Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30

Today is the last day of June! Kinda crazy. I'm a little tired tonight but not too bad. A little busier here at work but again, not too bad. I'm curious to see how busy it's going to be later this week because of the holiday on Friday (4th of July). Could get interesting, lol.

So I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning because I needed a cabbage. Seriously. XD I was thawing out some carne al pastor stuff and I was thinking that it would be good sauteed up with some cabbage. Got home and everyone was asleep so I hung out for a while then went to bed around 8:00 or so. Woke up at like 2:00 and TK and I went swimming. We decided to check out a different pool today, the one that we tried to go to on the first day of summer that was closed because of a pump problem. I like it! It's a little bigger than the one we normally go to, so it didn't seem as crowded. Plus it has a separate little kiddie pool where all of the little bitty kids could play. The changing rooms are nicer, too. So that may become our new go-to pool :-) We swam for a while then decided to go by Walmart to look around and see if we could find another cat collar because we hadn't bought one for Misadventure yet. We found a nice pink reflective one :-) Now all of the kitties except Naga (the long-haired one) have either a reflective or sparkly collar so hopefully they'll be easier to see when they're running around outside at night. Naga's is just plain since you can't see it under all of her fur anyway. So we wandered around Walmart for a while, got home and messed around until TH got home, hung out with him for a while, and now I'm at work.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29

Sunday night, back at work. Woohoo, lol. So far tonight it hasn't been as busy as it usually is, which is nice. I've already seen one of my cop buddies. He came by early and chatted for a few minutes before he got called off. He hasn't come back yet so I guess the cops aren't having a very slow night...

So let's see. Friday morning I got home and everyone was asleep for like...20 minutes. TH woke up and I hung out with him for a little bit then took a nap. Woke up around 2:00 or so and TK and I went swimming for a while, stopped by HEB for a couple of things, and stopped by Papa Murphy's to pick up a couple of pizzas (shut up). Got home and cooked the pizzas and when TH got home we watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing Lego Star Wars.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26

It's Thursday night!! Finally, lol. So this morning I had to see fuckface because he came in to relieve me at 6:00. I was nice and polite and all that shit. I think I've decided that I'm just going to be all sunshine and rainbow farts so he thinks that I don't hate his fucking guts. Then hopefully he'll be gone soon and I won't have to worry about it anymore :-) When I got here tonight one of the flex officers that I haven't seen in like forever was here because the other guy here at work took off for his birthday. So it was nice to see her again :-) It's really windy tonight, too. It never did end up raining but it kinda looked like it was going to all day. TH got called in to work for a couple of hours this afternoon though so we wouldn't have been able to go swimming anyway. Sigh. Tomorrow however...tomorrow I don't care what happens. We're going fucking swimming, lol. The new Transformers movie comes out tomorrow too but I think we're going to wait a week or so to go see it. Hopefully that will give the crowds a chance to die down.

So I got home this morning and TH was awake so I hung out with him for a little bit. Went to bed around 8:00 or so and TH woke me up at like 11:00 digging around in the closet for his work clothes (because they called him in to work). He and TK were just getting ready to go running around when work called, too :-( So he went on to work for a couple of hours and I got up and played with TK until he got back. So that worked. He got home and they went running around, I took another quick nap, and now I'm at work. Kinda tired, but not too bad. I think we still had a little bit of leftover soup but TH cooked the awesome sausage that I found marked down the other day for dinner. Nom nom nom!!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Cheese, almonds, and a sausage when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought 2 more sausage links, and I still have a couple of boiled eggs here at work.

Song: Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Talked to my mom again last night and earlier tonight. She's doing better!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25

It's Wednesday night and for some reason it is it busier than shit here at work. Dunno why. Stupid kids, lol. So it rained and stormed for a while after I got home this morning, again while I was asleep this afternoon, and there's a good chance of more rain later tonight and tomorrow. So probably no swimming again tomorrow. Sigh.

So I stopped by HEB on my way home this morning to pick up a couple of things. Got home and TK was still awake (again!) so I played with him for a while, hung out with TH, and went to bed around noon or so. Got up at 8:00, took a shower, and now I'm at work. We still had some leftover Buffalo Chicken Soup so nobody had to cook tonight. Other than that, not much going on. No new drama or anything from fuckface, but then again he didn't work today so no wonder things went smoothly, lol. Unfortunately I do have to see him in the morning though. The other guy here at work did say that he had about 8 residents ask him what the deal was with "that new guy". So he's already pissing people off, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - Eggs, sausages, and shredded cheese. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some cheese, pepperoni, and almonds. I also have a little leftover soup.

Song: The Prodigy - Firestarter. Random shuffle.

Best thing: People bitching about fuckface :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired :-/


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24

Kinda tired tonight :-/ Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we played Lego Star Wars for a couple of hours. He went to bed and I hung out with TH for a while then went to bed around 10:30 or so. I woke up around 3:00 and thought about trying to go swimming but I heard thunder. Plus, TK was still asleep. So I went back to bed, lol. Got up at 6:00 and hung out with TK until TH got home, we had leftover Buffalo Chicken Soup for dinner, and now I'm at work. I'm still not sure if it ever rained but it definitely thundered for a while.

So fuckface was here when I got here tonight because apparently the guy who should be here, the one who no-call no-showed the other day, quit yesterday when he had to go talk to the big boss. So fuckface worked tonight and then he'll be back Thursday morning because somebody asked for the day off. Our boss's last day is July 1st (next Tuesday) and then fuckface starts the next morning as our new Site Supervisor. Sigh. Hopefully we can run him off pretty quick because I do not like the man. Although it does do my bitchy little heart good to know that he had a bad day today, lol. So right after he got here the maintenance guys shut down the guest lane by the building so that they could check out the damage from when a truck hit it last weekend. It was closed for like an hour and all of the traffic had to go through the far (resident) lane. Which meant that fuckface had to stand out there in the sun that whole time checking people in :-D Later on a couple of sheriff's deputies came in (more on that later), and on their way out one of them stopped to talk to him and parked in the little exit lane right up by the building. The one where we usually park, to keep people from trying to leave through there instead of the main exit lane where the gates open automatically. Fuckface doesn't park there though - he parks in the actual spaces kinda behind the building. So anyway, when the deputy got ready to leave, fuckface had to push a button to raise the gate arm so he could go through. He didn't hold the button down like you're supposed to though and he ended up dropping the bar on top of the deputy's Tahoe. Fucking dumbass, lol. The cop's car was fine but it knocked the gate arm off so he had to call maintenance and write an incident report about it.

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23

Well, not really much going on today. I got home this morning and woke TH up so he could go to work early, went to bed at about 8:30, and woke up around 6:00. Oops. So we didn't go swimming. TK said he kinda poked me around 2:00 but I just kinda growled at him so he left me alone, lol. Apparently I also slept through a pretty decent thunderstorm, too. So I guess I needed the sleep? Dunno. Got up and hung out with TK for a while, made Buffalo Chicken Soup for dinner, and now I'm at work. There's a pretty good chance for rain again tomorrow but if it's not raining when I wake up (earlier than today, hopefully) we'll try again to go swimming :-)

So when I got to work tonight fuckface was here by himself. I talked to my boss earlier and he said that they finally got ahold of the guy who didn't show up yesterday and he was supposed to go to the office today to meet with the big boss. Supposedly he was at the hospital with a friend, or something like that. Dunno. So I don't know if he will be back, or if he'll just go ahead and quit. I know he was looking for another job anyway. Either way though I'll probably have to see fuckface again tomorrow night, and for sure Wednesday night, because he's working with the other guy here at work. Lovely :-/ I was...not very nice to him when I got here, lol. I was polite, but that was all. I said hi, asked if there were any passdowns (the usual shift-change type stuff) and said ok see ya later. I think I hurt his wittle feelings, lol.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Buffalo Chicken Soup for dinner. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some boiled eggs, and I still have a leftover sausage link.

Song: Bastille - Bad Blood. A new one!

Best thing: I think my leg is doing better! Maybe. It's hard to tell...

Worst thing: Stupid new fuckface guy here at work >:-(


Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22

Sunday night, back at work. Yay...yeah, no. Not horribly busy so far though so at least that's something. The new little fuckface guy was here yesterday morning "observing" and while he was here they managed to let a truck through that was too tall for our overhang and it took off a big chunk of one of the horizontal support beams. So that was awesome, lol. It looks like it's just cosmetic damage so at least it won't have to be shut down or anything. That would be a serious pain in the ass :-/ And then he was supposed to be back this morning to work with one of the other guys, and that guy no-called no showed. So he ended up working by himself all morning. The guy who no-showed is supposed to work Monday and Tuesday afternoons so if he doesn't come back, that means that fuckface will be working his shifts. Which means that I will have to see him when I come in to work both nights. Fucking lovely >:-(

So let's see...Friday morning I got home and took a nap kinda early. Got up around 12:00 and hung out with TH until he went to work, woke TK up and we went running around for a little bit. Went to Walmart for some more sunscreen, collars for the kitties, and some sunglasses!! We had seriously been needing sunglasses :-) Went by Randall's and picked up a couple of things then went home and played Lego Star Wars until time for TH to get home. I made frozen pizza (for them) and wings for dinner and we watched a few episodes of Prison Break for movie night. I was kinda tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19

Finally Thursday night :-) I'm kinda tired tonight, but not too bad. Got home this morning and everyone was asleep so I ended up going to bed pretty early. Got up at 3:00 and we all went swimming!! TH was off today so we picked up TK's buddy and his sister so TK would have someone to hang out with and TH and I could just kinda chill. It was awesome :-) Swam for a couple of hours then went home and cooked sausage for dinner, played a little Lego Star Wars with TK, watched an episode of Prison Break, and now I'm at work. But, Thursday night, so yay!!

So I talked to my boss when he got to work this morning. He put in his 2 week notice but he's probably only going to work one more week because the big boss just wants him to go ahead and quit. And, it looks like we're going to get stuck with the fuckface that I was talking about yesterday, at least temporarily. He said the big boss said something about letting this guy "try it out, to see if he liked it or not." Or some bullshit like that. Fucking grrrrrrrr >:-( Hopefully he won't last very long though because apparently he doesn't like the heat and humidity. TH said that the day this guy worked with him he spent all day complaining about how hot it was. And he's really not going to like how busy it gets out here during the day. Basically you end up standing outside at the little podium for most of your shift. It fucking sucks. (And that's why I work nights, lol) Plus he's a fucking asshole with an abrasive personality and no ass-kissing skills whatsoever, which isn't going to go over well working at a gated community. There's a reason I printed out this and hung it up on the bulletin board here at work, lol. So I guess we wait and see what happens...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18

Wednesday night! Almost done for the week :-) I feel much better tonight than I did last night, so yay! Got home this morning and everyone was asleep so I just kinda hung out by myself for a while and went to bed kinda early. TH and TK were supposed to wake me up so we could go swimming but they decided they didn't feel like it. Sigh. Got up around 4:00 and just kinda hung out, watched a few episodes of Prison Break, and now I'm at work. We did leftover fajitas for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking.

Soooo, my new boss, the one who has only been here for like 3 months, gave his 2 week notice today. Now we wait and see what's going to end up happening. I know the other guy here at work thought about going for the supervisor job when the other boss before this one left but I don't think he'll get it because he doesn't want to work mornings. There's a new guy they hired about a month ago to just kinda fill in here and there but I know he wants to find a site where he can get 40 hours. I'm afraid he's going to be the one we end up with :-/ Hopefully not, because he doesn't really have any supervisory experience. Plus he's a huge fucking asshole >:-( It could get interesting...

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. A bowl of TVP and shredded coconut "cereal" when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have fajita salad.

Song: Timbaland, Justin Timberlake - Carryout. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TH and TK went running around today and they bought a floppy hat for each of us for when we go hiking and stuff. It's so cute :-)

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17

Tired tonight :-/ Tired and feeling crappy because I drank too much this morning. Sigh. I had planned on going home and going to bed but everyone was awake when I got home so I stayed up and hung out with them. Watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break with TH, had a few (too many) drinks, and went to bed late. Got up around 7:00 and hung out with TK until TH got home, had leftovers for dinner, and now I'm at work. And I am so ready to go home :-(

Noms for the day: Bacon and eggs for breakfast. Almonds, cheese, and pepperoni when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have leftover fajita salad.

Song: Arcade Fire - Keep The Car Running. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Saw one of my cop buddies tonight!

Worst thing: Feeling shitty :-(


Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16

Not much going on today. It's busy at work again, of course. Damned kids with nothing better to do than run in and out all night. Must be nice :-/

When I got home this morning everyone was asleep so I used the little weight machine for a while. I ended up doing 10 reps of everything (20 on the leg lifts) except for the standing leg lift thingies where you use the ankle strap. I don't know if I was standing weird or what but when I tried those it was really awkward and just didn't feel right. So I need to do a little research on that I guess. But yay for using the weight machine! TH got up and I hung out with him for a while, went to bed fairly early, and got up around 3:00. TK and I went swimming for a couple of hours then when we got home I made fajitas for dinner. And that's basically it, lol.

Noms for the day: Almonds and a couple of bites of bacon for breakfast. A low-carb Rockstar on the way to work. I brought a fajita salad to work for when I get hungry later.

Song: Foster The People - Best Friend. A new one!

Best thing: All kinds of exercise today!!!

Worst thing: Already kinda sore :-/

Okey dokeys then.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15

Sunday night again. Sigh. Today was Fathers' Day but TH had to work all day like he does every Sunday. TK and I wanted to get something for him but since all of the new Transformers that he wants aren't out yet we decided to wait. So we made him a chocolate thingie for dessert, lol.

So Friday morning I stopped by HEB on my way home to pick up a couple of things. TH was up when I got home so we hung out for a while, made some breakfast, and watched a few episodes of Prison Break. TK got up just before TH left for work so we hung out for a little bit and decided to go ahead and go swimming. We went and picked up TK's buddy and his little sister, swam for a couple of hours, dropped the sister off at their house, went by Randall's to pick up some wings for dinner, and finally made it back home. TH got home and we had wings and fries for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night, then TH and I went to bed. I dunno how late the boys stayed up but they probably played video games all night, lol.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12

So, tonight was interesting :-/ They had been talking about a chance for storms and stuff this evening, and earlier today they issued a tornado watch until midnight for the whole area. Just about the time I was ready to leave for work it started raining. I drove through some seriously nasty stuff to get to work where apparently it had been storming for an hour or so. They started talking about a severe thunderstorm warning, high winds, possible funnel clouds, and all of that shit. A couple of areas nearby got hit kinda hard but luckily we just ended up with a serious storm. It was a scary couple of hours though :-/ It has finally died down now and I'm glad it's over!!

So I got home this morning and everyone was asleep so I played a little Black Ops 2 by myself. Hung out with TH for a little bit when he got up and went to bed around 8:00. Got up at 2:00 and hung out with TH and TK for a while, cooked up the big package of ground beef that we bought the other day (taco meat for days - nom!!), and took another quick nap at like 6:30. TK went swimming with his buddy for a little while so that was cool.

Noms for the day: Pepperoni for breakfast. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some taco meat, or I still have a little bit of leftover chicken enchilada stuff.

Song: Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? A new one!

Best thing: No tornado!!!!

Worst thing: Still really fucking sore! My everything hurts :-(


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11

Hooooly crap. I'm at work, and it is busier than fucking shit, and I can see lightning off in the distance that is headed this way so I'm probably going to get stormed on here in a little bit, and my everything is sore because we moved that freaking bedroom set today, and I am like OMG fucking tired because once again I only got like 4 hours of sleep, and and and....yeah, lol. I forgot how to sentence. But somehow I'm still in a really good mood so that's awesome :-)

So I got home this morning and woke TH up, drank a cup of coffee, and we went to pick up the U-Haul truck. Dropped my car back off at the house and headed out to pick up the bedroom set! We ended up getting there a little early so we just parked nearby and waited for a while. Met up with the people, loaded it all up, and headed back home. And it is fucking heavy stuff! I'm glad we decided to get the 10' truck too - we originally thought about just renting one of the vans but after loading it all up I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have fit in anything smaller! So we got home and unloaded everything, put it all together, took the truck back, and after I took a shower and all I ended up getting to bed around 4:00 or so. But at least I was sleeping in a pretty bedroom :-) I ended up sleeping until almost time to go to work so TH made the chicken enchilada stuff for dinner. Nom!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10

Well, for some reason I had trouble sleeping again today. So I'm tired again tonight but surprisingly not as bad as you would think. And of course it's busy here at work so maybe that's helping me stay awake. That or the low carb monster and my iced coffee, lol.

So I got home this morning and went to bed kinda early. I think I fell asleep around 8:00 and woke up at like 11:00. Couldn't fall back asleep so I got up, made some breakfast, and hung out with TH and TK for a while. TH started getting ready to go to work and TK and I went swimming! We stayed there for about 2 hours, stopped by HEB on the way home to get a couple of pool noodles and a few groceries, and I ended up taking another short nap before work. TH made burgers for dinner when he got home because I was asleep :-) If I get up early enough tomorrow I need to make something with the chicken that I cooked on Sunday. Maybe an enchilada skillet type thing. Dunno.

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9

Holy freaking crap I am tired tonight. I wasn't really tired when I got home this morning so I stayed up for a little while. TH got up and I hung out with him then tried to go to bed but couldn't fall asleep. TK got up and we just kinda messed around for a while. It started raining around 10:00 and stormed off and on most of the day so we didn't go swimming. It's not supposed to rain tomorrow though :-) I tried to go back to bed when TH left for work but didn't end up falling asleep until almost 4:00. Got up at like 8:00, so...yeah :-/ I'm hoping that at least this means I'll be able to go home and go straight to bed in the morning?

So, we've been looking off and on for a headboard and maybe a set of nightstands for our bedroom. We found one today on Craigslist that looks really nice and isn't too expensive! It's a big headboard with mirrors, side storage towers, and a separate armoire looking thing. It's way too big to fit in my car (lol) so we're going to have to rent a small U-Haul to move it. I think we're going to try to do that sometime Wednesday afternoon since TH will be off work. And then our bedroom will look like a real bedroom, not just a room with a bed in it :-)

Noms for the day: Back on keto :-) Nothing for breakfast. A low-carb Rockstar and 2 flax buns on the way to work. Iced coffee and a stuffed bell pepper for dinner at work.

Song: Queens Of The Stone Age - Sick, Sick, Sick. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Found a bedroom set!!

Worst thing: Tired :-(

Okey dokeys then.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8

Tired tonight :-/ Back at work and it is definitely summer busy out here now. Sigh. On the bright side though, everyone should still be asleep when I get home in the morning so if I want to go straight to bed I can. So yay?

So Friday morning I stopped by HEB on the way home to pick up a couple of things. TH was awake when I got home so I hung out with him for a while and watched a few episodes of Prison Break. I tried to take a nap but just couldn't fall asleep so TK and I decided to go ahead and go swimming. The pool that we usually go to was closed but I found out that another one close by was supposed to be open. So we got all ready and headed over there...and they were closed because the pump had malfunctioned and there was no chlorine in the water. Grrrrrrrr. They had maintenance out there working on it so they said it might be open in an hour and a half or so. We decided to go kill some time at Target and look at toys and stuff. Hung out there for a while and headed back to the pool, but it was still closed. Looked around online and found out that one of the municipal (aka, not free) pools nearby was supposed to be open so we called them to make sure. They were, so we headed over there. I had never been there before but it's a nice pool! It did cost $5 for the 2 of us to get in but we were desperate, lol. In theory the pool we usually go to is supposed to be open tomorrow so I think we're going to try to go again :-) So we swam for a while, went home, and TK's buddy came over to spend the night. TH got home and we ordered Pizza Hut for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. I was tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5

Thursday night!! And holy shit has it been busy here at work. Officially the kids out here have one more day of school (maybe it's a half-day, I dunno), but they're definitely running in and out like it's a fucking Friday night. So it begins. Sigh.

So on my way home this morning I stopped by HEB to pick up some bell peppers because TH found a recipe for stuffed bell peppers cooked in the crockpot. I also bought some doughnuts, some chips, and some Hot Pockets :-/ I think tomorrow night we'll get a real pizza (Papa Murphys or Pizza Hut or something), I'll drink some beer, and then I'll get back on it. I know, I know...Of course once I got home I forgot that the fucking microwave is broken so I couldn't cook the Hot Pockets. But anyway. Got home and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a while and started watching Prison Break. We watched 2 episodes and so far it seems to be pretty good. Went to bed sometime after noon and got up at 7:30. The part for the microwave showed up and TH was able to fix it! So we don't have to buy a new microwave. Yay! TH made the stuffed bell peppers for dinner and I brought one to work.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4

Wednesday night! Almost done for the week, yay! And tomorrow is TK's last day of school, so double yay! So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched the last couple of episodes of Lost with TH. I'm...still confused, lol. So now that we've finished Lost we need to find another series to watch together. I'm kinda thinking Prison Break, or 24, so something like that. Something that has been on for a while would be nice. Dunno. I ended up going to bed kinda late but slept pretty well so I'm not too tired tonight. Other than that, not really much going on. I cannot wait for Friday - it's TK's first day of summer and we're going to go swimming!! It's gonna be an awesome summer :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - egg, sausage, and shredded cheese. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have leftover sausage and egg or some cabbage stuff from last night.

Song: Eminem - Superman. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Free game today on Steam!

Worst thing: The water dispenser here at work is empty. And the tap water here smells and tastes like butt >:-( Luckily I brought a bottle of water, but still...


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3

Tired tonight :-/ I didn't sleep very well again for some reason. I'm kinda thinking about going home in the morning and trying to go to bed early. Dunno yet. So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, ate some breakfast, went to bed kinda early, woke up for a while and hung out with TH until he left for work, and went back to bed. Got up after TK got home and made a cabbage, broccoli, and ham alfredo thing for dinner. The new map pack for COD Ghosts came out today but I didn't get a chance to check it out. Maybe tomorrow? And, TK's boss's "observation" that was supposed to happen today got postponed. We were kinda hoping to find out today what was going on but now we have to wait. Sigh.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - spinach, pepperoni, egg, and cheese...thing. Iced coffee and 2 flax buns with peanut butter on the way to work. I brought some of the cabbage stuff for when I get hungry later.

Song: Beastie Boys - Paul Revere. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: New map pack! (If I ever get a chance to play it, lol)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2

Not much going on today. Got home and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a little bit, then went to bed. Didn't sleep very well for some reason though. TK woke me up when he got home because he didn't have his key to get in the house, lol. Since they're on the last few days of school he took some money to buy lunch and didn't even take his backpack or anything. So I had to let him in. Went back to bed for a little while, got up when TH got home, made sausages and eggs for dinner, and now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 jalapeno cream cheese thingies and a piece of leftover meatloaf. Iced coffee and 2 flax buns on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought eggs and sausages and a piece of cheesecake :-)

Song: Smile Empty Soul - Bottom Of A Bottle. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TK's boss just might actually be on her way out!! The big boss is going out there to "observe" her tomorrow. So hopefully they'll decide to get rid of her (because she's fucking useless) and let TH have the site!!

Worst thing: Stupid broken microwave >:-( We ordered a part for it but it won't get here until like Friday. And we're not even sure if that's going to fix it or not. Grrrrrrrrr.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1

Wow. Today is the first day of June. Already. Kinda crazy, lol. So, let's see. It's Sunday night so I'm back at work. So far it's been a little busier than normal for a Sunday. I think it's just trying to prepare me for next week when school is out. TK only goes to school through Thursday but out here I think they have to go Friday too. So I won't get the super busy stuff starting until I come back to work next Sunday. Sigh.

So Friday morning I got home and hung out for a little bit until TH woke up and then we sat around drinking coffee for a while. Because coffee :-) Decided we wanted to go mess around a little bit so we woke TK up but he didn't really want to go. I had been looking online at weight machines and decided that I really wanted to get one. TH thought it was a good idea, too, so we went to Walmart to see what they had. Turns out they don't carry shit in-store, but we did find a new scale (our old one died), a nice duffel bag to use when we go swimming, and a nice little soft-sided cooler that's big enough to hold like, Gatorade bottles and stuff. So that was cool :-) Went by Academy and they actually had one in stock!! We bought it :-) Got home and started putting it together but TH had to leave for work before we were able to finish. So, TK and I finished it. And it took for-freaking-ever!! It really wasn't difficult, just kinda complicated and time consuming. But we did it! Finished up with that and went to grab something for lunch. TK wanted Whataburger and I got some Wingstop wings. Seriously nom! Got home and hung out for a while, then my neighbor buddy came over with a new bottle of vodka for us to try. It was really good! I only had one drink though because I wasn't sure how much sugar it has. So she hung out for a while, then when TH got home we watched a couple of episodes of Lost for movie night. He went to bed and since I hadn't been asleep at all that day, I went to bed at about the same time.