Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28

It's Thanksgiving :-) Today was nice! Got home and everyone was still asleep so I went to bed pretty early. Got up around 4:00 and we started cooking. We cooked the ham and some roasted squash and zucchini. TH made some cornbread and I made the jalapeno cheese bread that I mentioned yesterday and some peanut butter cookies. The bread was really good and the cookies were pretty good but a little dry and crumbly. I may see about making some kind of frosting or something for the leftover ones. While the veggies were finishing up I took a shower then played a little Minecraft with TK. We ate dinner and watched Despicable Me and by the time it was over I had to leave for work. Sigh. But at least it's Thursday night :-) Everyone should still be asleep when I get home in the morning so I'll probably go to bed early and get a little nap in before TK gets up.

It's cool again tonight but still no wind so it doesn't feel too bad. But holy shit is it busy! I am so ready for this whole holiday thing to be over. Next week everything should be back to normal, at least for a few weeks until the Christmas crap starts back up. Sigh. Oh, and a bunch of the stores opened today instead of waiting for Black Friday, so there were people all over the fucking place on my way to work. The Target parking lot was full. Kinda sad, really. "Hey, let's celebrate how grateful we are for everything we have by going out and buying more shit!" Eh, whatever.

Oh, and the kitties thoroughly enjoyed the leftover stuff we cut off the ham :-) They had a big chunk to chew on tonight, and we froze what was left so they can have a treat another day.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 ounces of almonds and 2 ounces of cheese. 4 net carbs. Dinner - Some ham, roasted zucchini and squash, a piece of jalapeno cheese bread, and a couple of cookies. Not really sure. I would say no more than 15 or so, definitely. I brought a little extra ham and veggies with me in case I get hungry later. But, we did Thanksgiving and I stayed keto!

Song: Bowling For Soup - Girl all the Bad Guys Want. I thought about doing a Thanksgiving song but I couldn't really think of one. So random shuffle it is.

Best thing: Nice Thanksgiving, in our new house :-)

Worst thing: Busier than dog shit at work :-/

Happy Thanksgiving!

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