Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14

I did it! I went to the movie tonight :-) And I actually had fun. It was crowded, so it was a little uncomfortable, but not too bad. The movie itself was actually pretty good. It was The Dallas Buyer's Club. It was set in the 80's and it's about this cowboy dude who finds out he has HIV and all of the stuff he does trying to get meds to treat it. I don't know that I would pay movie theater prices to see it, but I would definitely rent it from Redbox. I thought it was opening this weekend or something and this was just an early showing but it turns out it doesn't open until like January and this was like a prescreening or something. There was a rep from the studio there asking what people thought about it afterwards. So that was kinda cool.

So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a while, watched a movie, and went to bed later than I really should have. Sigh. Got up at like 4:30, took a shower, and had dinner. TH made stuffed jalapenos again and we nuked a couple of frozen hamburger patties. I went to get dressed to go to the movie and had laid my clothes on the bed, and Snipe jumped up there and peed on my fucking clothes!! He got my work pants and the T-shirt I was going to wear to the movie. Fucker >:-( Now, I really only have the one shirt that looks decent and fits the way I like, so I wear it any time I go somewhere. And he fucking peed on it, like 20 minutes before I was supposed to meet my friend at the movies. So I had to dig out another, smaller shirt, that honestly fits well and looks good but it feels like it's suffocating me because all of the other shirts I wear are so baggy. So I wore that shirt and just sprayed some stuff on the spot on my pants so I could wear them tonight. And now smelling the stuff is giving me a headache :-/ I almost just said fuck it and didn't go, but I'm glad I didn't.

There is a big race in town this weekend and they're having a festival thingie downtown starting tomorrow. There's going to be live music and all kinds of stuff. My friend asked me to go to one of the concerts tomorrow night, but I'm kinda thinking I'm not going to go. It could be fun, but there will be a lot of people there. I'm not sure I'm up to something like that right now. Plus it's TK's birthday, and we would still be gone when TH got home.So maybe next time.

I think I'm going to stop on the way home in the morning and pick up a couple of frozen pizzas. We really don't need anything else so I can skip the HEB or Sam's trip. I need to make TK's birthday cake in the morning, too. And once again I'll try to take a nap so I can stay up late and play with him after movie night. Other than that not really much going on this weekend.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - pork rinds, shredded cheese, and pepperoni. 2 or so net carbs. Lunch - 2 stuffed peppers, 2 hamburger patties, and sliced cheese. Maybe 6 or so. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry - 2 more stuffed peppers and leftover pork stuff. No more than 8, probably.

Song: Yogscast - (Minecraft) Form This Way. It's a Minecraft parody of Lady Gaga's Born This Way. I like :-)

Best thing: Went out with my friend!

Worst thing: Stupid Snipe peeing on my stupid pants and now I have a stupid headache from the stupid stuff I sprayed on them so it wouldn't stink >:-(


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