else...

Oh yeah. My boss is from Alabama, and he's a huge University of Alabama fan. He just moved into a new apartment so I found a picture of the stadium and got it enlarged to an 8x10 for him to hang on his wall. I found a frame for it today for like $2. He's going to be all happy :-) I also found a little Noah's Ark figurine thingie for my mom for her birthday. I talked to her earlier and told her we could come see her next weekend. She was all like, YAY!!!!!! Oh and a bag of those little splash balls, the ones you're supposed to soak in water and throw at people. Not the big ones, but about ping pong ball sized. They're Hiccup toys, lol. He had one a few years ago that he pulled all of the stuffing out of and he would carry it around everywhere. Then he started hiding it and we would think he lost it, only for him to dig it out again two months later and play with it some more.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 20

Holy crap I am tired tonight. Not as tired as I should be I guess, but still tired. I went home and hung out with TH for a little while, then he left to take TK to school and go check out the house. I think I went to bed around 9:00. But then I woke up a little after 2:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up when he brought TK home. Hung out with him a little bit more, then TK and I played a little Black Ops 2 - Nuketown 2025!! It is freaking awesome! I still think it was a little silly to have spent $15 on it, but oh well. We played a few games of Nuketown zombies and then I came to work. I stopped at Golden Chick on the way and got dinner. It was supposed to be spicy chicken but it wasn't >:-( That's what I get for not checking first, huh? It was still good, though.

We found out that they are going out of town this weekend, and they're leaving after work tomorrow. Movie night Friday! We'll probably get The Expendables 2. Next weekend, however, they are not. I was kinda thinking if there was going to be a weekend before we moved that they were going to stay home, TK and I might go see my mom. Sigh. I know I should - she would be so happy. Plus once we get home I'm not gonna want to go anywhere for a while, lol. So be prepared for the bitching. I've got a week to really get good and whiny about it :-)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19

Welp, I did it. I dropped TK off at school this morning and went to see my friend. Holy crap that woman can talk! I was there about 3 hours, and really only managed to get away because I told her TH was working so I had to pick TK up from school. It was actually kinda nice, though. I really haven't done anything like that in a long time. I'm sure once we get home I'll see a lot more of her. I did manage to avoid the whole "my kid doesn't really like your kid anymore" thing, so that was something. So that was how I spent my morning.

I drove by the house before I went to see her but I didn't stop because there were a lot of people there. Went home and messed around a little bit, drank a Four Loko, and went to bed. TH picked TK up from school and they went to Golden Corral, a buffet type place. They love going there. Me, not so much. I like it, but it kinda grosses me out. I don't like the idea of my food being exposed to that many people before it gets to me :-/ So they go every once in a while, and it's their thing. I was going to stop and get something on my way to work but I really wasn't hungry. Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18

Didn't do much again today. TK was out of school so I went home and hung out with TH for a little while, then we made bacon and eggs for breakfast. The bacon woke TK up, lol. We don't get to actually do breakfast very often, so it was nice. It's usually only on the days that TK is out of school or something. Played a little Black Ops 2 with TK and then went to bed when TH left for work. I drank 2 Four Lokos again this morning, which was pretty stupid again. I felt like crap when I first woke up but I got a Sprite and some chicken nuggets and I feel better now. It wasn't quite as bad as last time because I did at least eat something this morning, but I really don't need to be doing that :-/

TH works the early shift tomorrow so I'll take TK to school and probably go home and play something for a while. I have this friend who lives in our neighborhood that I haven't talked to in forever, and I should really go see her. It's just that TK and her kid used to be good buddies, but her kid is kinda really annoying and they really don't have anything in common anymore. It just got to where TK didn't want to hang out with him and I really don't know how to tell her that :-/ I probably need to deal with it before we get home, though. Sigh.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 17

Today was my mom's birthday. I talked to her for a little while. My brother took her to church, then out to lunch, then to Best Buy and bought her a new iPad. She has been wanting an iPad for freaking ever, but I really don't know why? So now she has played with it for a while and she's all confused. He's going to have fun trying to explain everything to her. She's not the most technically savvy person in the world, to say the least. He may end up regretting this, lol.

So we didn't do much today. Slept kinda late and then got up and did my Economics Chapter 5 homework and quiz. I totally forgot that they were due tonight at midnight :-/ I ended up with 100 on each one though, so yay! Open book work FTW! Finished all of that then played a little Black Ops 2 and Lego Batman with TK, then took a quick nap. Got up and came to work, so yeehaw. And another week starts. TK is out of school tomorrow for Presidents' Day (I think it is?), and TH is working the early shift Tuesday so I'll take TK to school and TH will pick him up. So, I only have to pick him up from school one day this week :-) I'll probably take him Wednesday or Thursday so TH doesn't have to though.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 15

Not much going on today. Went home and took TK to school, then stopped at one of the little crappy convenience stores and bought a couple of burritos for me and TH. Hung out with him for a little bit, then he left for work (early) and I played some Black Ops 2 for a couple of hours. I ranked up a few levels in online, yay! Slept for about 3 hours and then went to pick up TK from school. I thought about going by the house but figured there probably wouldn't be too much to see. We'll go by Saturday sometime.

We had a couple of free pizza codes from Papa Johns, so we tried their pizza. It's actually not bad! Being free helped, lol. I still think I like Papa Murphy's best, even if you do have to cook it yourself. The pizza place is in the little shopping center across from TK's school. There is also a little crappy HEB that we stop at sometimes if we just need a few things, so we walked down there to see if they had any Valentine's candy marked down. We has chocolate now :-)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14

Happy freaking Valentine's Day! Yeehaw. I'm tired tonight, but it's ok - it's Thursday night!! And I have a big-ass Monster, so that helps. I went home this morning and took a quick nap before we had to meet the builder at the house. When I do that I call it an urkanap :-) We had kinda planned on dropping TK off at school and going to Walmart to look at shoes for him, but I opted for the nap instead. We still have a pair that we need to take back, but he has decided that he wants to wear an old pair of mine for now. Yeah, the child now officially wears the same size shoe as I do. That's...kinda depressing, somehow.

So we went to the house, and the painters were there again. Remember how I said that the purple looked darker than we were thinking it was going to be? Well, we're pretty sure that they had accidentally painted it with the darker purple that is supposed to go on the doors! When we got there they had painted over the whole house with a lighter color purple, except for what looked like one corner of the eaves (or whatever) that they probably couldn't reach from the roof. We watched a guy go up a ladder and paint that part. So now it looks like the purple that we were expecting!! The trim looks much better, too. I guess the darker purple just made the trim look weird, maybe? The sheetrock guys were there, they were working on the ceilings first. We signed the stuff for the builder authorizing payments on everything that had been done up until now. TIL that it cost $2,100 to paint the outside of a house that size! Crazy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13

I feel like absolute dogshit tonight. My head hurts, I'm shaky and cold and ever so slightly feel like I'm going to puke, and it feels like there is something stuck in my right eye and I can't get it out. I stayed up too late, drank too much, and didn't eat enough today. I had stopped on the way to work last night and bought 2 Four Lokos and I ended up drinking both of them this morning. Not a good idea at all, especially since the only thing I ate was a couple of small bags of Flaming Hot Cheetos. So I was stupid this morning, and now I'm paying for it. And we have to meet with the builder at the house in the morning to sign some paperwork, so I won't get to bed until late tomorrow. Fucking sucks. Why the fuck do I keep doing this to myself? I know that it's all self-destructive bullshit but I keep doing it. I don't get it. I did stop on the way to work and get a Sprite and some chicken nuggets. I feel a lot better after eating something, but I still feel like shit. I'm such a fucking dumbass sometimes :-/

I did at least get to play some Black Ops 2, so that was nice! I played a bunch of online matches and once again I didn't get my ass kicked too badly. I even ranked up a few levels, yay! TK wants to get Nuketown 2025 soooo bad, but since it was a preorder bonus the only place to find it is Ebay and it's going for like $20. He can't decide if he wants to get that or the Call of Duty Zombies games for iPhone. He's so funny sometimes. Yeah, he does have an iPhone. It's a 3GS. TH and I traded up to a 4S after the 5 came out and the 4S got cheap - I think we paid like $100 for both of them. TK got one of our old 3GS's. He pays the $15/month data plan out of his allowance, though. TH and I are lucky enough to still have the unlimited plans carried over from when we first signed up :-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12

Kinda tired tonight, but I'm not really sure why. I went home and took the headache/sleepy medicine as soon as I got there, and I was in bed by 8:30 or so. I kinda thought about taking a quick nap after I picked up TK but that didn't happen. I still have one of the Rockstar 2x's that I bought last night so I'm drinking one of those. I should be fine. And tomorrow is Wednesday, which means I can go home and stay up for a little while because I don't have to go pick up TK. Yay for quiet video game time! (Hopefully)

TH drove by the house on his way to work, and the insulation guys were there working and the sheetrock was being delivered! I picked up TK and went by there and everybody was gone so we got to go look around. They had finished the insulation, and there is a huge stack of sheetrock in the dining room and half a stack in the living room. It looks like they used the blown-in stuff on the exterior walls and covered it with something that looked like dryer sheet material. I guess that's to kinda hold everything in place? Then on the interior walls around the bathrooms and laundry room they used the batting stuff, for noise reduction. We were kinda hoping that they would insulate all of the interior walls but I guess that's not something that they usually do. There are two inspections that have to be done before they can start sheetrocking it, but if they get them done early enough tomorrow they might start with the sheetrock tomorrow. That would be pretty cool, but I'm not really holding my breath. They also said the painters might be out one day this week to do the exterior, and it's not supposed to rain at all for like the next 3 days so that would be really good timing! It's going to be funny to just show up one day and all of a sudden it's purple!

Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11

Not much going on today, again. Went home this morning and went straight to bed, so I actually got almost 8 hours of sleep! I forgot to take the headache/sleepy medicine when I laid down but I ended up taking it around 10:00. So I'm a little tired tonight, but I think if I take it when I go to bed I'll be ok with the lower dose. I did stop and get a few Rockstar 2x's though :-)

Got up and went to pick up TK and it was raining just a little bit. We didn't bother going by the house because nothing was supposed to happen today. We'll go by there tomorrow though, and they should be working on the insulation! Went home and read the last chapter of Economics that I needed for the test tomorrow. I decided to go ahead and take the test today, and it turns out that it is open book! I only missed 2 out of 40, so I made a 95. Plus I get 20 points extra credit for taking it by the due date, so I made a 115!! I think I'm going to need as many extra credit points as I can get - I am not looking forward to that cumulative final! I checked out what had been posted for the other 2 classes, and wrote down test dates and everything. Government has 10 discussion boards, due every Saturday, and 4 tests. Psychology only has 3 tests. So hopefully none of it will be too bad. I'm not terribly fond of discussion boards, though.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 10

Back at work again, yay :-/ Didn't do much this weekend, either. Saturday we slept kinda late and then I made a chicken crockpot thing. It actually turned out really well! I cut up some raw chicken breasts and put them in the crockpot with a big can of cream of mushroom soup, some chopped bell peppers and onions, and some frozen asparagus stirfry veggies. Added almost 2 cans of water and some spices and just let it cook. Oh and a few bacon bits, too. It came out a little thin when the chicken was done so I added some instant potato flakes to thicken it up. Served it all up over rice. Nom nom nom.

Played with Tk a little bit, then TH got home and ate dinner and I hung out with him until he went to bed. Played with TK a little more and then I went to bed. I drank a little bit Saturday night, but not much. I had bought that small (750 ml) bottle of vodka on Tuesday night, and I still have about a quarter of it left. I'll probably try to go home and go straight to sleep tomorrow and Tuesday, so I won't drink anything until Wednesday, maybe. I am definitely doing better! I also started the headache/sleepy medicine Friday night, and took it again Saturday night. It does seem to help me sleep, so yay!! I'll probably be able to take it in the mornings and then sleep on the days that I work, and not be too tired afterward. I still had weird dreams last night. Not bad, bad - but weird. The kind that make you mentally tired. Eh, it's something.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

February 8

So yesterday was long, but kinda fun. TH and I dropped TK off at school and went by the house to check it out. When we got there 2 of the builder's guys were there loading up all of the leftover materials from the back yard and sweeping the house out to get ready for the inspector to come. We went back and checked on the kitties, then walked around the house a little bit and talked to the guys. They had already installed the shower pan in the master bathroom and the tub in the hall bathroom and filled both of them up with water to check for leaks around the drain. The AC was fully installed and and the cover was on, and all of the wiring was run to the breaker box. They had moved all of the permits and paperwork from the board outside to the inside of the living room window. So much paperwork! We saw that the required 3rd party framing inspection that they did yesterday had passed. Yay!

However, we got a call from the foreman later that the mechanical inspection had passed, but the framing inspection had failed! He said that the inspector guy had found some little nitpicky things that he wanted fixed before he would pass it. Asshole >:-( So the builder guys were going to get in there and fix everything then, but the wall insulation that was supposed to be done Monday has been moved to Tuesday. Fucking grrrrrrr. At least it won't slow it down too much, though. He said that they should be back on schedule in a few days, so yay!! He also said that the painters might be in there sometime next week to paint the exterior! Nothing happening this weekend though, so I'm not going to worry about going over there until Monday. TH will check the kitties on his way home from work one day.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 7

Another quiet day. And it's Thursday night, yay!! Went home this morning and actually fell asleep on the couch for a few minutes before TH left to take TK to school. He got back and we kinda just hung out all morning, talking about the house and appliances and what we're going to need when we move back home. We're all getting so excited, it's awesome! I think we found a microwave that is the same as the one we had. It was a Panasonic, and it was freaking awesome. Looked online a little bit at pots and pans and dishes. We're going to go to Walmart in the morning after we drop off TK and look around at stuff. I need to start working on a list! The builder is going to install a dishwasher and a stove, and we already have a fridge, washer, and dryer. We already bought a toaster, a coffee pot, and a food processor/blender thingie because we found them cheap. We have a couple of couches, but I'm not sure about one of them. Maybe we can clean it, because it kinda smells :-/ We have beds, and a dresser/chest for TK's room. Seems like there's something else, but I forget.

We saved our silverware and knives, so if they clean up ok we've got those. I have a pretty set of coffee mugs that I saved, and the Kitchenaid mixer survived, too. We need to get pots and pans, dishes, bakeware, and a microwave for sure, at least to start out. I would like to get another George Foreman type grill and a crockpot, too. I use the shit out of a crockpot :-) We had a big upright freezer before but there's not really a good place to put one in the new house, so maybe a small chest freezer. It's nice to stock up on meats and stuff when they're on sale. A vacuum cleaner, because purty carpet :-) A trash can. Shit, and then there's all of the little stuff that you don't think about, because it's usually already in your house: trash bags, paper towels, laundry soap, all of the little kitchen utensils, a, my brain hurts.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 6

Not much going on today. TH took TK to school, then brought home Sonic breakfast burritos. Nom nom nom. Hung out with him and then played some Lego Batman. I made 2 drinks, and I didn't use quite as much vodka as I usually would. I figure that's not bad for the 6 hours or so that I was home before I went to bed. When I finally did go to bed I actually slept pretty good. I know I had a weird dream but I really don't remember it. It seems like it wasn't even bad really, just weird. I had set an alarm to get up at 8:30 but I woke up around 7:00 and didn't really feel like I needed to go back to sleep. Kinda weird. So I got up and hung out with TH and TK  and then came to work. Yay.

I know I've only been taking the new medicine for about a week, but I'm wondering if it's already starting to help. It's supposed to take about 2 weeks to kick in but I had been taking that bottle that I had left over from the last time, and I only ran out of that a few weeks before I went to the doctor. I guess if some of that was still in my system it might not take as long to build back up to the right level? Or maybe it's just psychological. Dunno. Either way, it seems like something different is going on, and that's a good thing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5

I don't know why, but I have zero motivation to write tonight. I'm tired too, which doesn't really make sense because I went home and went to bed early. I wonder if I'm like, detoxing or something. Dunno. I know I was definitely drinking more than I should have been before, and that is probably a lot of why I felt like shit all of the time. I know it has only been 3 days but I can tell the difference in how I feel. I did buy a small bottle of vodka today, but I think I'm only going to drink some on my Wednesday and Thursday stay up late because I don't have to pick up TK days. I think as long as I am smart about it and don't fall back into the cycle of alcohol to go to sleep every day and caffeine to stay awake every night I'll be ok. Think I'm going to try to keep going home and going to bed early on the days I have to get up early, at least as long as I don't have anything I have to do. That seems to work well, and it should eliminate the need for a nap before work on those days.

TH went by the house on his way to work, but they were there working on the inside so he didn't really get to look around. The foreman's assistant was there though and he found out that they do already have a replacement for that broken window, but they'll probably wait until they're almost done to swap it out. He talked to the electrician again and pointed out that plug in the game room closet that the foreman had added onto the plans. TH wants to put a desk in that closet so he can build his models and stuff, and then just close the door when he's not working on it so the cats can't mess with everything. It's that or keep the game room door closed, but I want to be able to have kitties sitting all over me while I play Xbox! :-)

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4

I am actually, surprisingly, pretty awake tonight. It's kind of a weird feeling. I went home this morning, had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some (plain) chocolate milk, and was in bed by 7:30. That means I slept for almost 8 hours!! I was going to try out the new sleep/headache medicine but I forgot. It still seems like I slept better than I expected to though. I think where I've been screwing up on the days I have to go pick up TK is getting home and waiting for TH to wake up, then waiting for TK to wake up and leave for school. That means I've been home for like 2 hours before I ever even try to go to bed, and if I come home sleepy I've waited too long and the sleepy has worn off. I may just try to go to bed early like that from now on. Except maybe for the days TH is off and he can pick up TK. Then I can stay up and hang out with him or play video games by myself. Yay!!

So TH went by the house on his way to work and they had a lot of the siding up already. He said they brought 2 crews today, I guess because they got a little behind this weekend. I think they were supposed to have had the roof decking done already. I don't know, though, because the schedule called for finishing the cornice work and installing the tar paper stuff on the roof today. The electrician was there checking everything out and making a materials list to start the electrical rough tomorrow. The schedule calls for that and the mechanical rough (heating/AC), and plumbing top-out (basically all of the interior stuff that will be behind walls) tomorrow and Wednesday. He had a box of those blue electrical outlet boxes with him so he went ahead and installed some of those. Now we can see where the plugs and switches are going to be! TH asked him to work up an estimate for what it would cost to run power out to the shed, so we can plug the pool in out there.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 3

Sigh. Sunday night, and back at work. Super Bowl Sunday, no less. So it is freaking ass busy. I guess there were several parties in here and now everyone is either getting picked up or coming home from somewhere else. It's like, everyone go home - I'm trying to do stuff!! Turns out that Economics Chapter 4 quiz isn't due until like the 10th or something but I think I'm gonna try to get it done tonight. I really need to reread everything before I take the test. I just kinda skimmed through it enough to do the homework and all the first time.I have 2 Netflix movies that I've had for about 3 weeks now that I really should get around to watching, too. I just keep getting busy doing something and losing track of time. I'll get to them...eventually. 

So TK and I went by the house yesterday, and either they hadn't been there or they were there and left early. We couldn't tell that anything had been done, either. It was kinda cool though because we were able to walk through it. It was TK's first time! I think he's really getting excited about it now. We went all through it and I showed him where everything was going to be. I got a good picture of him standing in his room looking out of the window. Misadventure and Hiro came over when we got there and we fed them. Misadventure followed us into the house and walked around sniffing everything. I sent TH a picture of her in the bay window (aka the cat shelf) and he said yep, it figures :-) So she was officially the first kitty in the house. Went back to see the kitties. They want out so bad :-( Soon, little baby buttheads. If the schedule holds, we've only got about a month left!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 1

Yeah, I know it's technically the next day, but this is for yesterday. So suck it :-P I think I'm gonna quit worrying about making sure stuff gets posted exactly on the right day. It might help me stay caught up. We'll see.

So I stopped by the house on the way home from work Friday, and saw Misadventure and Hiro!! I hadn't seen them both together in over a week. TH said he saw Hiro a few days ago though. I petted them and fed them, and I had just walked over to the house and gone through the front door when I hear this big truck sounding thing coming down the road. It was the framing guys with their trailer of stuff. They got there at 6:40!! I didn't even have time to walk around and look at everything :-( I talked to them for just a minute and then left, because I had parked in front of the driveway and they needed to unload stuff. Went by the store really quick and got home just as TH was leaving to take TK to school. I bought a box of donuts for the construction guys, so TH decided to go by there before he came back home and give them the donuts. And see what was going on, lol. When he got there they had unloaded the stuff they brought and started hanging the OSB (plywood type stuff) on the exterior of the house. They had windows and doors and siding and all kinds of stuff sitting around!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

January 31

Wow. It is the last day of January. Already. But hey, I only missed 3 days of posting something, yay! Let's try to do better next month. I just need to make sure to set aside some time on Friday and Saturday to do it. We'll see how it goes. They are going out of town again this weekend. Well actually, they're already gone. They decided to go straight from work today instead of getting up in the morning and going early. TK's buddy is coming over tomorrow to spend the night. They're going to ride the bus to his house after school and I'll pick them up from there. We started to do it last week but he didn't check to see if it was ok early enough. We're all set this time, though. And of course, we'll go by and look at the house again. His buddy's a good kid. Kinda annoying, but I think that's just a teenage boy thing. I always end up playing video games with them most of the time he's here :-) It's gonna be so awesome when we get home and he can walk to his friends' houses and they can walk to ours whenever and it's not something that has to be planned out or anything. Usually too everybody is at our house swimming all summer. I kinda like that I know where they are and what they're up to that way.

I went by the house this morning, and walked through all of the rooms. It seems a lot more real now, seeing exactly how big the rooms are and where everything is going to be. It was awesome!! Went home and drank some coffee then took TK to school, since I had to be at the doctor's office at 8:30. TH was glad for that - it was like 36 this morning. There was ice on my windshield when I left work. He's not a cold freak like I am. So,the doctor. It was...interesting. I'm not quite 100% sure, but I think I like him. I did end up writing something out, and listening to him read it made me think it sounded crazy, but he was actually really receptive to it. He said it made a lot of sense, and explained everything well. He said I'm a very expressive writer :-) He put me back on the meds my last doctor had me on, one for the depression/anxiety and one for sleep issues/headaches and such. I had quit taking the headache one first because it made me really sleepy, but he cut the dose in half. Said to take it I need to be able to get at least 6 hours of sleep at a time or I would probably still wake up sleepy. So we'll see how it works.