Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18

Holy crap I'm tired tonight! Stopped at Walgreen's on the way home (more on that later...) then got home at just almost time to wake TK up. TH was already awake when I got there, but of course he hadn't made TK's lunch or breakfast or cleaned up any of the kitchen or or or... Fucking grrrrr. I think he knew I was pissed because he did make us breakfast after TK left for school, so at least there's that. I made a couple more batches of the peanut butter chocolate fat bombs and stuck them in the freezer to set. I ran the dishwasher and we just kinda hung out and ate breakfast until I was pretty much ready to go to bed. I stayed up way too late :-/ While the dishwasher was running I started smelling something burning so I ran in the kitchen to check it out. The lid to one of the tiny little containers had fallen down into the bottom of the dishwasher, landed on the heating element, and started melting its way through >:-( We finally managed to get most of the smell out of the house but the dishwasher still smells like burning plastic. Sigh.

So I went to bed and got up a little after TK got home. We played some Ghosts for a while then watched a few more episodes of South Park. TH stopped at CVS on his way home and bought some peanut butter. They had it on sale 2/$5, and if you spent $10 you got a coupon for $3 off your next purchase. Plus we had some manufacturer's coupons, so basically he ended up paying $1.17 per jar. Sweet! I have a CVS card too so I'll stop one day later this week and do the same deal again. I had forgotten how awesome coupons can be :-)

And, speaking of coupons...I stopped at Walgreen's on my way home this morning because they had some good stuff on sale and I still had a couple of $4 off coupons that were going to expire soon. With sales, the $4 coupon, and manufacturer's coupons I ended up getting three deodorants and two bottles of lotion and only paid like $1! Plus I got enough points on the rewards card to equal $4 off the next shopping trip. So basically I got all of that for $1. Pretty cool!! I stopped again on the way to work and used TH's card to do it again. Yep, pretty freaking cool :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 2 net carbs. Lunch - leftover pork roast stuff. Maybe like, 5 or so? Dinner if I get hungry later - dunno. I have some vienna sausages and pork rinds, I think. So maybe that. Right now I'm just tired :-/

Song: Young The Giant - Cough Syrup. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Coupons!!!

Worst thing: Tired :-(


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